Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 211 Killing The Ultimate Rage (Part One)

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"It is just that she was drugged with a local medicine, and the effect of this medicine is pretty strong.

I am afraid that there might be some consequences."

Brian's eyes narrowed and his tension was evident. He glared at the doctor with his sharp, terrifying

eyes. A shiver of fright traveled through the doctor's veins. He was too scared to continue talking.

"What consequences?" Brian asked nervously. Eric frowned, his handsome face showed anger and

anxiety. Seeing how emotional Eric was at that moment, Lenny's eyes filled with jealousy.

"She might..." The doctor muttered. Much as he strove to explain the situation in better words, he could

not find a proper way to explain her condition without the danger of being punished by the two men in

front of him. Eric and Brian were fairly younger than him, but their chilly and ghastly eyes betrayed their

age and the doctor couldn't dare say anything that would make them angry.

"She might not be able to speak again?" Brian asked, trying to stay calm as best as he could. His tone

sounded indifferent, as if he was just stating the facts after assessing the situation rather than being

worried for a person that he actually cared about.

Realizing that there was no other way around, the doctor nodded his head lightly. His lips quivered,

struggling to overcome the fear in his mind. "This is not the first time I am seeing a patient like this on

QY Island. I have seen plenty of patients with the same symptoms, but unfortunately, no one has ever

been cured so far. This drug causes severe damage to the patient's throat. There are also chances of

damage occurring to the whole vocal system. "So..." he stammered.

"No one has ever been cured? Are you sure that there is no other way?" asked Brian, in an

unconcerned way, but no one confronted him. Although he already knew that there might be

consequences, he had not excepted it to be so severe.

The doctor pondered over it for a little while before he spoke again,"It might not be totally incurable.

The timeline since she was drugged is fairly short and I have already given her necessary treatments.

But either way, the damage to her throat would still exist. It is just that it wouldn't be as bad as the

others and if we treat her properly, there might be hope,"

said the doctor with very less confidence. At the end of it, he still couldn't find a fine word to confront

Brian's penetrating, grimly eyes.

Eric glanced sideways at Molly, who laid in deathly stillness on the bed. Her pallid face looked

extremely white under the gloomy light. The doctor's words stunned him into terror. For the first time,

he felt such unexplainable, complicated fury and pain. Struggling with his emotions, he lowered his

head instinctively to avoid being caught by Brian.

"Tony, send the doctor back," Brian said.

"Yes, sir!"

Tony responded. He turned to the doctor and nodded his head at him, motioning him to follow him out.

The doctor, as if he had been waiting for this moment, instantly leaned forward and tucked all his stuff

clumsily into his bag with his quivering hands and hurried out the door with his nurse following close

behind. As soon as he stepped out of the Seaview Hotel, he sighed deeply in relief. He felt like he had

been through some horrible disaster and had finally been rescued and brought back to life.

It was almost dusk by the time the doctor had left and Molly was still unconscious. Brian sat on the sofa

beside her bed. His face was steady and emotionless, but a trace of intolerable chilly light lingered in

his eyes.

Eric stood propped against the wall next to the TV, with his arms folded across his chest. There was

worry in his mind, but he didn't let it show. He stood at the corner, looking idle and sluggish. His eyes,

wicked and uncanny, were fixed on Brian.

Brian lit himself a cigarette. The sudden clang of the lighter broke the complete stillness of the space.

An inscrutable darkness surrounded him and his eyes were equally dark as the room. As he slowly

took a drag and exhaled the smoke, the darkness in his eyes intensified, like a horrible hurricane

swirling around, roaring to perish everything in its path.

The silence continued and everyone was completely lost in their own thoughts. It seemed like the clock

had stopped ticking and the whole world had frozen over. After spending so many years in the Shadow

Organization, Lenny thought that she was already accustomed to cold-blooded killings. But at that

moment, she sensed the indescribable fury and hatred filling in Brian's eyes; she felt a shock of shiver

sweeping through her whole body.

Unlike usual, Eric was extraordinary quiet. His eyes were still on Brian, who looked emotionless with

his cigarette hanging between his fingers. 'I've never seen him smoke unless he wanted to release his

stress or anger. But this time, it looks like his anger would cost a lot of blood, ' Eric presumed.

"It is late," Brian stopped smoking and pinched the top of the cigarette off with his fingers and threw it in

the ashtray,"You should go home," he said and glanced up at Eric.

"I want to know how you plan to handle this," Eric replied after a moment's pause. He had no intention

of leaving. In his heart, he was as concerned about Molly as Brian was. If he could, he would stay there

all night and wait until she woke up. But he could not reveal his concern for her in front of Lenny, and

especially in front of Brian. So he convinced himself to stay calm and hid his concern deliberately. "Is

this how you are going to let it end?" he asked defiantly.

Brain lifted his head to look again at Eric. He did not answer. After a while, he uncrossed his legs and

walked slowly to the window, with his hands in his pant pockets. As he stood there, the dim light

reflected his image onto the windowpane, the figure was full of aloofness and insolence.

"Nothing will end as long as I don't wish it to. And no matter who, he will pay for what he did," came his

impassive and chilly voice.

His words were vague and Eric could not grasp the full meaning of it. He furrowed his brows, walked

ahead and stood behind him, watching his insolent back with a glimpse of scrutiny. He sensed

something different about Brian, but he couldn't point out what it really was.

At that very moment, a dreary and tense atmosphere wafted in the air in Philip's base. Shawn stood

leaning against his SUV, with his arms across his chest, his gun clutched without purpose in his hand.

His enchanting eyes looked ahead keenly. Though he was clearly a man, his elegant face and his

enchanting eyes were all so womanly that anyone would feel enticed by them.


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