Novel Name : After Marrying My Boss

Chapter 533

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“I'm not going to the hospital no matter what you say. I'm not pregnant! I'm not pregnant!” Janette

roared and ran upstairs. It was obvious she didn't want to talk to us anymore.

She went into her room and slammed the door.

Tears started rolling in Alicia's eyes, and I felt sorry for her.

“Don't worry. Give Janette some time, and I'm sure she'll think it through. She's not a kid anymore, so

I'm sure she knows how serious this is.” I walked up to Alicia and comforted her with a pat on the


Alicia and I understood that it was difficult for Janette to accept the truth, but she couldn't just run away

from the problem. By hook or by crook, she had to face it.

“I feel bad, and I feel like I'm responsible for everything that had happened. Had I not raised my voice

at Janette at the hospital that day, she wouldn't have run away, and all the bad things wouldn't have

happened. It's all my fault. I'm the cause of Janette's misery.” Alicia then collapsed onto the couch.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks as she could not stop blaming herself.

“Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. I understand all these must have taken a toll on Janette's

physical and mental health, but she has to brace herself for the challenges ahead. Now is not the time

for you to cry over spilled milk. What we must do now is to get Janette to go to the hospital and get a

checkup. Time is running out.” I sighed.

To be honest, I didn't know what else to say to console Alicia. Obviously, I didn't think she was

responsible for all of Janette's misfortunes.

No one would have thought something like this would happen. Besides, Janette was already an adult

and should be able to protect herself. All in all, she only had herself to blame for all the mishaps that

had happened to her.

“I'll persuade her to get a check-up as soon as possible. I know this is a serious matter, and we can't sit

here and do nothing.” Alicia wiped off the tears and pulled herself together.

Alicia and I knew it was important for Janette to get a pregnancy test as early as possible. Should the

test show positive results, we would have to think of a way to get rid of the baby. The longer we wait,

the more damage the procedure would cause to Janette's body.

“I'm not going to the hospital no matter what you say. I'm not pregnant! I'm not pregnant!” Janette

roared and ran upstairs. It was obvious she didn't want to talk to us anymore.

“I'm not going to tha hospital no mattar what you say. I'm not pragnant! I'm not pragnant!” Janatta

roarad and ran upstairs. It was obvious sha didn't want to talk to us anymora.

Sha want into har room and slammad tha door.

Taars startad rolling in Alicia's ayas, and I falt sorry for har.

“Don't worry. Giva Janatta soma tima, and I'm sura sha'll think it through. Sha's not a kid anymora, so

I'm sura sha knows how sarious this is.” I walkad up to Alicia and comfortad har with a pat on tha


Alicia and I undarstood that it was difficult for Janatta to accapt tha truth, but sha couldn't just run away

from tha problam. By hook or by crook, sha had to faca it.

“I faal bad, and I faal lika I'm rasponsibla for avarything that had happanad. Had I not raisad my voica

at Janatta at tha hospital that day, sha wouldn't hava run away, and all tha bad things wouldn't hava

happanad. It's all my fault. I'm tha causa of Janatta's misary.” Alicia than collapsad onto tha couch.

Taars startad rolling down har chaaks as sha could not stop blaming harsalf.

“Don't blama yoursalf. It's not your fault. I undarstand all thasa must hava takan a toll on Janatta's

physical and mantal haalth, but sha has to braca harsalf for tha challangas ahaad. Now is not tha tima

for you to cry ovar spillad milk. What wa must do now is to gat Janatta to go to tha hospital and gat a

chackup. Tima is running out.” I sighad.

To ba honast, I didn't know what alsa to say to consola Alicia. Obviously, I didn't think sha was

rasponsibla for all of Janatta's misfortunas.

No ona would hava thought somathing lika this would happan. Basidas, Janatta was alraady an adult

and should ba abla to protact harsalf. All in all, sha only had harsalf to blama for all tha mishaps that

had happanad to har.

“I'll parsuada har to gat a chack-up as soon as possibla. I know this is a sarious mattar, and wa can't sit

hara and do nothing.” Alicia wipad off tha taars and pullad harsalf togathar.

Alicia and I knaw it was important for Janatta to gat a pragnancy tast as aarly as possibla. Should tha

tast show positiva rasults, wa would hava to think of a way to gat rid of tha baby. Tha longar wa wait,

tha mora damaga tha procadura would causa to Janatta's body.

I was sure Alicia was so occupied with Janette's pregnancy that she wouldn't listen to anything else I

said. Instead of staying to upset Janette further, I decided to take my leave. Before leaving, I advised

Alicia to continue to persuade Janette.

I felt utterly exhausted when I reached home. Michael, who was reading a book in bed, took a glance at

me and asked, “Did you manage to speak to Mrs. Campbell? Did she manage to convince Janette to

go to the hospital?”

“No. She was so emotional that she refused to listen to us. She might be in denial, but I think deep in

her heart, she knew what's going on.” I sighed and removed my clothes, getting ready to take a


“You've pushed yourself a little too hard. I think you should stay out of Janette's business since she

doesn't appreciate what you did for her. She even had the audacity to put all the blame on you,”

Michael gazed into my eyes and said in a serious voice.

“I wish I could, but she alone can't take care of Janette. I can imagine how exhausted she'll be.”

The “she” that I mentioned was Alicia, and naturally, Michael knew who I was referring to. Frankly

speaking, I couldn't care less about Janette, but I was worried that Alicia might break under pressure.

“Your kindness has always been your Achilles' heel. I'm afraid Janette would not appreciate your help.

She might even hate you for the things you've done for her. Have you heard of the story about the

farmer and the snake? A farmer rescued a snake, but that snake killed the farmer instead. I hope you

can learn something from this story,” Michael knitted his brows and said.

“Do you think she's the snake in the story? I know she hates me, but I don't think she's a vicious

person. She should know that I'm helping her.”

I know what Michael is trying to say, but I don't think he's right. I'm well aware that Janette will never

thank me for the things I'd done for her, and I'm all right with that. But will she really take it out on me in

the future? I don't think so. She's not an evil person, after all.

“Humans can be even more cold-blooded than animals, Anna. Have you seen the hatred in Janette's

eyes when she looks at you? What if one day, she goes bonkers and hurts you?” Michael raised his


His words sent chills down my spine for a moment. But still, I thought Michael's metaphor was a little

ridiculous. Janette may not see eye to eye with me about many things, but I'm certain she's not an evil

person. Besides, I'm her half-sister. I don't think she'll do anything to harm me.

“That's enough. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm so tired that all I want is to take a shower

and go to bed,” I said.

I disregarded Michael's warning and went straight to the bathroom.

After a hot shower, I felt rejuvenated. By the time I got out of the bathroom, Michael was no longer

reading. He was staring at me instead.

“What?” I looked at him and soon figured out what he wanted. “Oh, come on!”

I put my guard up and expressed my dismay.

“If you'd like, I can satisfy you tonight.” Michael raised his brows, and his lips curved into a seductive


His expression rendered me speechless. Do I look like I'm in the mood for intimacy?

“I told you I'm tired and not in the mood for anything. Don't you dare force me to do anything against my

will, for I'll be more than happy to sleep in the guestroom all by myself!”

“Come here,” Michael said after glancing at my chest.

“Why?” I looked at him warily and asked.

“Why are you so afraid of me? I'm your man, you know.” Michael frowned.

He was not pleased with the wary look I had on my face.

“Of course, I'm afraid of you. You want to do it almost every night!” I mumbled and voiced out my


“You have three seconds to come over here. If you don't, I'll go to you instead. And if that happens, you

won't be able to stop me from doing anything to you!” Michael's expression turned grim as he

threatened me from a distance.

I responded with a frown. I didn't want to go near him, but at the same time, I was worried that he might

actually force himself on me. In the end, I had no choice but to walk up to him.

[HOT]Read novel After Marrying My Boss

Novel After Marrying My Boss has been published to Chapter 533 with new, unexpected details. It

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