Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 310 Why Is He here (Part Three)

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When she opened the bathroom door, she saw Jenifer. If she could do it all over again, she never

would have gone at this time.

Looking at Molly frozen at the door, Jenifer didn't say anything.

Molly was stuck between a rock and a hard place. She had no choice so she just continued walking in.

"Hey Molly, tell me something. We grew up together. Why are you so distant now?" Jenifer asked her.

Molly just held her breath and didn't say a word. Jenifer felt a flame leaping inside her chest,"So, do

you want to know who you met this morning?"

Of course she was curious. They had known each other since they were teenagers. But they were such

different people now, ran in different circles. She was rich and came from a good family. Molly wasn't

sure if she could really trust Jenifer anymore.

She shook her head, and went inside the stall. Jenifer raised her voice so Molly could hear. "He's Justin

Yan, the military vice president of our country. He keeps a low profile. He's also Rory's twin brother."

At this, Molly halted in her tracks, she exited the stall and stared at Jenifer. She felt confused about

what Jenifer had said.

Then Jenifer loftily walked over to Molly. She peered down at Molly with her almond-shaped eyes,"You

must be asking yourself why the vice president would waste his time on a lowlife like you."

After hearing what she said, Molly frowned slightly. She hated her thoughts to be sensed by people.

And this is why she hated talking to Jenifer, because the girl did look down on her.

"Molly, I won't kill you, but only for Edgar's sake," Jenifer said coldly. "Now you're just in his way.

President Yan wants to use you to turn Edgar to the Reformist Faction…

I just have no idea why he thinks you'd be useful that way."

Looking at Jenifer with a cold expression on her face, Molly didn't say anything. She pointed at her

throat, then shook her hands.

"You can't talk? Are you mute?: Jenifer was surprised. Molly nodded. Jenifer frowned and said,"Since


The cynicism in her voice didn't upset Molly at all.

She didn't want to continue this conversation, so she went back into the stall and locked the door

loudly, deliberately. She knew that Jenifer was sneering at her, but she just didn't care. She already felt

miserable, and Jenifer's facial expressions meant little to her right now.

After closing the door, Molly paused, thinking about Jenifer's words. She just couldn't figure out why the

vice president used her to threaten Edgar.

Suddenly, it dawned on her that Edgar waited for her last night out of the Grand Night Casino. She

finally realized there must be something wrong. She quickly opened the door to talk to Jenifer about it,

but she already left.

In the dead of night, stars dotted the sky. That was a clear sign for a sunny day.

Sitting in the car, Edger stared at the gate of the Grand Night Casino. He was worried about Molly. Last

night, she didn't show up, so he went to the casino to ask if she was on the late shift, and a waitress

told him she'd already left.

So he drove to her house to wait, then left when the new spy told him that she was already home. But

now things were getting more and more complicated. He needed to have a face-to-face chat with her.

So he just sat in the car and waited. When he saw Molly walking out of the casino, he quickly left the

car and cried,"Molly!"

Hearing her name, Molly stopped and saw Edgar standing next to the car, waving to her. Her glance

shifted from him to the Mercedes parked alongside the street. Wringing her hands, she walked towards


"Molly," Edgar noticed that she didn't act any differently. "Can we talk for a sec?"

Thinking about what she just heard from Jenifer, she turned her head to look at the Mercedes again,

then typed a message on the phone,"Sorry. Can't talk now. Please give me your number. Be in touch


After reading her message on her phone, he was a little disappointed that she didn't have his telephone

number. He took her phone and put his number in," When will you be available?"

He couldn't wait anymore because he didn't want to see her get hurt on his watch.

She wanted to set up a time to meet tomorrow, but she didn't know if Brian would let her out to do

anything. So she tapped out another message, saying she was busy, but still wanted to keep in touch.

Knowing there must be a reason for what she did, Edgar said,"OK. I'll wait until you have some free


Molly nodded and turned to leave.

Edgar cried,"Molly, let me give you a ride!"

Molly shook her head, then turned her head. Her gaze fell on the Mercedes. Edgar followed her gaze

and also saw the Mercedes. He frowned. Molly knew exactly who was driving that car.

Setting her jaw firmly, Molly gave Edgar a glance, then turned to walk over to the Mercedes. Tony came

to pick her up, and she didn't want him to report that she talked with another guy for too long. Because

he would tell Brian what he had seen, then Brian would punish her severely. She didn't need that.

Molly felt a trace of sadness. Without sparing Tony a glance, she opened the car door and got into the


"It seems that you guys had a lot of fun...

Why don't you find a place when you can have a long, comfortable chat?" Brian said coldly. There was

a frigid contempt in his tone.

She was shocked by this cold voice, and it took a minute to register that this voice belonged to Brian.

She looked at him in surprise. Why was he in the car?

"You look shocked," Brian said icily. His dark eyes became squarely cold and deep. What he saw made

him want to rip her to pieces.


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