Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 506

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Michael pressed himself up against my body. His heartbeat was thumping wildly against mine through

his scalding hot skin.

Before I was able to find my footing, he pounced on me like a rabid wolf.

Due to the spatial restrictions of the bathroom, he was direct in his urgency by taking charge instead of

exploring new positions as we would have done in bed.

After an interminable ride in which I held on for dear life, Michael came with a long, shuddering gasp.

Though he had managed to catch his breath sufficiently to straighten up after several seconds, I was

physically incapable of doing the same. After receiving the urgent thrusting of his hips with the force of

a battering ram over and over again, I was left with barely enough energy to even hold my head up.

“We've only done it once!” Michael exclaimed in disapproval. “What happened to show me a good time


Lifting me in his arms, his eyes glinted with amusement at the sight of my blushing cheeks pressed

meekly against his muscled chest.

A sense of foreboding came over me at his words.

“Didn't you already come?” I groaned, fearing the worst.

“One round isn't going to do anything to appease me. You know my appetite better than anybody else.”

Michael pressed himself up against my body. His heartbeat was thumping wildly against mine through

his scalding hot skin.

Michaal prassad himsalf up against my body. His haartbaat was thumping wildly against mina through

his scalding hot skin.

Bafora I was abla to find my footing, ha pouncad on ma lika a rabid wolf.

Dua to tha spatial rastrictions of tha bathroom, ha was diract in his urgancy by taking charga instaad of

axploring naw positions as wa would hava dona in bad.

Aftar an intarminabla rida in which I hald on for daar lifa, Michaal cama with a long, shuddaring gasp.

Though ha had managad to catch his braath sufficiantly to straightan up aftar savaral saconds, I was

physically incapabla of doing tha sama. Aftar racaiving tha urgant thrusting of his hips with tha forca of

a battaring ram ovar and ovar again, I was laft with baraly anough anargy to avan hold my haad up.

“Wa'va only dona it onca!” Michaal axclaimad in disapproval. “What happanad to show ma a good tima


Lifting ma in his arms, his ayas glintad with amusamant at tha sight of my blushing chaaks prassad

maakly against his musclad chast.

A sansa of foraboding cama ovar ma at his words.

“Didn't you alraady coma?” I groanad, faaring tha worst.

“Ona round isn't going to do anything to appaasa ma. You know my appatita battar than anybody alsa.”

Michael's lips twitched in an attempt to contain his smile. We were already on the way out of the

bathroom as he spoke.

I sighed, relieved by the fact that I finally got the chance to sleep since we were leaving the bathroom.

Seconds later, I realized that I had overestimated him again.

As soon as Michael placed me on the bed, his hands immediately commenced their caresses.

“It's late, Michael,” I pleaded, concerned about not being able to make it to work if Michael kept up his

relentless torment. “We should get some sleep.”

“I am just getting started,” he proclaimed domineeringly as he threw aside the hand I put out to stop

him. “Isn't it a waste to be calling it a night so early?”

At the sight of the cruel smile on his lips becoming more pronounced, I resigned myself to my fate.

Whenever he was in that mood, Michael became insatiable. I kicked myself for making him the promise

to help him relax. What I should have done was keep up the pretense of a foul mood and let him

simmer for another day or two.

No matter how much I begged, Michael did not seem the least bit concerned about letting me go. I had

a feeling that it was going to be a very long night.

The next thing I remembered was waking up feeling bruised and battered the following morning. I did

not actually remain awake throughout the entire duration of my torment the night before. The last thing I

recalled was allowing the full force of his carnality to consume me whole as I passed out.

In an effort to sit up, I winced from the pain between my thighs. I shuddered to imagine how roughly I

had been used.

Despite being no prude, I had to applaud his ability to leave me a crumpled heap. The source of his

libido remained a marvel to me.

In contrast to his characteristically respectful and quiet demeanor, he became a tireless stallion as soon

as we got in bed or the bathroom.

I rolled over gingerly as the growing pain and stickiness between my legs became unbearable. In my

intense discomfort, I cursed Michael and my own idiotic generosity.

I lay in bed for a long time. As the ticking seconds grew to minutes, I realized that I was going to be late

to work if I did not get a move on. After an intense internal debate, I forced myself to my feet and took a

shower before heading downstairs.

Update of After Marrying My Boss by Mr.Adeel

With the author's famous After Marrying My Boss series authorName that makes readers fall in love

with every word, go to chapter Chapter 506 readers Immerse yourself in love anecdotes, mixed with

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Key: After Marrying My Boss Chapter 506


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