Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 209 Fearless And Relentless (Part One)

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With a click, a strong light was cast on a crystal tank on the dais.

The tank lit up everyone's eyes.

It was almost two meters high, shining iridescently under the light.

Inside the tank was something that really made people hold their breath - a mermaid, floating in the


Acting mermaid, Molly wore a costume with shimmering scales, covering her body from the soft breasts

all the way down to the toes. The fishtail parts and fins wrapped her legs and feet in, showcasing a

tempting curve. Her long hair hung loosely around her body, rippling in the flow of water like the softest

silk. Brilliant light flooding into the tank fell on the crystal wall and reflected, ricocheting in every

direction. The impression danced across her breathtaking body, coating her with a mysterious

luminescence. Her bare skin seemed impossibly fairer in the swaying light. The whole scene was

enthralling. Almost unreal.

The hall buzzed with boisterous excitement. For a moment everyone forgot about Pluto. The whole

audience was blown away by the beauty of the mermaid, and none seemed to think straight anymore.

Pluto was lying serenely on Molly's cleavage. Somehow Philip managed to get the necklace fixed

there. It didn't float in the water, but it swayed lightly along the flow. But all eyes were on her tempting

bust which was half wrapped by scales.

It was uncomfortable. She wanted to say something but the words caught in her throat. She felt as

though her throat was burning, yet she couldn't find the strength in her to open her eyes. The water

covered her, pressed her and carried her along. Trapped and helpless, there was nothing she could do

but wait for her salvation like a delicate mermaid.

In less than half a minute, the auctioneer's voice pulled everyone's mind back to the present,"Now, for

Pluto, we'll start the bidding at 10 million dollars and a bid increment at 1 million!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Brian had already walked out, Eric trailing behind. Lenny and Tony

followed. The four of them were well out of the hall when the first bid was called out.

Molly was revolving slowly in the tank while the bids shot up. It wouldn't be a bad deal even if Pluto

couldn't lead them to the treasures. They could always sell it for a handsome profit.

In less than one minute, the bid went up to 20 million. It was a price that made a lot of people hesitate.

But among today's guests, there was lots of old-money with a penchant for antiques. Once again, the

Greek miniature would add an invaluable item to their collections.

The bid kept climbing until it hit the 40 million mark, where many quit the competition. That was beyond

their means. No matter how much they craved Pluto, still they knew the rules here. It was death to write

a bad cheque at Philip's auction.

The auctioneer glanced around the hall and repeated his words with practiced ease,"Are we all done at

40? Is anyone willing to bid higher?"

No one spoke a word, although everyone's breathing increased. Eyes fell on the foreigner who had just

bid 40 million. Some, unwilling to give up kept weighing in their minds how much the necklace was

worth. After a while, another man bid again. But that foreigner followed shortly, escalating the bid to 45

million after a few rounds.

The man's breathing quickened. He gritted his teeth hesitating, his eyes roaming from the mermaid's

seductive body to the necklace on her cleavage.

Noticing the man's quailing, the foreigner curved his mouth contemptuously. The auctioneer waited for

a moment and called out,"Any advance on 45 million? Anyone? 45 million going once, going twice. 45--


"50 million!"

A cold voice rang out and people gasped in surprise.

Including that foreigner, everyone turned to look toward the door, where the voice had come from. A

man in a black shirt and suit was standing in the doorway. The top two buttons were open, vaguely

exposing his wheaten skin. He stood there loosely as any other ordinary man. Yet the chiseled lines of

his incomparable face put their hearts in their throats.

Brian totally ignored the people in the hall. He narrowed his eyes and stared straight at the crystal tank.

His face was impassive, his gaze cool as ice, giving nothing away. But everyone felt the danger hidden

beneath his calm.

Just then Eric came in. His bright eyes darkened as he saw Molly dressed like a mermaid. His mouth

was a cruel line, concealing the dark fury boiling in him.

Brian's temple throbbed, his hand convulsed in his pocket. For a moment he could hardly contain the

rage that surged through him.

Tony was surprised. He had never seen Brian get so angry.

People recognized Brian as the man who had bought another item at the auction. This man was

unforgettable, not because he spent money like water, but because he had a domineering air that

made people quail in fear and look away. An air that would impress the most sophisticated minds.

"Pluto has to be mine!" That foreigner rose to his feet and declared arrogantly.

Brian didn't seem to hear him, nor did he favor him with a glance. His eyes and his mind were on Molly

throughout. A minute ago, he was already out of the building and then out of the blue the necklace Eric

gave Molly whirled through his brain and his heart sank. So he returned.

Pluto was a shell as well. Suddenly he had a mind to buy it, and as to why he got such an urge… He

didn't give it much thought. But when he stepped into the door and saw the figure in the tank, he bid a

price without thinking. He couldn't think, he couldn't breathe, all he could feel was the blind rage that

threatened to engulf him.

The foreigner was visibly piqued by Brian's attitude. Being a member of the highest social class, he

was not used to being ignored. He bid again, rather irritated. "51 million!"

It still boiled down to the competition of money. Then there was nothing to fear, he thought. Speaking of

money, the odds were stacked on his side. Who had more money than his clan?

Brian's mouth curved in a cynical smile. He turned to look at the foreigner. At the same time, Tony

quickly drew his gun and aimed.


Some scared women screamed hysterically. The shrieks broke many strained nerves. People lurched

to their feet and stumbled in horror, trying to find a place to shelter themselves.

"What, what do you think you are doing?" The foreigner's eyes widened,"This is Philip's auction!"

"So what?" Brian sniffed. Then there was a loud bang and piercing shrieks.


The foreigner let out a howl. Tony's bullet had slid across his chiseled face and made a cut. For an

instant, no one moved. Stunned, everyone looked at the foreigner. Some woman covered their face

with their hands uncontrollably as if they had felt the same pain.

Tony withdrew his gun, his face impassive.

Far away that foreigner covered his face with his hand, grimaced in pain. Brian looked down at him and

continued. "55 million." There was ice in his voice.

Silence fell. Breathing slowed. All eyes were on Brian, yet when he stared back, they lowered their

eyes to avoid his dark gaze.

The auctioneer froze. He had never thought that someone would dare break Philip's rules.

Eric gave a light smile, he glanced at Brian and then his vibrant eyes fell on the auctioneer, whose

brain lurched back to gear. In some haste the auctioneer called out,"That is 55 million, going once.

Going twice. Sold!" His voice cracked under the strain, his hand shaking as he banged his hammer.

Switching his eyes away from the foreigner, Brian moved to the dais. He was not fast, but as he got

closer to the tank, he exuded a colder and grimmer air.

Nobody moved. All eyes followed him as he walked. Just before he could reach the tank, a gun stuck

out of the curtain and aimed at his head. Brian's mouth curved to a cold sneer, his eyes dark and

stormy. The tension in the air was becoming unbearable and even breathing was an effort. Everyone in

the hall felt the palpable unease and strained to watch. In the blink of an eye, Brian drew his gun and

shot. He did this without so much as a glance at the curtain. His action was casual, almost a little



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