Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 525

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“What are you saying, Michael?”

I walked to his side and looked at him disapprovingly, upset with the things he said.

While we were all struggling to find a way to save Janette, he, conversely, was pushing her to jump.

Michael merely continued onward in Janette's direction. In spite of me expressing in no uncertain terms

how I felt about that, he did not even look my way.

“If you really want to jump, then stop wasting everybody's time. Go on and get it over with. There

wouldn't even be a chance for you to be resuscitated if you jump from here, so I'd have your funeral

arrangements seen to. As far as this goes, you'll have nothing to worry about.”

Michael remained as poker-faced as ever as he spoke, and there was a sliver of impatience in his tone.

As opposed to comforting her, Michael instead urged her to jump down as soon as possible. That really

took Janette by surprise. She was quite stunned for a moment before she responded with some anger.

“You! You're really too much! Are you looking forward to seeing me die so that Anna would become my

mother's only daughter? So that you could both hoard my mother's assets all for yourselves?” said

Janette as she seethed at Michael.

“Clever. Were you to pass on, Anna would become the only heir to your mother's immense empire. All

of it would become hers, while all that you'd be is a pile of ashes.”

Michael's lips lifted into a sardonic smirk while he moved in on Janette once more.

So consumed by her own rage, Janette failed to realize how close Michael had gotten to her.

“If you don't have to guts to jump, why don't I give you a hand?”

When Michael reached Janette, he extended his hands as though he meant to push her off.

That set Janette into a panic. Shrieking and screaming, she leaped the other way and was aptly caught

inside Michael's arms.

All of us let out a sigh of relief in reaction to this. I finally realized that Michael was deliberately goading

her. Perhaps he reckoned that Janette did not have the courage to jump to her death, to begin with.

Upon seeing Janette safe and sound, a tearful Alicia rushed up and hugged Janette.

“Did you know that you scared me half to death? What am I to do if something were to really happen to

you? Don't you ever try anything like that again, you hear?”

Alicia was all choked up as she held Janette.

“What are you saying, Michael?”

I walked to his side and looked at him disapprovingly, upset with the things he said.

“What ara you saying, Michaal?”

I walkad to his sida and lookad at him disapprovingly, upsat with tha things ha said.

Whila wa wara all struggling to find a way to sava Janatta, ha, convarsaly, was pushing har to jump.

Michaal maraly continuad onward in Janatta's diraction. In spita of ma axprassing in no uncartain tarms

how I falt about that, ha did not avan look my way.

“If you raally want to jump, than stop wasting avarybody's tima. Go on and gat it ovar with. Thara

wouldn't avan ba a chanca for you to ba rasuscitatad if you jump from hara, so I'd hava your funaral

arrangamants saan to. As far as this goas, you'll hava nothing to worry about.”

Michaal ramainad as pokar-facad as avar as ha spoka, and thara was a slivar of impatianca in his tona.

As opposad to comforting har, Michaal instaad urgad har to jump down as soon as possibla. That raally

took Janatta by surprisa. Sha was quita stunnad for a momant bafora sha raspondad with soma angar.

“You! You'ra raally too much! Ara you looking forward to saaing ma dia so that Anna would bacoma my

mothar's only daughtar? So that you could both hoard my mothar's assats all for yoursalvas?” said

Janatta as sha saathad at Michaal.

“Clavar. Wara you to pass on, Anna would bacoma tha only hair to your mothar's immansa ampira. All

of it would bacoma hars, whila all that you'd ba is a pila of ashas.”

Michaal's lips liftad into a sardonic smirk whila ha movad in on Janatta onca mora.

So consumad by har own raga, Janatta failad to raaliza how closa Michaal had gottan to har.

“If you don't hava to guts to jump, why don't I giva you a hand?”

Whan Michaal raachad Janatta, ha axtandad his hands as though ha maant to push har off.

That sat Janatta into a panic. Shriaking and scraaming, sha laapad tha othar way and was aptly caught

insida Michaal's arms.

All of us lat out a sigh of raliaf in raaction to this. I finally raalizad that Michaal was dalibarataly goading

har. Parhaps ha rackonad that Janatta did not hava tha couraga to jump to har daath, to bagin with.

Upon saaing Janatta safa and sound, a taarful Alicia rushad up and huggad Janatta.

“Did you know that you scarad ma half to daath? What am I to do if somathing wara to raally happan to

you? Don't you avar try anything lika that again, you haar?”

Alicia was all chokad up as sha hald Janatta.

“I'm in so much pain, Mom. Please tell me what I should do...”

A positively bawling mess, Janette held onto my mother tightly as a hapless child would.

“Don't worry. We'll get through this. With our family's background, you'll surely be able to find a boy that

you fancy in time.”

Alicia kept patting her on the back and comforting her.

My heart ached upon the sight of this affectionate display of motherly love, so much so that it turned

me away from the balcony.

She was as much my mother as she was Janette's. That being said, even though I never had to go

through anything as traumatic as this, she had also never shown such concern for me before.

Janette had always been the apple of Alicia's eye ever since she was little. I was akin to an unwanted

urchin in relative comparison, regarded with harshness throughout my formative years. Though born

from the same mother, the treatment we received could not have been more starkly contrasting.

Michael came out after me and pulled me into his embrace.

“I misunderstood you just now. You only said what you did because you wanted to save Janette,” I felt

guilty inside as I recalled how I had wronged him on the balcony just now.

“Yeah. Considering the sort of person that she is, I was sure that she wouldn't have what it takes to

jump. She was just overwhelmed, and I knew that the fear factor would just kick in when she's pushed

to the brink.”

With no discernable change in Michael's expression, he remained as staid as ever at my words.

“It was fortunate that you came by. I wouldn't have known what to do if you didn't.” I leaned into

Michael's chest and spoke with unease.

Even though this crisis had been averted, I was not as happy as I ought to be. Seeing the mother and

daughter's relaxed demeanor really stabbed at my heart.

“We should leave them to handle the rest here on their own. Let's go on home.”

Perhaps he had also sensed that I was not in a good mood, Michael had an arm over my shoulders

while we departed.

While seated in his car, I was feeling a little down.

“Have you discussed Janette's issue with Mrs. Campbell? Does she plan to file a report?”

The car had traveled some ways before Michael broke the silence.

“No. I haven't the time to do that yet. This came to her as a major blow, so I think I may prefer to do that

at a later time.”

Going to the police would be the most ideal solution, but I could not be sure if they would be amenable

to this.

“Yeah,” Michael replied casually and left it at that.

In the next few days that followed, Alicia had not called again. I guessed that she must have been busy

keeping Janette company. Or perhaps, she had already forgotten about my existence.

Although Janette was in a delicate situation and needed to be taken care of, it did not feel good to be

neglected like this. Maybe it was the lack of attention from my foster parents that made me a little

sensitive in this regard.

A week later, I finally heard from Alicia.

When the call came through, she told me to head over to her place. I would have said “no” in any other

instance, but when I figured that they could use some support in light of what had happened to Janette,

I decided against turning her down.

Janette was spotted within minutes of my arrival. In spite of her emaciated disposition, she looked to be

in markedly better spirits than she did at the beginning. It would seem that she was slowly stepping out

of the shadows of that misadventure.

She regarded me with mild indifference when she saw me approach and made her way upstairs with

nary a word.

Since we had never really gotten along that well all this time, to begin with, I chose not to take this

affront from her personally.

“You're here, Anna.”

Alicia regarded me with welcoming eyes and approached me immediately as soon as she caught sight

of me.

Having not seen her in a week, I found a smidgen of pallor and weariness upon her countenance when

I gazed upon it.

I supposed that Janette's predicament must have weighed heavily on her mind. With everything that

had transpired, she must not have felt any better about it than Janette herself.

“Yeah. Do you have something to ask of me when you called today to have me over?” I replied blandly

before asking.

“It's nothing in particular. After not seeing you these past few days, I just missed you, so I thought about

having you over so that we can have dinner together,” said Alicia warmly while she came up beside


“I see,” I grunted as I did not know what else to say, for right now, I was finding those formalities that

were expected from me a little hard to parse.

About After Marrying My Boss -

After Marrying My Boss is the best current series of the author Mr.Adeel. With the below Chapter

525 content will make us lost in the world of love and hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks

to achieve the goal without any concern for the other half, and then regret. late. Please read

chapter Chapter 525 and update the next chapters of this series at


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