Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 178 The Awesome Concerto of Sonata Pathétique (Part Two)

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Thinking of that, the grief in Harrow's eyes became more severe and apparent. Being greatly tortured

by the hatred coming from Spark, he could hardly contain the trembling grief in his heart.

He had wanted to see Spark so much more before. But now, when he really managed to see him and

his performance, it turned out that he was still so incredibly upset.

It's within instants that the thoughts were swaying among the audience's mind while the two on the

stage were simply ignoring them as they would soon have a collision in their concerto...

Wing was not as nervous as she had thought she would be. Spark just arrived backstage 20 minutes

ago. But before his arrival, Weston was scared of untoward accident, so he repeatedly called Spark.

However, all his calls were automatically transferred to the voicemail. He was not afraid that the

outsiders would say that the presence of Spark was just a sham. Instead, he was worried that Wing

would be unhappy and disappointed. Just when Weston became extremely anxious, Spark and his

agent, Manny, finally showed up at the venue. Spark didn't tell Wing their cooperative melody until the

moment she finished her solo. performance.

After hearing about their cooperative melody, Wing sat behind the piano in a casual manner which

matched Spark's composition... She took one quick glance at Spark. Then, she calmed herself down

and began to play the piano so naturally. Just when the exciting notes began flowing out quickly from

her fingertips, which, to the surprise of the audience, was Beethoven's "Sonata Pathétique", the sound

of Spark's violin already merged in a synchronized manner. Both were masters of music. While Wing

was playing fast on the black and white keys, Spark was unruly flipping the bow, with his left hand

gliding quickly on the strings. Their cooperation was so perfect that the audience would not believe that

it was their first cooperation. It seemed like they had performed together harmoniously a thousand

times before.

One moment the melody was passionate, and the next moment it was full of pathétique whine. Every

note was shocking, like a hammer hitting sometimes gently and sometimes heavily in the heart of every

audience, tugging at their feelings. Such stimulation made every audience stare closely at the duo on

the stage, as if, at this moment, what they saw was not only the duo who were manipulating music, but

also the duo immersing themselves in the ocean of joy, yearning for freedom, and more as if they were

two broken-winged angels, struggling with fate as they were mourning, with such yearning for freedom

but full of grieving anger for being firmly confined by their own shackles. It was a beautiful and pure

moment. Now they were totally lost in their melody as well, just like the entire audience.

Wing closed her eyes. As her fingers landed naturally on the keys, she also heard Spark's penetrating

notes intensifying their collaboration. Then, she got confused whether she was immersed in her own

melody or was being pulled into Spark's charming melody. But it also seemed as if the both were

mocking and expressing each other's helplessness and the pain of being unable to control their own


Owing to the purity of this performance, crystal like tears began falling from Wing's closed eyes. At the

same moment, even Spark's eyes under his glasses cast a touch of sorrow that could not be waved

away. He frowned slightly, and just then, a thin layer of mist appeared in his eyes. As he continued to

pull the bow along with Wing's rapid notes, a scene that he would never forget appeared in his mind


He loved playing the violin, because it his mother's dream. However, every time he stood on the stage,

he was afraid to explore the depth of music. Such ambivalence became clearer and yet more traumatic

under the music background in the moment.

Spark was pulling the bow wantonly, while his left hand was quickly flipping on the strings. Each

movement embodied his inherent arrogance as well as his keen love for music.

He opened his eyes momentarily and his eyes gently gazed over the audience through his dark brown

glasses, but he could not see their expression owing to darkness. At that moment, his eyes were filled

with unutterable sadness, which if were not covered by the shades, he was afraid he would be

completely left bare and transparent.

The melody with each passing moment grew more passionate, emitting a sense of irredeemable

sadness. Judging from Wing's facial expression, she felt the pinching pain, and so was Spark. At the

moment, both of them were drawn into a whirlpool created by their music, from which there seemed to

be no way out, but they were still being pulled into it pleasantly, as if they were competing with each

other, appreciating each other, and also sympathizing with each other. The melody then continued in

such a way until it finished all of a sudden yet in sync...

Wing's hands were still trembling on the key. Sobbing slightly, she kept her eyes closed with tears

flowing through her eyes, just thinking of the sheer beauty in the moment.

When Spark finished his last note, his hand holding the bow paused in the air almost controlling the

urge to play further. Then, the hand dropped slowly from mid air unwillingly as if anchored down by a

heavy object against his will, until it feebly fell on the side of his body with the tip of the bow pointing

towards the ground.

The entire audience was so deeply taken aback by their melodious performance that they even forgot

to respond, as if their ears could still hear echos of the sadness in the melody. Although they all wanted

to snap out of such a dull moment, they did not have the heart to abandon such a pure and beautiful


Both Richie and Brian's gaze simultaneously grew sharp as they looked at Wing. They had always

thought that Wing was happy, or at least, she was still full of hope for life. In this moment, however,

they all sensed a fear for the unknown future in her music and life.

Tears were already dropping from Shirley's eyes. Although Wing was not her biological child, their

special bond could never be replaced. Between all the tough times they faced before, they stuck it out

together and came out stronger. Wing was so sweet and obedient. Even though suffering from illness,

she would face it with smile and strength so that her families would feel less worried about her

condition. However, due to her ever present smile, everyone ignored her fears, which she simply didn't

want to express in front of them...

All of a sudden, like a loud thunder shaking the infrastructure to the ground, the entire audience broke

into loud applause, and then, everyone stood up for a standing ovation, deeply moved into tears by

such a musical feast for their ears, hearts and souls. Until many years later, when they remembered

the concerto of Swing and Spark, they would still feel incredibly impressed.

All the audience had not listened to the live concert of Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata 3rd movement

because they lived in a different time, but they all felt that Wing and Spark had interpreted it incisively

and vividly bringing it to the fore as they did.


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