Novel Name : Love Began with the First Meeting

Chapter 210 Fearless And Relentless (Part Two)

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From the back of the curtain came a scream and then a dull thud of something heavy hitting the floor.

The man behind the curtain hardly had the time to make a dodge before the bullet caught him in the

head. Blood welled from the wet red hole between his wide open eyes. He didn't have the slightest idea

how Brian could be sure of his position and how he could draw a gun so fast.

The auctioneer wanted to run away, but his knees were too weak to move. He shivered as Brian turned

to look at him, then his whole body began to tremble with fear.

"Open it!" the cold voice sounded flat and emotionless. But Eric and Tony were acutely aware of Brian's

black fury beneath his calm surface.

Tony stared at the floating figure in the tank and sighed. Never in all Brian's life had he been defied and

riled up like this.

The auctioneer pulled himself together and walked toward the tank, his whole body trembling with fear.

When he tried to open the lock, his clumsy hands shook so badly he couldn't put the key into the lock.

It didn't help that he clearly felt the dark tension radiating in waves from Brian.

"This deal is off!"

A cold voice broke in just as the auctioneer dropped his key for the third time. This sudden voice

brought astonishment to everyone's face. The rule was that once the item was sold the buyer could

take it away after he paid the bill. The seller had no right to call off a deal.

Brian lowered his eye to look at the key on the floor, a slight twist on his lips. He didn't even bother to

check who was speaking and only repeated to the auctioneer. "Open it!"

It was the same two words. But the feeling was different. The auctioneer sensed the threat hidden in

that calm voice. If he didn't open the tank quickly enough… He would be dead soon!

The auctioneer didn't know what to do. He looked at Brian, then turned to Philip who approached with

an easy stride.

"You need to learn some rules!" Philip said coldly as he assessed the man in front of him with sharp

impassiveness. This auction drew a lot of people from underworld organizations, but none of them was

as bold as this man.

Brian turned around slowly and his black eyes fell on Philip. With an arched brow he asked,"And if I


He said slowly, yet his words reverberated in everyone's heart. The tension kept building up, so heavy

and oppressive it was stifling.

Philip frowned slightly and gazed again at this man. Just but a young man, yet he carried himself with

the air of someone who had the whole world at his feet. A domineering aura that he could only have

gained from vast experience. "Well, that is a pity."

Almost before he had finished his words, the hall was taken over by men toting SMGs. They closed in

around Brian and was ready to riddle him with bullets once they got the order.

Tony took in the situation and frowned a little, but he remained motionless. He couldn't help feeling

sorry for these men.

Frowning, Eric looked across the hall and exchanged a quick glance with Lenny. Both of them were

calculating in their minds the best strategy for their team of four.

Brian was the only one who hadn't changed his face throughout. A hint of irony touched his smile.

"You're not welcome here. Now please leave," said Philip in an arrogant tone. Since he had settled

down at the QY Island, seldom had someone dared to defy him and stir up trouble in his establishment.

Those who had the guts were dead.

Brian didn't even favor him with a reply. Ignoring the guns aiming at him, he flicked a contemptuous

glance at Philip and bent over to pick up the key. He straightened up, kicked the auctioneer aside and

put the key into the lock. His move was calm, steady and even a little lazy.

It enraged Philip to the core. His whole life, he had never been disregarded like this.

Twisting his mouth, Philip raised his hand and was about to give his men the command. At the same

time, Eric, Tony and Lenny were reaching for their guns, ready to fight back.

Just as though Brian had not noticed the situation, he opened the tank, allowing in a gust of air. Water

flowed into the base, and a transparent shield slid back automatically. Molly went limp without the

support of the water and fell right in Brian's arms.

Infuriated, Philip's dark eye's narrowed dangerously. He was about to drop his hand to give the order

when a cold voice rang out. "Stop it."

An extremely impressed Eric smiled with admiration at his brother's courage. Although he knew Brian's

capabilities, he had never thought his brother could remain so composed under such extreme


In the doorway stood Aaron, his face hard and cruel, his eyes as cold as ice. He nodded briefly at Brian

and then walked forward.

"Your Highness…" Philip was surprised that Aaron could appear at this time.

Aaron glanced at Philip first and then turned to Brian, who didn't seem to register his presence. At last,

his eyes fell on Molly in Brian's arms. Aaron frowned and said,"Let them go!"

Philip's eyes widened in astonishment, but he replied quickly with a twist of mouth,"No. No one can

break the rules and get away with it."

"Oh, really?" There was a slight rise in Aaron's pitch. He looked at Philip and cursed his ignorance

inwardly. "I'll have to stand by his side today."

Philip frowned. He thought he could do whatever he wanted, but he had known Aaron for years, and

that was long enough for him to figure out one thing about this man. If Aaron said he wanted to keep

someone safe, even the devil had to give way to that. Inside, Philip could feel the simmering rage, but

he swallowed his anger and made himself smile.

Brian cuddled Molly in his arms and walked toward the door. He slowed down as he passed Aaron and

said in a flat voice. "It's a pity... you can't save his life!"

He motioned to Tony to write a cheque and left without hesitation. His men followed him. Before they

stepped out of the door, Eric looked back and gave Philip a significant look, his lips drawn back into a

dreadful sneer.

Philip didn't take Brian's words seriously. He gave a tiny gesture to his men to follow Brian. Aaron took

in his movement and let out a small sigh,"If I were you, if I still want to stay alive, I'd flee QY Island as

soon as possible. All these things you have done are useless."

Then Aaron left. Brian's presence was completely unexpected. When he heard the news, Aaron was

intrigued. He asked about the details of the additional item and much to his surprise, the woman with

Brian had been taken by Philip's men.

"Your Highness," Ken asked as he drove along, worried. "Is Mr. Brian going to kill Philip?"

"I have no idea." Aaron frowned. No doubt Brian would make a worthy friend. But at this moment Aaron

didn't know too much about him. Brian wasn't a man you could read easily. It was hard to tell what he

would do after all he had been through. It seemed that Philip would have to be left to his fate at the



Shortly after Brian took Molly back to the hotel, Eric brought the doctor over. The doctor gave Molly a

full workup and said,"She is fine. It is just…"

"Just what?" As Brian locked his eyes on the doctor, Eric frowned and asked immediately.

"This lady is not in danger. She is unconscious because she was drugged. She will wake up after the

effects wear off. It's just…" the doctor paused, grimaced at the black fury written on Brian's face and

continued,"It's just that she has been given something else, something that would keep her quiet. I am



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