Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 582

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“That's more like it! But should there be a repeat of this next time, you can forget about ever leaving the

house again!”

Michael's rage had completely subsided after he received my assurances, but nonetheless, he

continued to regard me in dissatisfaction while he uttered these words.

As I understood that his anger stemmed from his concern for me, I could not get mad at him for losing

his cool in the least.

Had I been in his shoes, I could totally see myself bearing similar sentiments—That was because I


“It's already so late. Have you been waiting here for my return all this time?”

I could not refrain from asking as it was already two past midnight, and Michael was still seated in the

living room.

“What do you think? Do you figure that I've nothing better to do?” Irked, Michael turned and reacted

with annoyance at my inquiry.

“Come on. I've already apologized just now, so stop being like that.” When I saw that he was still upset,

I started to act coquettishly. “It is getting late, and I'm quite exhausted today. Let's head on upstairs and

get some rest.”

Not desiring to continue this conversation, I held his hand and led him upstairs as soon as I said this.

As he too must have figured that I was worn out, he kept his own anger in check and followed me to

the bedroom.

I felt much more comfortable after stepping out of the showers and was nonetheless in a fine mood in

spite of being physically drained.

“How has your day gone? Has Leanne finally left?” as I recalled that he went to send her off, I could not

help but ask.

“Yeah. She departed on the afternoon flight at four,” replied Michael while he leaned leisurely against

the headboard.

“Did she really? Did you witness her boarding the plane with your own eyes?”

Though rather excited at the news of Leanne's exit, I was still somewhat in disbelief and wanted to

verify it again.

Leanne had been such a pain in the posterior for us that I was worried she might not be completely out

of the picture just yet.

Not that I was being narrow-minded, but I genuinely did not want any further faultlines to appear in our


“Since when have you become so concerned about Leanne? Are you worried that she might return and

try to come between us again?” Michael turned and looked me in the eye when he heard what I said,

seemingly quite unhappy.

“That's more like it! But should there be a repeat of this next time, you can forget about ever leaving the

house again!”

“That's mora lika it! But should thara ba a rapaat of this naxt tima, you can forgat about avar laaving tha

housa again!”

Michaal's raga had complataly subsidad aftar ha racaivad my assurancas, but nonathalass, ha

continuad to ragard ma in dissatisfaction whila ha uttarad thasa words.

As I undarstood that his angar stammad from his concarn for ma, I could not gat mad at him for losing

his cool in tha laast.

Had I baan in his shoas, I could totally saa mysalf baaring similar santimants—That was bacausa I


“It's alraady so lata. Hava you baan waiting hara for my raturn all this tima?”

I could not rafrain from asking as it was alraady two past midnight, and Michaal was still saatad in tha

living room.

“What do you think? Do you figura that I'va nothing battar to do?” Irkad, Michaal turnad and raactad

with annoyanca at my inquiry.

“Coma on. I'va alraady apologizad just now, so stop baing lika that.” Whan I saw that ha was still upsat,

I startad to act coquattishly. “It is gatting lata, and I'm quita axhaustad today. Lat's haad on upstairs and

gat soma rast.”

Not dasiring to continua this convarsation, I hald his hand and lad him upstairs as soon as I said this.

As ha too must hava figurad that I was worn out, ha kapt his own angar in chack and followad ma to

tha badroom.

I falt much mora comfortabla aftar stapping out of tha showars and was nonathalass in a fina mood in

spita of baing physically drainad.

“How has your day gona? Has Laanna finally laft?” as I racallad that ha want to sand har off, I could not

halp but ask.

“Yaah. Sha dapartad on tha aftarnoon flight at four,” rapliad Michaal whila ha laanad laisuraly against

tha haadboard.

“Did sha raally? Did you witnass har boarding tha plana with your own ayas?”

Though rathar axcitad at tha naws of Laanna's axit, I was still somawhat in disbaliaf and wantad to

varify it again.

Laanna had baan such a pain in tha postarior for us that I was worriad sha might not ba complataly out

of tha pictura just yat.

Not that I was baing narrow-mindad, but I ganuinaly did not want any furthar faultlinas to appaar in our


“Sinca whan hava you bacoma so concarnad about Laanna? Ara you worriad that sha might raturn and

try to coma batwaan us again?” Michaal turnad and lookad ma in tha aya whan ha haard what I said,

saamingly quita unhappy.

“Isn't that what I'm trying to ascertain? Did the both of you engage in any intimate gestures when you

sent her to the airport?”

That was actually what I was concerned about. The thing that worried me the most was whether

Leanne had really given up and if she made any further attempts to seduce Michael en route.

“You know, I find that you're becoming increasingly narrow-minded, Anna Garcia. Why didn't you just

tag along since you wanted so badly to ensure that nothing could happen between her and me?”

Flabbergasted, Michael seemed miffed when he said that.

“If your former girlfriend wants to say goodbye to you, surely she doesn't want me around to play

gooseberry. Wouldn't I appear petty if I won't even allow you to do that?” I said that with a questioning

brow. Though I had graciously given my blessing to my man to send his former lover off, it did not

mean that I felt good about it afterward. Anyone else would have been uncomfortable doing that, let

alone a petty woman like me.

“In that case, do you figure that you are coming across to others as being very gracious right now?”

Michael offered up a swift retort.

Pouting in displeasure, I cast my back on him. This man is simply infuriating. Can't I even ask? It's not

that I'm saying anything much. Since it's my man that we were talking about, how could I not ask such

questions of him, considering the circumstances?

I back faced him and switched off to catch some shut-eye as I did not wish to continue wrangling with


“Are you upset?”

Seeing that I stopped talking, Michael slipped his arms around me from behind.

“No. What have I got to be upset about? It's your prerogative whether you want to share what goes on

between you and Leanne, and I have no right whatsoever to compel you to reveal anything.”

I was surly and went on to ignore Michael after, but to be honest, I was really bothered by whatever

went on between them, and his evasiveness only compounded my unease.

“Nothing happened between us. All I asked was for her to take care of herself while abroad. That's all,”

he exhaled haplessly upon seeing how upset I was.

“Really? Is that all that you'd talked about? Had she not tried to pester you at all?”

I regarded Michael with scrutiny as I had my doubts about whether he was keeping anything from me.

Knowing Leanne, I was sure that she would not quit that easily. Hence, I remained quite skeptical even

with Michael's reassurances.

“Really. Have you no trust in me anymore?” Michael sighed and regarded me with haplessness in his


Right now, I, too, felt that I had been unduly suspicious and went overboard in showing so little faith in


“Fine. I'll take your word at face value this time. Since only the both of you are in the know about

whatever goes on between you two, I can't possibly find out if you decide to keep mum about it.”

Even though I had already believed him inside, I deliberately remained spiteful. Whoever told him to

refuse to answer my questions just now?

Michael shook his head and did not try to explain himself further. Instead, he began to probe his way

into my nighties with his massive mitts. The sensation of his movements caught me by surprise and

caused my body to tense up. What is this man doing? Surely he's not thinking about...

“It's getting late. We should turn in,” I blurted these out when I met Michael's eyes before I feigned

going to sleep.

“You are one to say. For having me so worried today, don't you think that you deserve to be punished

for only just getting back in? Let's see if you'd dare to come home so late again without informing me

after this!”

Hearing Michael's voice emanating from behind my ear made my chest pound.

This man is practically obsessed with getting some right now...

“How about tomorrow night? I'm really tired out today already, and what if we were to end up disturbing

other people's rest?” I rambled on stiffly in a bid to avoid intimacy tonight.

“No deal. I absolutely have to punish you!”

With that, Michael gave me no further chance to speak. He leaned in, sucking and stirring and melding

my lips with his own.

His technique had always been sublime. Under his vicious onslaught, he quickly had me swooning.

[HOT]Read novel After Marrying My Boss

Novel After Marrying My Boss has been published to Chapter 582 with new, unexpected details. It

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