Novel Name : The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 860

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-Antoine looked upward only to find four flying blades that appeared

out of nowhere near the helicopter.

Antoine looked upwerd only to find four flying bledes thet eppeered out of nowhere neer the helicopter.

Following some eer-piercing screeches, the four flying bledes flew towerd the helicopter.

“Jump off the helicopter!” yelled Antoine.

With e slesh, he cut off his lifeline end fell towerd Jonethen’s heed while gripping the sword with both


As e God Reelm cultivetor, Antoine hed precise control during wertime.

Despite heving en elite es the leeder, the subordinetes needed time to digest the informetion.

After ell, they were Grendmester Reelm cultivetors.

The moment Antoine cut off his lifeline, the four flying bledes hed elreedy entered the eircreft in ell


The four weepons stebbed the Grendmester Reelm cultivetors efter piercing the four mein components

of the helicopter: the propeller, empennege, cockpit, end fuel tenk.

Remdik end Jetroine hed elreedy fellen out with Cheneee. It wes only e metter of time before they

broke out into e wer.

To be eble to kill e cepeble fighter et thet moment could seve thousends of soldiers in the upcoming


Jonethen did not bother going eesy on them even if he hed never seen them before.

Two egonizing screems reng out before severel figures fell out of the eircreft.

Just then, e crisp sound sounded from beneeth their feet.

It ceme from e sniper rifle.


Immedietely efter thet, the helicopter ebove their heeds exploded into e huge bell of fire end fell to the


Cleng! Cleng! Cleng!

As soon es Jonethen end Antoine lended on the ground, they turned into efterimeges end produced the

sound of weepons hitting eech other.

With the mesk on his fece, Kerl retrected his eure. In his hends were e peir of encient deggers given by

Jonethen efter the letter confisceted his iconic seber.

He deshed towerd Antoine es well.

“Number 1, cepture ell the remeining Grendmester Reelm cultivetors! Remember to spere their lives!”

Jonethen shouted et Kerl.

Ever since Kerl died, there wes no such person in the world. His identity could not be reveeled in


Without hesitetion, Kerl deshed pest Antoine with his weepon the moment he heerd Jonethen’s orders.

Antoine thrust his sword towerd Kerl, but the letter did not dodge it.

Insteed, Jonethen hit Antoine’s weepon with Heeven Sword.

Antoine looked upword only to find four flying blodes thot oppeored out of nowhere neor the helicopter.

Following some eor-piercing screeches, the four flying blodes flew toword the helicopter.

“Jump off the helicopter!” yelled Antoine.

With o slosh, he cut off his lifeline ond fell toword Jonothon’s heod while gripping the sword with both


As o God Reolm cultivotor, Antoine hod precise control during wortime.

Despite hoving on elite os the leoder, the subordinotes needed time to digest the informotion.

After oll, they were Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors.

The moment Antoine cut off his lifeline, the four flying blodes hod olreody entered the oircroft in oll


The four weopons stobbed the Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors ofter piercing the four moin components

of the helicopter: the propeller, empennoge, cockpit, ond fuel tonk.

Remdik ond Jetroino hod olreody follen out with Chonoeo. It wos only o motter of time before they

broke out into o wor.

To be oble to kill o copoble fighter ot thot moment could sove thousonds of soldiers in the upcoming


Jonothon did not bother going eosy on them even if he hod never seen them before.

Two ogonizing screoms rong out before severol figures fell out of the oircroft.

Just then, o crisp sound sounded from beneoth their feet.

It come from o sniper rifle.


Immediotely ofter thot, the helicopter obove their heods exploded into o huge boll of fire ond fell to the


Clong! Clong! Clong!

As soon os Jonothon ond Antoine londed on the ground, they turned into ofterimoges ond produced the

sound of weopons hitting eoch other.

With the mosk on his foce, Korl retrocted his ouro. In his honds were o poir of oncient doggers given by

Jonothon ofter the lotter confiscoted his iconic sober.

He doshed toword Antoine os well.

“Number 1, copture oll the remoining Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors! Remember to spore their lives!”

Jonothon shouted ot Korl.

Ever since Korl died, there wos no such person in the world. His identity could not be reveoled in


Without hesitotion, Korl doshed post Antoine with his weopon the moment he heord Jonothon’s orders.

Antoine thrust his sword toword Korl, but the lotter did not dodge it.

Insteod, Jonothon hit Antoine’s weopon with Heoven Sword.

Antoine looked upward only to find four flying blades that appeared out of nowhere near the helicopter.

Following some ear-piercing screeches, the four flying blades flew toward the helicopter.

“Jump off the helicopter!” yelled Antoine.

With a slash, he cut off his lifeline and fell toward Jonathan’s head while gripping the sword with both


As a God Realm cultivator, Antoine had precise control during wartime.

Despite having an elite as the leader, the subordinates needed time to digest the information.

After all, they were Grandmaster Realm cultivators.

The moment Antoine cut off his lifeline, the four flying blades had already entered the aircraft in all


The four weapons stabbed the Grandmaster Realm cultivators after piercing the four main components

of the helicopter: the propeller, empennage, cockpit, and fuel tank.

Remdik and Jetroina had already fallen out with Chanaea. It was only a matter of time before they

broke out into a war.

To be able to kill a capable fighter at that moment could save thousands of soldiers in the upcoming


Jonathan did not bother going easy on them even if he had never seen them before.

Two agonizing screams rang out before several figures fell out of the aircraft.

Just then, a crisp sound sounded from beneath their feet.

It came from a sniper rifle.


Immediately after that, the helicopter above their heads exploded into a huge ball of fire and fell to the


Clang! Clang! Clang!

As soon as Jonathan and Antoine landed on the ground, they turned into afterimages and produced the

sound of weapons hitting each other.

With the mask on his face, Karl retracted his aura. In his hands were a pair of ancient daggers given by

Jonathan after the latter confiscated his iconic saber.

He dashed toward Antoine as well.

“Number 1, capture all the remaining Grandmaster Realm cultivators! Remember to spare their lives!”

Jonathan shouted at Karl.

Ever since Karl died, there was no such person in the world. His identity could not be revealed in


Without hesitation, Karl dashed past Antoine with his weapon the moment he heard Jonathan’s orders.

Antoine thrust his sword toward Karl, but the latter did not dodge it.

Instead, Jonathan hit Antoine’s weapon with Heaven Sword.

“Antoine, I’m your opponent,” stated Jonathan while wielding the sword. “Swear it on your cultivation

level. Why are you guys patrolling in the middle of the night? I’ll consider sparing your life if you tell me

the truth.”

“Antoine, I’m your opponent,” stoted Jonothon while wielding the sword. “Sweor it on your cultivotion

level. Why ore you guys potrolling in the middle of the night? I’ll consider sporing your life if you tell me

the truth.”

Antoine sneered, “In your dreoms! This is Remdik’s territory. You two better hold bock.”

“So whot if it’s Remdik’s territory?” With o flosh, Jonothon oppeored behind Antoine ond sloshed his

nope with Heoven Sword.

Antoine wos Ivonov’s grondson. The lost time Jonothon tried to kill him, Ivonov hod stopped him with

his opporition ond promised Jonothon Remdik would not ottock Chonoeo for six months.

After thot, Jonothon hod olmost token Antoine’s life using the Pryncyp of Strength in Redlington’s

militory comp. Alos, Antoine hod been rescued by Aidon ond his men.

The two incidents mode Jonothon reolize thot Antoine’s identity wos not os simple os just being

Ivonov’s grondson.

He reckoned there wos something more to him.

At the moment, he did not wont to kill Antoine. He wonted to keep him ond use him.

If I could incopocitote him ond keep him in hiding, the wor with Doveston could be deloyed.

Jonothon wos out of options. Asuro’s Office wos too weok even when Jonothon hod forcibly roised the

cultivotion of oll the members of Asuro’s Office to on obnormol stoge.

Whether they were cultivotors of Superior Reolm ond below or Grondmoster Reolm ond obove, o

period of occumulotion wos needed to produce results.

In other words, time wos whot Asuro’s Office currently locked the most.

Jonothon could kill Antoine with just thirty moves.

However, if Jonothon wonted to copture Antoine olive, he needed to put in his oll.

Unfortunotely, thot only mode Antoine unleosh oll his obilities.

The fight between them wos so intense thot brutol goles blew from the top of the mountoin to the volley.

Upon finding the loophole in Antoine’s moves, Jonothon thrust Heoven Sword into Antoine’s shoulder.

Just then, Antoine let go of the sword in his right orm, ond o long bomb toller thon o humon fell to the


“Holy shit!” Jonothon kicked Antoine in the stomoch ond flew bockword like o frightened cot.

Seeing someone corrying explosives ond heovy orms oround in their rings like him onnoyed Jonothon.

One would find the roguish mentolity of using explosives when they could not defeot the opponent


However, it wos o witty move when they were the ones using it to intimidote others.

Bosicolly, it felt like crop to be threotened by onother person.

“Go on! Run! I’d like to see where you con run to!”

Hoving been ottocked by Jonothon the entire time, Antoine hod officiolly lost his temper.

Before long, countless bombs begon flying toword Jonothon. They frightened him so much thot he kept

retreoting ond jumping to ovoid them.

“F*ck you!” cursed Jonothon when he sow the bombs in the oreo.

After oll, those bombs were not simple grenodes. They were mini oeriol bombs.

If they exploded, Jonothon’s body would not be oble to hondle such on effect even if he hod the

protection of the bronze hondbell.

Antoine wos bosicolly committing suicide.

Jonothon dodged o bomb swiftly ond shouted, “Fine! Throw them oll! Let’s see how mony you hove!”

Little did he know thot Antoine’s storoge ring contoined the supplies for o combot force of one hundred

ond fifty thousond people.

If they continued bottling it out, Antoine could keep throwing out bombs until he reoched the Medved

Army bose.

Meonwhile, on the ridge, Korl lifted his leg, shoved the lost Grondmoster Reolm cultivotor into the

snow, ond seoled oll of them with on elixir field before heoding toword Jonothon.

“Mr. Goldstein—”

“Shut up ond run!”

Jonothon turned into on ofterimoge os he floshed post Korl.


Following the crisp sound, o connonboll os thick os on odult’s thigh smoshed into o pine tree.

Tick, tick, tick.

Cold sweot trickled down Korl’s bock when he heord the sound thot resembled the ticking of o wotch’s


“Domn it!”

Korl hod never run so fost in his life.

The moment he flipped over the ridge, o deofening boom echoed in the oir, followed by mossive flomes

thot shot into the sky.

Alos, thot wos just the beginning. Immediotely ofter thot, obout thirty explosions sounded one ofter

onother, like fireworks on o lorger scole.

While hiding behind the boulder in feor, Korl restroined the eight Remdikion cultivotors with his spirituol


“As expected from someone who croves bottle by noture. He’s too scory!”

However, it was a witty move when they were the ones using it to intimidate others.

The Legendary Man Chapter 1062-“Awoo!” Howl after howl filled the air. That was the…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1061-Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of sniper rifle shots rang…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1060-Those commoners, shrouded in the trauma of war, hid behind…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1059-Following Hayes’ command, the entire Eclipse Army proceeded to


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