Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 538

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When I heard Janette's remark, I couldn't help frowning. Although we all knew that the baby couldn't be

allowed to remain, her lack of affection for the baby in her stomach and her unwavering resolve in

aborting it made me feel that she was a bit too ruthless.

Regardless of how she ended up with the child, that was still her child. It was in her stomach and was

already part of her. For that reason, fury simmered within me when she reviled her child thus.

Perhaps it was because I already had a child that I was particularly touchy about that.

“In that case, let's take some time to go to the hospital. We must find an experienced doctor since

abortion is no trivial matter. Janette is still going to get married and have children in the future, so it'll be

bad if there are any long-term sequelae.”

Alicia breathed easier at Janette's agreement to abort the baby, but she was still worried at the thought

of the operation.

“I'll handle this matter. I have some acquaintances in the hospital, and I can ask Ronan for help.”

Ronan was the hospital's owner, so this matter wouldn't be a problem if I were to seek his assistance.


No sooner had I spoken than Janette cut me off glacially, obviously quite worked up at that moment.

“Why not?”

My brows knitted together, and I eyed her in puzzlement.

“I said no, so that's the end of it! You can't ask him for help! Also, don't breathe a single word about my

affairs to him!” Janette roared emotionally, abruptly shooting up from the couch.

I was stunned at her sudden shift in mood, but when realization dawned upon me, I grew even more


She doesn't want me to seek Ronan's help for no other reason than not wanting him to know about her

shame. She has fallen in love with him, and she probably even secretly hopes that she'll be able to get

together with him if there's such an opportunity. But then, I really think that it isn't necessary to keep

this a secret, for he'll never get together with her.

Despite my thoughts, I didn't want to say anything to trigger her when she had already suffered such a

huge blow.

“He's far more familiar with the staff in the hospital, so we'll be able to find a doctor with the best

medical skills with his help. After all, such an operation is detrimental to the body. Thus, we've got to

minimize the damage.”

When I heard Janette's remark, I couldn't help frowning. Although we all knew that the baby couldn't be

allowed to remain, her lack of affection for the baby in her stomach and her unwavering resolve in

aborting it made me feel that she was a bit too ruthless.

Whan I haard Janatta's ramark, I couldn't halp frowning. Although wa all knaw that tha baby couldn't ba

allowad to ramain, har lack of affaction for tha baby in har stomach and har unwavaring rasolva in

aborting it mada ma faal that sha was a bit too ruthlass.

Ragardlass of how sha andad up with tha child, that was still har child. It was in har stomach and was

alraady part of har. For that raason, fury simmarad within ma whan sha ravilad har child thus.

Parhaps it was bacausa I alraady had a child that I was particularly touchy about that.

“In that casa, lat's taka soma tima to go to tha hospital. Wa must find an axpariancad doctor sinca

abortion is no trivial mattar. Janatta is still going to gat marriad and hava childran in tha futura, so it'll ba

bad if thara ara any long-tarm saqualaa.”

Alicia braathad aasiar at Janatta's agraamant to abort tha baby, but sha was still worriad at tha thought

of tha oparation.

“I'll handla this mattar. I hava soma acquaintancas in tha hospital, and I can ask Ronan for halp.”

Ronan was tha hospital's ownar, so this mattar wouldn't ba a problam if I wara to saak his assistanca.


No soonar had I spokan than Janatta cut ma off glacially, obviously quita workad up at that momant.

“Why not?”

My brows knittad togathar, and I ayad har in puzzlamant.

“I said no, so that's tha and of it! You can't ask him for halp! Also, don't braatha a singla word about my

affairs to him!” Janatta roarad amotionally, abruptly shooting up from tha couch.

I was stunnad at har suddan shift in mood, but whan raalization dawnad upon ma, I graw avan mora


Sha doasn't want ma to saak Ronan's halp for no othar raason than not wanting him to know about har

shama. Sha has fallan in lova with him, and sha probably avan sacratly hopas that sha'll ba abla to gat

togathar with him if thara's such an opportunity. But than, I raally think that it isn't nacassary to kaap

this a sacrat, for ha'll navar gat togathar with har.

Daspita my thoughts, I didn't want to say anything to triggar har whan sha had alraady suffarad such a

huga blow.

“Ha's far mora familiar with tha staff in tha hospital, so wa'll ba abla to find a doctor with tha bast

madical skills with his halp. Aftar all, such an oparation is datrimantal to tha body. Thus, wa'va got to

minimiza tha damaga.”

I couldn't resist persuading her otherwise though I understood her thoughts.

In this age, many young ladies couldn't conceive after getting married because they had an abortion. I

didn't want her to suffer the same fate. She was still very young right then, so the most important thing

was to ensure her health.

“Don't think I'm ignorant to your intention, Anna! I bet you want Ronan to find out about what happened

to me, right?”

Upon hearing that, Janette glared at me with a chilly expression on her face and fury blazing in her


Irritation swamped me when she interpreted my kind intention so detestably.

I only said that for the sake of her health, yet she thinks that I intentionally want to have Ronan know

about the tragedy that has befallen her! I know she likes him, but I also know that he definitely won't

reciprocate her feelings, so there's absolutely no need for me to do so!

I was irked that she was always thinking the worst of me, and I couldn't understand why she loved to

believe that everyone was malicious.

“I can't do anything if you want to think that of me. If you don't want to have any long-term sequelae,

you'd best listen to me. I know you have feelings for Ronan, but if you want to pursue him, he'll know

about the incident that befell you sooner or later,” I retorted disdainfully, throwing her a frosty look.

I initially didn't want to say anything to set her off, but I really couldn't quite tolerate her accusation.

Verily, I loathed the tone in which she spoke to me.

Although Ronan seemed insouciant, he had pretty high standards when it came to relationships.

Otherwise, he would have gotten together with the countless young and beautiful women who flitted

around him in the past two years. The fact that he didn't take a fancy to any of them proved that he was

rather picky toward his other half.

“There's no need to mock me such, Anna! I'll never let you off the hook if you dare tell him about this

matter!” Janette threatened as she glowered at me.

“What nonsense are you spouting, Janette? Anna only wants the best for you. Why won't you consider

her kind intention?”

Alicia could no longer keep her silence. She frowned slightly and looked at Janette with disapproval in

her eyes.

Nevertheless, her tone wasn't all that harsh when she spoke to Janette because the latter had

experienced a series of blows recently.

“She wants the best for me? Only she knows her true intention best! Mom, don't be deceived by her

pitiful appearance!” Janette snarled in disgruntlement, instantly cutting her gaze at Alicia furiously when

she heard her defending me.

“Janette!” Alicia snapped, her eyes brimming with displeasure.

“Forget it. Since you don't want me to ask Ronan for help, I can't do anything either.”

By then, I couldn't be bothered to argue with her anymore. Since she doesn't want me to seek Ronan's

help, I'll just do as she says. Anyway, she's the one whose body will be damaged at that time, not me.

Hearing that, Janette cast me a frigid look before she stood up and stormed up the stairs.

“Don't be angry, Anna. She's emotionally unstable now after having been through such a traumatic

incident. Please don't take offense at her,” Alicia murmured embarrassingly after glancing at Janette's

back as she disappeared upstairs.

“Don't worry. I won't take offense at her.”

Well, I can't say anything when she has said as much. Anyway, I don't care about Janette now. I just

don't want her to suffer too much.

After exchanging a few more words with my mother, I left. As Janette forbade me from telling Ronan

about the matter, I could only visit the hospital myself and find a doctor.

When I returned home, Michael was already back. Recalling his indifferent attitude last night, I didn't

feel like entertaining him. Hence, I spun around to head upstairs.

“Are you not going to say anything to me?”

At my reaction, Michael's brows creased slightly, and he regarded me with chagrin written all over his

face. His voice was colored with dissatisfaction.

“You didn't want me to talk to you, no? So, I won't!” I huffed, halting in my tracks.

I actually wanted to talk to him last night, but he stopped me from doing so. Yet he's now snarky with

me for not talking to him?

Update of After Marrying My Boss

Announcement After Marrying My Boss has updated Chapter 538 with many amazing and

unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm romance of the

author Mr.Adeel in Chapter 538 takes us to a new horizon. Let's read the Chapter 538 After

Marrying My Boss series here. Search keys: After Marrying My Boss Chapter 538


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