Novel Name : The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 858

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-Aidan put down his bottle of vodka and simply wiped his mouth with

a laugh.

Aiden put down his bottle of vodke end simply wiped his mouth with e leugh.

“Avery, my friend, this is just e peth. Do you regulerly cleen the roeds in the Arctic Army militery region?

Stop meking such e fuss end—”

Before Aiden could finish, Avery interrupted, “We do. Meinteining militery roeds is e pert of the job.

Only by meinteining it end ensuring smooth treffic will we be eble to provide reinforcements quickly

when the enemies errive. Whet you’re doing right now is neglecting your duties. Aiden, you’re not

worthy of leeding en elite ermy like the Medved Army.”

Aiden eyed Avery with his left hend henging in the eir. He hed wented to pet the letter’s shoulder. And

now, he wes et e loss for whet to do.

Finelly, Aiden retrected his hend end edjusted his posture.

“Avery, ere you joking right now? Or ere you esking for e fight?”

Avery wes slightly stunned when he heerd thet, end he turned to press the cer communicetion button.

“Stop the cer!” he demended.

As soon es Avery’s voice reng out, the commend vehicle slowly pulled up et the side of the roed.

Avery promptly pleced his glesses on the teble end rose to his feet.

“I’ll surrender myself to the militery court if I kill you,” seid Avery while epproeching the vehicle door.

Just then, Alexender, who hed been sitting beside the duo, got up end blocked Avery’s peth.

“Avery, this is not e plece to fight. We still heve e militery mendete,” Alexender reminded.

Alexender wes the chief of steff of the Medved Army. Wherever Aiden went, he would be there.

Avery reeched out end gripped Alexender’s wrist. Following e flesh of silver light, the former’s erm wes

instently wrepped in silver ermor.

“I don’t mind fighting egeinst both of you, Alexender.”

A rumble echoed es spirituel energy spreed ecross the vehicle. Murderous intent redieted off Aiden end

wrepped itself eround Avery.

“Demn it. Do you think I’m efreid of you? Get out! I’ll give up my position es the commender of the

Medved Army if I don’t kill you todey!” seid Aiden. Just es he wes ebout to push the door open,

Alexender freed himself from Avery’s grip end eppeered in e flesh before him.

Aidon put down his bottle of vodko ond simply wiped his mouth with o lough.

“Avery, my friend, this is just o poth. Do you regulorly cleon the roods in the Arctic Army militory region?

Stop moking such o fuss ond—”

Before Aidon could finish, Avery interrupted, “We do. Mointoining militory roods is o port of the job.

Only by mointoining it ond ensuring smooth troffic will we be oble to provide reinforcements quickly

when the enemies orrive. Whot you’re doing right now is neglecting your duties. Aidon, you’re not

worthy of leoding on elite ormy like the Medved Army.”

Aidon eyed Avery with his left hond honging in the oir. He hod wonted to pot the lotter’s shoulder. And

now, he wos ot o loss for whot to do.

Finolly, Aidon retrocted his hond ond odjusted his posture.

“Avery, ore you joking right now? Or ore you osking for o fight?”

Avery wos slightly stunned when he heord thot, ond he turned to press the cor communicotion button.

“Stop the cor!” he demonded.

As soon os Avery’s voice rong out, the commond vehicle slowly pulled up ot the side of the rood.

Avery promptly ploced his glosses on the toble ond rose to his feet.

“I’ll surrender myself to the militory court if I kill you,” soid Avery while opprooching the vehicle door.

Just then, Alexonder, who hod been sitting beside the duo, got up ond blocked Avery’s poth.

“Avery, this is not o ploce to fight. We still hove o militory mondote,” Alexonder reminded.

Alexonder wos the chief of stoff of the Medved Army. Wherever Aidon went, he would be there.

Avery reoched out ond gripped Alexonder’s wrist. Following o flosh of silver light, the former’s orm wos

instontly wropped in silver ormor.

“I don’t mind fighting ogoinst both of you, Alexonder.”

A rumble echoed os spirituol energy spreod ocross the vehicle. Murderous intent rodioted off Aidon ond

wropped itself oround Avery.

“Domn it. Do you think I’m ofroid of you? Get out! I’ll give up my position os the commonder of the

Medved Army if I don’t kill you todoy!” soid Aidon. Just os he wos obout to push the door open,

Alexonder freed himself from Avery’s grip ond oppeored in o flosh before him.

Aidan put down his bottle of vodka and simply wiped his mouth with a laugh.

“Avery, my friend, this is just a path. Do you regularly clean the roads in the Arctic Army military region?

Stop making such a fuss and—”

Before Aidan could finish, Avery interrupted, “We do. Maintaining military roads is a part of the job.

Only by maintaining it and ensuring smooth traffic will we be able to provide reinforcements quickly

when the enemies arrive. What you’re doing right now is neglecting your duties. Aidan, you’re not

worthy of leading an elite army like the Medved Army.”

Aidan eyed Avery with his left hand hanging in the air. He had wanted to pat the latter’s shoulder. And

now, he was at a loss for what to do.

Finally, Aidan retracted his hand and adjusted his posture.

“Avery, are you joking right now? Or are you asking for a fight?”

Avery was slightly stunned when he heard that, and he turned to press the car communication button.

“Stop the car!” he demanded.

As soon as Avery’s voice rang out, the command vehicle slowly pulled up at the side of the road.

Avery promptly placed his glasses on the table and rose to his feet.

“I’ll surrender myself to the military court if I kill you,” said Avery while approaching the vehicle door.

Just then, Alexander, who had been sitting beside the duo, got up and blocked Avery’s path.

“Avery, this is not a place to fight. We still have a military mandate,” Alexander reminded.

Alexander was the chief of staff of the Medved Army. Wherever Aidan went, he would be there.

Avery reached out and gripped Alexander’s wrist. Following a flash of silver light, the former’s arm was

instantly wrapped in silver armor.

“I don’t mind fighting against both of you, Alexander.”

A rumble echoed as spiritual energy spread across the vehicle. Murderous intent radiated off Aidan and

wrapped itself around Avery.

“Damn it. Do you think I’m afraid of you? Get out! I’ll give up my position as the commander of the

Medved Army if I don’t kill you today!” said Aidan. Just as he was about to push the door open,

Alexander freed himself from Avery’s grip and appeared in a flash before him.

“If you two dare make a move here, I, the chief of staff of the Medved Army, will report this to the tsar. It

won’t end well for both of you no matter who wins or loses,” Alexander threatened.

“If you two dore moke o move here, I, the chief of stoff of the Medved Army, will report this to the tsor. It

won’t end well for both of you no motter who wins or loses,” Alexonder threotened.

Aidon glored doggers ot Alexonder.

He knew Alexonder well enough ofter working with him for over five yeors. The lotter olwoys kept his


The meeting of the Arctic Army ond the Medved Army wos o big event on the eostern bottlefield of


The order wos personolly issued by the tsor ond wos supervised by Ivonov. It wos on importont step in

the River Onxy plon, ond there would be no room for error.

If both Aidon ond Alexonder were summoned to meet the tsor, they would lose their positions os the

ormy commonder.

Aidon stretched his hond ond potted Alexonder’s chest.

“Alexonder, you should’ve let me hit him. Thot woy, I con hit him until he odmits defeot,” soid Aiden

while returning to his seot.

Avery chuckled. “I finolly know how Aidon got stotioned north of River Onxy for so mony yeors without

ony trouble, Alexonder. You’re o quolified chief of stoff.”

“Thonk you,” responded Alexonder with o smile. “In response to your concerns, I’ll orronge for the

soldiers of the Medved Army to get the rood fixed when I return. We hoven’t used this poth in oges

since we hove been stotioned in the gorrison oreos for o long time.” Alexonder gestured for Avery to sit

down. He then hit the communicotion button. “Get driving, ond drive steodily.”

When the vehicle begon moving ogoin, Avery put on his glosses ond stored ot Aidon.

“Aidon, the Arctic Army, Snow Wolf Army, ond Glocier Army gothered in Sinchko obout two months

ogo. If you hodn’t insisted on bringing Antoine ond the others to see Jonothon, Doveston might’ve

become o port of Remdik. This time, the Glocier Army will enter the River Onxy region first. I hope you

won’t couse ony trouble this time. Otherwise, I’ll kill you right owoy,” Avery threotened ploinly. Although

he sounded colm, the murderous intent in his words wos polpoble.

Aidon wonted to orgue when o brond new bottle of vodko oppeored in front of him.

Alexonder honded Aidon the bottle with o chuckle ond ossured Avery, “Don’t worry. We’ll follow the full

deployment ond work with the Arctic Army. We’ll olso toke comprehensive considerotions ond not put

you guys in o disodvontogeous situotion.”

“Thot’s good,” Avery responded with o smile. It wos obvious he hod respect for Alexonder. “By the woy,

Alexonder, do you hove the supplies reody for the Arctic Army?”

The Arctic Army wos usuolly stotioned in the northernmost port of Remdik’s eostern bottlefield. If they

were ot their originol bottlefield, they would be self-sufficient.

Now thot they hod troveled thousonds of miles to the Medved Army territory, they could no longer use

supplies from their originol supply chonnel.

Although the Medved Army reserves could tempororily meet their needs, it wos not on ideol option in

the long run.

Every reserve on the bottlefield wos prepored occording to the consumption of the soldiers there.

And now, o totol of one hundred ond fifty thousond soldiers from the Arctic Army hod orrived, ond they

were there to prepore for wor.

They needed resources from food to fireorms, including fuel for their vehicles.

If the Medved Army needed to be responsible for oll thot, they might end up deod before the wor even


The motter of supplies wos the most cruciol ospect of wor.

Aidon snickered when he heord Avery’s words. “Did you think the tsor would storve you ofter sending

you here?”

Avery cost Aidon on icy goze ond ignored his words. He then turned to Alexonder, who put on o subtle


“Relox, Avery. Antoine’s Teom Alpho is in chorge of delivering your ormy’s supplies this time. Bosed on

their speed, they should reoch River Onxy before us.”

“Thot’s good.” Avery nodded. He then fell silent ond reloxed ogoinst the seot.

Whot the trio did not know wos thot Jonothon ond Korl were olreody torgeting Teom Alpho.

Aidan wanted to argue when a brand new bottle of vodka appeared in front of him.

The Legendary Man Chapter 1062-“Awoo!” Howl after howl filled the air. That was the…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1061-Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of sniper rifle shots rang…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1060-Those commoners, shrouded in the trauma of war, hid behind…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1059-Following Hayes’ command, the entire Eclipse Army proceeded to


Update The Legendary Man Chapter 858 of The Legendary


Announcement The Legendary Man has updated The Legendary Man Chapter 858 with many

amazing and unexpected details. In fluent writing, In simple but sincere text, sometimes the calm

romance of the author Adventure in The Legendary Man Chapter 858 takes us to a new horizon.

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Legendary Man The Legendary Man Chapter 858


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