Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 288 Of Anxiety And Threats Molly's Story (Part One)

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Molly was inside her tiny bedroom, sitting by the small desk near her window. On her lap was the box

full of candies that Eric had just bought for her.

She opened the box and took a piece out.

She tinkered with the candy wrapper mindlessly, her mind was obviously far away.

Molly zoned back in and stopped abruptly. A bitter smile appeared on her face. She opened a drawer

from her desk and took out a glass bottle. She threw the candy inside.

After staring at the bottle for a while, she put it away and took out a notebook from the same drawer.

She opened the notebook and started to scribble everything that was going on in her mind. This had

been a habit of hers for as long as she could remember - this was how she often processed her

thoughts and how she let it all out.

"Molly!" A voice called out. As Steven walked into the bedroom, Molly scrambled to close her notebook

and put it away. She turned to face Steven who was holding a bowl in his hand,"Your mother prepared

soup for you. Here."

Molly nodded as she took the bowl. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say because she could tell that

Steven wanted to say something but he wouldn't budge. Molly decided to put the bowl down and look

at him straight.

"Well..." Steven lingered. He sat down on the other chair beside the desk and rubbed his hands

together, nervous. He opened his mouth and closed it. "Molly, well... Rory wanted to see you."

Molly's brows furrowed. She stared at Steven, not saying a word hoping he would say something,

anything. 'How did Steven expect me to react to this?' Molly thought to herself.

Steven heaved a deep breath,"It doesn't matter who your real dad is. You should know that I love you

like my own... but Molly, this won't go away by you ignoring."

Molly pressed her lips together. She couldn't answer this question because she still couldn't talk. And to

be honest, she didn't want to respond to it even if she could.

Steven didn't know what to think of how Molly was reacting. He let out a sigh under his breath,"Well,

your mother wants you to know that it's still up to you. We would never force you to do anything you

didn't want to do."

Molly remained silent, looking at Steven. 'If that was true then you wouldn't have come in here to tell

me that, ' She thought bitterly to herself.

'Of all people, mom would know if I wanted to see Rory or not but she still let Steven come in here.'

Molly opened her notebook and scribbled something very fast and slid it over for Steven to read. "I'll

see him," Steven read out loud.

Before Steven came in today, Molly had already thought a lot about Rory - she knew that eventually

this day would come. She had been prepared.


Molly took back the notebook as she wrote it down. She slid it back over to Steven who


Molly frowned as she wrote 'I can't tonight. I have to work.'

She couldn't afford to miss work tonight. Mostly because she didn't know what Brian would do if she

did. She didn't want to give Brian another reason to talk to her because if she missed work then that

would mean Brian would have an excuse to talk to her.

"Can't you miss work just for tonight?" Steven asked.

Molly shook her head vigorously. Her eyes showed that she was determined about not missing her


Steven scrunched up his face, thinking for a while before finally saying,"Fine. I'll tell him. We can

reschedule for another time."

Steven stood up, told Molly to finish the soup, and left the room. Molly stayed silent all throughout just

watching as his father left her room. She felt her heart drop as she watched him because he was

getting old and it was showing.

Steven went back to his bedroom where Sharon was sitting at a desk, writing something. "What did

Molly say?" She asked as soon as she saw him.

"She agreed to see Rory." Steven's tone was solemn as if he didn't agree with Molly's decision.

"Sharon, are you sure about this? Is it really a good idea for Molly to see Rory?"

Something flashed in Sharon's eyes. She held back the hatred in her heart and the sadness for her

daughter. "This is your last chance," She said rather coldly to Steven.

"Does Molly..." Steven stopped,"really have that much influence on Mr. Brian Long?"

Sharon didn't respond to Steven. In fact, neither of them knew the answer to the question. They didn't

know if Molly did have that much influence on Brian. All they knew was that last night, Brian came to

Steven for Molly which sort of told them that Molly was of some importance to Brian, at the very least.

So now even though they didn't know what was happening, they were just crossing their fingers and

hoping for the best.

The night came soon. Moonlight Street was famous for being packed with people, especially at night. It

never changed - it was always crowded and this was where people spent their money. You could

always forget about your problems and spend your money on all kinds of things to buy your happiness

here. And you could also live an exciting life here, like riding a roller coaster.

Molly walked briskly. She was running late because she didn't wake up on time. If Daniel hadn't woken

her up, she might have missed work completely. Molly glanced at her watch, the casino was straight

ahead. She walked faster, almost doing a run. She was going to be late any minute now.

Suddenly, Molly heard some brakes screech to a halt.

This made Molly jump. She saw that the car was right in front of her, she took a step back and made a

gesture to the car, showing her apology. After which, she ran towards the casino only a few steps away


Brian was the one driving. His fingers tightening on the wheel as he saw Molly sprint towards the

casino. He watched her as she disappeared inside the revolving doors.


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