Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 306 Where Identities Are Masked (Part Two)

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The fax read,"Now the fight between old and new parties has entered a critical stage. With less finance

than the old party, the new party might take a chance. Molly hasn't been exposed yet. But if they find

out that Molly is Justin's daughter, the old party might use it against the new one. It also seems that

Steven is back and working for them and is being used as a scapegoat for the new party. Jonny is, of

course, investigating this whole thing. And if people put two and two together and this gets exposed

then it's over the new party. "

Brian flipped the document over where the DNA test reports were - three, specifically. One each for

Steven, Rory, and Molly. The DNA test report confirmed that Molly was indeed Justin's daughter.

Brian squinted his eyes and curled his lips. He was right. Justin raped Sharon, not Rory. Even Sharon

didn't know this.

Brian scoffed and headed over to the shredder. He slid the reports in and within seconds, the document

was gone.

Brian's phone started buzzing - someone was calling him. He picked it up and answered,"How's Eric


"He's awake now." Tony informed him.

"Okay," Brian responded,"I'm on my way. I'll be there soon."

Brian arrived at the Dragon Empire Group hospital an hour later. Eric, in his robe, was having a cup of

tea at the balcony. He was unmoved and just staring at the sky.

The door opened. Eric turned to see who it was,"Brian," he greeted.

"Are you okay?" Brian asked, concerned as he sat beside him.

Eric smiled, touched at his brother's concern,"Of course, I am. Nothing to worry about here."

Brian nodded,"Don't get involved." He went straight to the point.

"How can I just stand at the side, watch, and do nothing?" Eric asked coldly. "They started this and if I

don't do anything, humiliating, not just for me but also for Dragon Island."

"But did you think about the consequences, Eric," Brian asked.

"Consequences? Huh," Eric said, sarcastically. "I don't have a choice but to get involved. And I don't

care what happens - the Congress could fire me, if they wanted," Eric admitted.

"And if I think you're wrong?" Brian said calmly as he poured himself a cup of tea. "Well, you can get

involved all you want and leave the Congress while you're at it, but personally, I don't want to go back

to the Congress."

Eric smiled at Brian in response,"Brian, you have a responsibility to the Congress."

"The head of XK Intelligence Agency leads the Dragon Island." Brian took a sip of tea before

continuing,"Eric, you were born into this family. You should know your obligations."

Eric was silent after Brian said this, he was just staring outside, his eyes resentful. After a while, he

opened his mouth, choosing his words carefully,"Fine. I won't get involved. You can take in the reins for

this one. But you have to promise me one thing - that Molly is safe."

This made Brian frown. He squinted his eyes at Eric, watching him,"Eric, don't you think you're going

way overboard for Molly?"

Eric smiled and looked at Brian square in the eyes,"Brian, I've let go of Becky because Molly is worth

more of my attention, my love, my care."

Eric said these words gradually, making sure Brian understood. Brian scowled in response which made

Eric smile.

Brian was ill at ease at Eric's sudden affection for Molly. "Is that the only reason?" he asked,


"What other reason could I possibly have?" Erick asked in return, his face growing more devious.

Brian chose to ignore his question and glared at Eric as he stood up,"Don't worry. Molly's safe and

sound, I'll make sure of it. But only for now while all of this is happening."

Brian cast a suggestive look towards Eric,"Lenny's going to be here any second. You take care, Eric,"

he called out as he was walking away.

"Brian," Eric said, stopping Brian in his tracks,"Don't tell Molly that I'm in the hospital. I don't want to

worry her." Eric stood up and faced Brian.

Brian tilted his head as if to ask Eric why,"Eric, Molly's not for you."

"How so?" Eric taunted, frowning.

Brian pasted an arrogant smile on his face, turned his head so that he was looking straight ahead

before answering,"Because she told me... that she likes me."

Brian finished as he walked away leaving Eric stunned, unable to digest what Brian had just told him.

"Okay, Molly likes you. But what about you? Do you like her?" Eric muttered as a small smile appeared

on his face, his eyes twinkling as if he had just hit a jackpot.

Deep down, Eric knew the answer, and it made him wonder if Brian really loved Becky that much, after

all this time. He started to speculate if Becky knew about Molly and what would she do if she did.


In Dubai, the sun was setting radiating over the river where a ship was floating by.

On the ship's nose stood Spark where he was watching over the bustling crowd and on his shoulders

were a violin and a bow. He stretched himself leisurely.

"Spark, where do you want to go after the concert?" Manny asked while he was nestled in his cabin

with breeze stroking his face.

Spark had his eyes shut, taking in everything - the nature, his body, his soul. After a while, he opened

his eyes and answered Manny,"I'm taking a few days off. Cancel the remaining shows."

Upon hearing Spark's words, Manny sat up,"But we've already agreed to them. How can we break our

word? I'll be the one taking the fall for this."

Spark gave him an emboldened smile,"Well, you agreed. Not me."

"But you didn't say anything when I told you." Manny retorted furiously.

Spark shrugged him off,"But did I say yes? Did I agree to it?" he was saying all of these things matter-

of-factly, not a care in the world.

Manny was scowling at Spark but Spark remained calm and collected. He turned around and started

playing again - a popular folk song in Dubai. His performance caught the attention of passers-by, some

even recognizing him.


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