Novel Name : Heartstrings on Fire

Chapter 827

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Ryder strolled over, a lazy smile playing on his lips. “No sweat, Agnes. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve

seen you tipsy

At his words, Agnes could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment

Silence hung between them, thick and uneasy, and Agnes found herself at a loss for words Despite the

discomfort. Ryder remained steadfastly by her side

Feeling the need to break the silence, Agnes grasped at the first topic that came to mind. “You walked

away from med school to take over the family business. Are you happier now?”

Ryder leaned against the balcony’s glass door, arms crossed, his stance giving off an air of


“I’m not happy. Agnes. Not at all he admitted without flinching

Curiosity got the better of her “Then why do it? Why give up your dreams for business?”

Why take on the Thomas Group and fight for shares in the Tim Group if it didn’t bring joy? These were

the puzzles Agnes couldn’t solve

Ryder’s gaze settled on her face, intense and searching “For years, I’ve been wondering, Agnes. Why

did you fall for my uncle? Why choose kim first, and then again? We spent so much time together in

Manhattan, as much as you did with him, yet you never really opened curious what it was about his life

that drew you in. I wanted to walk his path, live his life, to find an answer for myself”

Her heart sank at his words. It was indeed all because of her. She felt the weight of his life decisions on

her shoulders, a burden too heavy to bear

Overwhelmed, Agnes directed her gaze downwards, finding sudden interest in the floor beneath her,

unable to bear the intensity of Ryder’s gaze “You didn’t have to give up your dreams for my sake,

Ryder It’s not worth it,” she said softly.

Ryder chuckled, a sound that seemed to hold a touch of melancholy. “You seem to have forgotten that I

left the Whitfield family and decided join the Novy Medical Team because of you.”

She was taken aback, memories flooding back.

Yes, it was at the Whitfield Manor, in the garden where they had talked about dreams. Ryder had been

uncertain whether to return to the Thomas family, which would have allowed him to join the prestigious

Novy Medical Team.

Back then, everyone in the Whitfield family was against it – everyone but Agnes, who had encouraged

him wholeheartedly.

Five years had passed since then, in the blink of an eye.

So much had happened, time blurring the details.

But within those blurred memories, much had changed

Like Ryder, standing before her no longer the innocent and distant youth of five years ago.

Agnes managed a wry smile “Ryder. I should never have entered your life”

He looked at her, his voice a whisper of the past. “Do you remember our freshman year, the campus

film festival? We al packed im auditorium to absorb the spirit of cinema Do you remember the movie

they showed?”

Her mind drifted back I remember, The Shawshank Redemption It left a lasting impression.”

And there’s a line in that movie Ryder mused, “about how some birds aren’t meant to be caged

because their feathers are just too bright, but when they fly away, the world seems dulier for their

absence To me, Agnes, you’re that bird. You stopped in my world for a moment, and when you flew

away the color went with you It’s heartbreaking and yet. I’m grateful for that brief vait“

Agries lifted her gaze to meet his “Ryder Words failed het, and the things she couldn’t say hung heavy

in the ai

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