Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 581

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“I thought you said it was no big deal. Since the idea of getting raped again didn't seem to faze you, I

didn't think you'd mind.” Seeing how afraid Janette was, I decided to keep up the act.

I only did so because I wanted to teach her a lesson. For all I care, Janette can live her life however

she wants, but I won't allow it to affect Mom! She's not getting any younger. That frail body of hers can

only take so much before it crumbles under the weight of her worries.

“Let go of me, you lunatic!”

Even though Janette struggled with all her might, I continued to pull the frightened but angry woman.

The more fearful she seemed, the more I wanted to teach her a lesson for disrespecting others. I

thought it was time she learned how to be more considerate.

“You think I'm a lunatic? Have you looked in the mirror recently? I've had enough of your self-pity. If you

can't find a reason to live your life properly, I'll end it for you! Then, Mom won't have to suffer because

of you anymore.”

Enraged, I pulled Janette even harder because I wanted her to regret the things she had said to me.

Convinced that I was serious about pulling her out of the house, Janette summoned all her strength to

finally break free of me and hurriedly backed away. “You get out right now, Anna! I don't want to see

you ever again!”

As Janette shouted those words, she looked warily at me, afraid that I would try to grab her again.

Since she was already terrified of me, I saw no point in scaring her further, so I took a few steps toward

her and gazed coldly at her. “I don't have any problem with that, but you have to promise me one


“What is it?” inquired Janette as her body shivered slightly. From her eyes, I could tell that she had yet

to recollect herself.

“You have to promise me that you won't worry Mom again; no more staying out late with questionable

men. Promise me that, and I'll go,” I stated sternly before looking Janette in the eye as I waited for a


“I thought you said it was no big deal. Since the idea of getting raped again didn't seem to faze you, I

didn't think you'd mind.” Seeing how afraid Janette was, I decided to keep up the act.

“I thought you said it was no big daal. Sinca tha idaa of gatting rapad again didn't saam to faza you, I

didn't think you'd mind.” Saaing how afraid Janatta was, I dacidad to kaap up tha act.

I only did so bacausa I wantad to taach har a lasson. For all I cara, Janatta can liva har lifa howavar

sha wants, but I won't allow it to affact Mom! Sha's not gatting any youngar. That frail body of hars can

only taka so much bafora it crumblas undar tha waight of har worrias.

“Lat go of ma, you lunatic!”

Evan though Janatta strugglad with all har might, I continuad to pull tha frightanad but angry woman.

Tha mora faarful sha saamad, tha mora I wantad to taach har a lasson for disraspacting othars. I

thought it was tima sha laarnad how to ba mora considarata.

“You think I'm a lunatic? Hava you lookad in tha mirror racantly? I'va had anough of your salf-pity. If you

can't find a raason to liva your lifa proparly, I'll and it for you! Than, Mom won't hava to suffar bacausa

of you anymora.”

Enragad, I pullad Janatta avan hardar bacausa I wantad har to ragrat tha things sha had said to ma.

Convincad that I was sarious about pulling har out of tha housa, Janatta summonad all har strangth to

finally braak fraa of ma and hurriadly backad away. “You gat out right now, Anna! I don't want to saa

you avar again!”

As Janatta shoutad thosa words, sha lookad warily at ma, afraid that I would try to grab har again.

Sinca sha was alraady tarrifiad of ma, I saw no point in scaring har furthar, so I took a faw staps toward

har and gazad coldly at har. “I don't hava any problam with that, but you hava to promisa ma ona


“What is it?” inquirad Janatta as har body shivarad slightly. From har ayas, I could tall that sha had yat

to racollact harsalf.

“You hava to promisa ma that you won't worry Mom again; no mora staying out lata with quastionabla

man. Promisa ma that, and I'll go,” I statad starnly bafora looking Janatta in tha aya as I waitad for a


As soon as Janette heard what I had to say, she scowled at me.

“Who gave you the right to tell me what to do? So what if I always stay out late to enjoy the company of

men? What does that have to do with you? Just because you're my half-sister doesn't mean I have to

listen to you!” voiced Janette while she continued to glare at me.

“Say whatever you want about me, but one way or another, I'm going to make you listen to me. If I were

you, I wouldn't piss me off. As you said, I'm a lunatic, and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get what I


I learned that there was no way I could get someone as stubborn as Janette to listen to me by being

nice, so I had no choice but to take the opposite approach.

Although that would make Janette hate me even more, I could not care less because I only wanted to

see my mother smile again.

The thought of losing a half-sister did not bother me at all. If it were not for my mother, I would not have

wasted my time on Janette.

After listening to my threats, Janette narrowed her eyes at me and wondered if I was bluffing.

“I'd rather not waste another second on you, so give me an answer now. If you refuse, I can't promise

that I won't do anything reckless again.” I got impatient when Janette remained silent for a while, so I

threatened her again to quicken her decision-making.

“Fine. I promise.” Seeing that I was as serious as a doctor, Janette agreed to my condition.

I let out a long sigh when Janette finally caved, for I was unsure what else to do had she continued to

stand her ground.

“You better not forget what you promised me today because if you worry Mom again, I'll make sure you

regret it,” I threatened Janette one last time before leaving the house.

After reaching outside, I let out another long sigh, relieved that the drama was finally over. If Janette

keeps her word, Mom should be able to sleep easier.

Michael was already back when I reached home, and his eyebrows were tightly knitted as he watched

me close the door behind me.

The man probably sat all night in the living room because I did not come home until it was late at night.

Then, Michael rushed over to me with an anxious look, “Where have you been? I tried calling your

phone, but it just wouldn't go through. Do you know how worried I was?”

It was only then that I realized I had forgotten to call Michael. When I checked my phone, it was already

off since it had completely run out of battery.

“My phone's dead,” I explained somewhat embarrassedly as I looked guiltily at the man.

Even though Michael sounded angry, I knew he was just worried for my safety, so instead of being

upset about it, I was quite touched that he cared so much.

“So where did you go? Why are you home so late?” questioned Michael, whose brows remained

furrowed and arms crossed.

“I went to my mother's because of Janette. Hey, I'm fine, aren't I? Stop worrying,” I comforted the man

after throwing myself into his arms, trying to turn his frown upside down.

“Do you have any idea what time it is now? It was already midnight when I tried to call you. What am I

supposed to do if something happened to you?”

Judging by Michael's tone, I could tell that my effort to comfort him was futile.

“I know I should've called you, and I admit I was wrong. I promise there won't be a next time, okay?”

When Michael refused to settle down, I started to feel indignant. I admitted I was wrong, didn't I? I even


“If you ever dare to come home late again, I promise you'll be sorry!” Seeing how sad-looking I was,

Michael then decided not to say anything else.

Even though Michael seemed angry, I knew he was just concerned about me, and I appreciated that. I

felt incredibly blessed to have someone worry about me.

“It'll never happen again.” I immediately promised the man when I noticed his anger subsiding.

Read After Marrying My Boss - the best manga of


Of the Mr.Adeel stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is After Marrying My

Boss . The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has been

translated to Chapter 581. Let's read now the author's After Marrying My Boss Mr.Adeel story right



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