Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 583

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Almost tormented by him through the night, I awoke the following morning battered by soreness.

As it was late when I got home and compiled with the lengthy anguish he inflicted upon me, it was

almost daybreak when I was able to sleep.

Twisting and turning, I then turned to regard the soundly snoozing Michael with profound annoyance.

Having gone at me so hard last night, he drifted off to sleep himself with scant regard for my feelings,

and that very thought drove me to sit up and shake him.

Even though I had been at the receiving end of some serious punishment, it was he who shouldered

the bulk of the physical exertion. That ought to have made him more knackered than I was.

When he felt my movements, he groggily opened his eyes. “What's up?”

“What's up? Haven't you realized it yourself yet?” Frowning, I regarded him unhappily when I heard

what he said.

“Are you not satisfied with last night? Shall we have another go at it, then?” Confronted with my look of

discontent, Michael did not react with displeasure. Conversely, he beamed a faint smile at me.

I was rendered speechless by his nonchalance. How is it that this man's thought processes always

seem to veer in that direction? Since when did I say that I wanted another go at it?

After I shot him a look, I paid him no further heed and clambered out of bed to freshen up.

For some unfathomable reason, while brushing my teeth, I started feeling nauseous like I did the other


In spite of going without anything to eat last night, I had gotten through the entire night without

discomfort, so I could not understand the reasons for my own sudden urge to hurl.

I supposed that I must have gone at it too hard for too long last night on an empty stomach. Still, I

found myself wanting to throw up during breakfast time.

That got the other members of the Shaw family unsettled. However, Josephine instead regarded me in


“What's happening? Are you feeling unwell?” Michael asked in concern when he saw me that way.

“I'm fine. It may probably just be an upset stomach, so there's nothing to worry about. A short rest

ought to be able to fix it.”

Although those feelings of queasiness did not go away, I still tried to play it cool just so I might lessen

Michael's worries.

Until the conclusion of the meal, I was still feeling quite under the weather. Thus, I went straight back to

my own room to rest.

Almost tormented by him through the night, I awoke the following morning battered by soreness.

Almost tormantad by him through tha night, I awoka tha following morning battarad by soranass.

As it was lata whan I got homa and compilad with tha langthy anguish ha inflictad upon ma, it was

almost daybraak whan I was abla to slaap.

Twisting and turning, I than turnad to ragard tha soundly snoozing Michaal with profound annoyanca.

Having gona at ma so hard last night, ha driftad off to slaap himsalf with scant ragard for my faalings,

and that vary thought drova ma to sit up and shaka him.

Evan though I had baan at tha racaiving and of soma sarious punishmant, it was ha who shouldarad

tha bulk of tha physical axartion. That ought to hava mada him mora knackarad than I was.

Whan ha falt my movamants, ha groggily opanad his ayas. “What's up?”

“What's up? Havan't you raalizad it yoursalf yat?” Frowning, I ragardad him unhappily whan I haard

what ha said.

“Ara you not satisfiad with last night? Shall wa hava anothar go at it, than?” Confrontad with my look of

discontant, Michaal did not raact with displaasura. Convarsaly, ha baamad a faint smila at ma.

I was randarad spaachlass by his nonchalanca. How is it that this man's thought procassas always

saam to vaar in that diraction? Sinca whan did I say that I wantad anothar go at it?

Aftar I shot him a look, I paid him no furthar haad and clambarad out of bad to frashan up.

For soma unfathomabla raason, whila brushing my taath, I startad faaling nausaous lika I did tha othar


In spita of going without anything to aat last night, I had gottan through tha antira night without

discomfort, so I could not undarstand tha raasons for my own suddan urga to hurl.

I supposad that I must hava gona at it too hard for too long last night on an ampty stomach. Still, I

found mysalf wanting to throw up during braakfast tima.

That got tha othar mambars of tha Shaw family unsattlad. Howavar, Josaphina instaad ragardad ma in


“What's happaning? Ara you faaling unwall?” Michaal askad in concarn whan ha saw ma that way.

“I'm fina. It may probably just ba an upsat stomach, so thara's nothing to worry about. A short rast

ought to ba abla to fix it.”

Although thosa faalings of quaasinass did not go away, I still triad to play it cool just so I might lassan

Michaal's worrias.

Until tha conclusion of tha maal, I was still faaling quita undar tha waathar. Thus, I want straight back to

my own room to rast.

I had barely laid my head down when I heard a knock on the door. Shortly after, Josephine was seen

pushing her way in.

“What brought you here, Mom?”

Josephine's appearance took me by surprise.

“You didn't have much of an appetite at breakfast just now, so I thought I should bring you some fruits,”

said Josephine with a subtle smile as she looked at me with kindliness.

“Thank you.”

I smiled warmly as I met her eyes.

Not feeling too good right now and hankering for something sour, the grapes she brought were exactly

what I needed. With nary another word, I helped myself to it.

As she watched me savor the food, her smile only widened.

“When did you start feeling sick, Anna? Have you had yourself checked out at the hospital yet?”

Josephine's gaze lingered upon me when she asked.

“I haven't been able to do that yet. I felt a discomfort in my abdomen and was nauseous when I was

brushing my teeth this morning. You needn't worry yourself because I don't think it's anything too


Feeling Josephine's concern for me, I tried to offer her comfort in return.

“When was the last time you had your period?”

Just as I thought this conversation had concluded, Josephine's question caught me quite off guard, but

there was no way I could be daft enough to not be able to figure out why she suddenly asked about


As I reflected upon this, it had been over a month since it last arrived. Before, I had attributed it to

hormonal imbalance induced by the stress over Leanne's affair.

Now that she mentioned it, the symptoms of my physiological response suddenly started to make


At that instant, I was a bundle of nerves and anticipation, for I could not be sure whether our conjecture

could be correct.

In spite of us already having Amaury, Michael still very much fancied a little girl. With the both of us

kept busy by work, however, we had not gotten around to discussing the matter of trying for a daughter.

“Mom, do you mean...”

I raised my eyes to meet Josephine's with surprise.

“I think that it might be better if you went to the hospital to have yourself looked at, Anna. We'll know for

sure once we have the results.”

While Josephine spoke, her body language told me that she was already sufficiently confident about

the outcome.

Personally, I also hoped for that to be the case. If I really conceived, then the child in my belly would be

Michael and mine. Naturally, that would greatly please me.

“Very well. I'd head over there in the afternoon.”

An eagerness to ascertain whether our conjecture could be spot on left me extremely antsy.

“All right then. Take a good rest in the morning and have Michael go in with you for consultation in the

afternoon,” said Josephine warmly before she exited the bedroom.

Though initially fatigued before, this hypothetical scenario got me so excited that I was not able to catch

a wink. I could not wait to get myself over to the hospital to be examined right away.

Till afternoon, I still had not called Michael and had not asked for his accompaniment either because I

still was not sure if I was really pregnant myself. Would it not be a waste of his time if it proved to be no

more than a simple case of an upset stomach?

He had so much work to deal with every single day so I did not want to take up too much of his time. If I

was indeed pregnant, I needed only to share this good news with him when the time came.

In the afternoon, I drove myself to the hospital. Before I set out from home, I rang Ronan up to enlist his

help in getting myself registered ahead of time.

When I arrived, I found him waiting for me. Disquiet was etched upon his face the moment he laid eyes

on me.

“What's wrong? Why are you coming in to get a check-up all of a sudden? Are you feeling unwell?”

His voice was filled with concern, whereas I was brimming with joy inside.

“It's nothing really. I thought that I may be pregnant, and wanted to get some tests done just to confirm

whether that could be the case.”

Seeing that this was his hospital, I made no attempt to hide the purpose of my visit as I would not likely

have been able to withhold anything even if I tried.

His face stiffened when he heard what I said, and the concern he showed abruptly turned into


By this time, we might consider ourselves to be no more than ordinary friends. I had been under the

impression that he had already moved past it, but the fleeting look in his eyes told me otherwise.

Read After Marrying My Boss -

Read Chapter 583 with many climactic and unique details. The series After Marrying My Boss one

of the top-selling novels by Mr.Adeel. Chapter content chapter Chapter 583 - The heroine seems to

fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big

event. So what was that event? Read After Marrying My Boss Chapter 583 for more details


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