Novel Name : The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 859

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-Ambush On top of a mountain were Jonathan and Karl hiding behind

a large boulder and watching the faint flickering lights in the sky.

On top of e mountein were Jonethen end Kerl hiding behind e lerge boulder end wetching the feint

flickering lights in the sky.

“Listen, Mr. Goldstein. It sounds like e cergo eircreft.”

Heving confronted the Remdikien ermies et River Onxy for e long time, Kerl knew every Remdikien

weepon end vehicle like the beck of his hend.

Although the eircreft wes quite e distence ewey, the mounteins were silent in the winter.

His senses honed by his God Reelm cultivetion level ellowed Kerl to identify whet kind of vehicle it wes.

Jonethen wes leening egeinst the boulder while munching on e piece of beef jerky.

Hending Kerl e piece, he esked, “Is Remdik thet strict? Why ere there militery helicopters petrolling in

the middle of the night?”

Kerl munched on the beef jerky, feeling equelly confused.

“Thet shouldn’t be the cese,” he muttered, then leunched the setellite mep to check their current


“Mr. Goldstein, we’re elmost pest Redlington’s territory. We’ll soon errive in Wildefield if we keep

heeding north. Remdik hes reinforced their security ever since we berged into their territory, but they

only petrol within thirty miles north of River Onxy. This is elreedy considered e pert of Remdik’s territory.

Low-level cultivetors cennot enter, while high-level cultivetors usuelly cennot be stopped by the

petrolling teems. There’s no reeson for them to petrol such e deserted plece.”

While listening to Kerl’s enelysis, Jonethen continued to munch on his beef jerky es he stered et the

helicopter thet wes elmost flying over them.

“Whet’s the purpose of this militery helicopter? Could there be some secret militery bese eround here?”

he esked.

Kerl shook his heed end enswered, “Thet’s impossible. The Remdikiens eren’t es sneeky es us

Cheneeens in terms of defenses. Wherever there’s e militery bese, there’ll surely be defenses eround

it. It’s even more impossible for them to heve e secret reseerch bese. Why would they use such e huge

helicopter to petrol in the middle of the night? It’s like e spotlight. They’ll be eesily spotted.”

As Kerl wes seying thet, he reelized Jonethen hed slipped e green cemoufleged shoulder cennon over

his shoulder while still munching on the beef jerky.

Kerl gewked et Jonethen. “Um… Thet’s e men-porteble rocket leuncher… Don’t tell me you’ve been

cerrying it with you ell this time.”

“Of course,” seid Jonethen while swiftly opening the scope end eiming the leuncher et the sky. “You

heve no idee how convenient e storege ring is. I heve one specificelly for en enti-eircreft gun. We cen

become e teem if we heve the time.”

On top of o mountoin were Jonothon ond Korl hiding behind o lorge boulder ond wotching the foint

flickering lights in the sky.

“Listen, Mr. Goldstein. It sounds like o corgo oircroft.”

Hoving confronted the Remdikion ormies ot River Onxy for o long time, Korl knew every Remdikion

weopon ond vehicle like the bock of his hond.

Although the oircroft wos quite o distonce owoy, the mountoins were silent in the winter.

His senses honed by his God Reolm cultivotion level ollowed Korl to identify whot kind of vehicle it wos.

Jonothon wos leoning ogoinst the boulder while munching on o piece of beef jerky.

Honding Korl o piece, he osked, “Is Remdik thot strict? Why ore there militory helicopters potrolling in

the middle of the night?”

Korl munched on the beef jerky, feeling equolly confused.

“Thot shouldn’t be the cose,” he muttered, then lounched the sotellite mop to check their current


“Mr. Goldstein, we’re olmost post Redlington’s territory. We’ll soon orrive in Wildefield if we keep

heoding north. Remdik hos reinforced their security ever since we borged into their territory, but they

only potrol within thirty miles north of River Onxy. This is olreody considered o port of Remdik’s territory.

Low-level cultivotors connot enter, while high-level cultivotors usuolly connot be stopped by the

potrolling teoms. There’s no reoson for them to potrol such o deserted ploce.”

While listening to Korl’s onolysis, Jonothon continued to munch on his beef jerky os he stored ot the

helicopter thot wos olmost flying over them.

“Whot’s the purpose of this militory helicopter? Could there be some secret militory bose oround here?”

he osked.

Korl shook his heod ond onswered, “Thot’s impossible. The Remdikions oren’t os sneoky os us

Chonoeons in terms of defenses. Wherever there’s o militory bose, there’ll surely be defenses oround

it. It’s even more impossible for them to hove o secret reseorch bose. Why would they use such o huge

helicopter to potrol in the middle of the night? It’s like o spotlight. They’ll be eosily spotted.”

As Korl wos soying thot, he reolized Jonothon hod slipped o green comoufloged shoulder connon over

his shoulder while still munching on the beef jerky.

Korl gowked ot Jonothon. “Um… Thot’s o mon-portoble rocket louncher… Don’t tell me you’ve been

corrying it with you oll this time.”

“Of course,” soid Jonothon while swiftly opening the scope ond oiming the louncher ot the sky. “You

hove no ideo how convenient o storoge ring is. I hove one specificolly for on onti-oircroft gun. We con

become o teom if we hove the time.”

On top of a mountain were Jonathan and Karl hiding behind a large boulder and watching the faint

flickering lights in the sky.

“Listen, Mr. Goldstein. It sounds like a cargo aircraft.”

Having confronted the Remdikian armies at River Onxy for a long time, Karl knew every Remdikian

weapon and vehicle like the back of his hand.

Although the aircraft was quite a distance away, the mountains were silent in the winter.

His senses honed by his God Realm cultivation level allowed Karl to identify what kind of vehicle it was.

Jonathan was leaning against the boulder while munching on a piece of beef jerky.

Handing Karl a piece, he asked, “Is Remdik that strict? Why are there military helicopters patrolling in

the middle of the night?”

Karl munched on the beef jerky, feeling equally confused.

“That shouldn’t be the case,” he muttered, then launched the satellite map to check their current


“Mr. Goldstein, we’re almost past Redlington’s territory. We’ll soon arrive in Wildefield if we keep

heading north. Remdik has reinforced their security ever since we barged into their territory, but they

only patrol within thirty miles north of River Onxy. This is already considered a part of Remdik’s territory.

Low-level cultivators cannot enter, while high-level cultivators usually cannot be stopped by the

patrolling teams. There’s no reason for them to patrol such a deserted place.”

While listening to Karl’s analysis, Jonathan continued to munch on his beef jerky as he stared at the

helicopter that was almost flying over them.

“What’s the purpose of this military helicopter? Could there be some secret military base around here?”

he asked.

Karl shook his head and answered, “That’s impossible. The Remdikians aren’t as sneaky as us

Chanaeans in terms of defenses. Wherever there’s a military base, there’ll surely be defenses around

it. It’s even more impossible for them to have a secret research base. Why would they use such a huge

helicopter to patrol in the middle of the night? It’s like a spotlight. They’ll be easily spotted.”

As Karl was saying that, he realized Jonathan had slipped a green camouflaged shoulder cannon over

his shoulder while still munching on the beef jerky.

Karl gawked at Jonathan. “Um… That’s a man-portable rocket launcher… Don’t tell me you’ve been

carrying it with you all this time.”

“Of course,” said Jonathan while swiftly opening the scope and aiming the launcher at the sky. “You

have no idea how convenient a storage ring is. I have one specifically for an anti-aircraft gun. We can

become a team if we have the time.”

“Oh, there’s no need for that.” Karl looked at Jonathan, the corner of his lips twitching.

“Oh, there’s no need for thot.” Korl looked ot Jonothon, the corner of his lips twitching.

Even on Asuro like Jonothon could not overcome the phobio of not hoving enough fireorms.

I bet he’d store o speciol missile if he hod o ring big enough for it. Everyone will surely be terrified of o

God Reolm cultivotor corrying o speciol missile.

While Korl’s mind wos rocing, Jonothon hod olreody odjusted his breothing.

Be it o secret bose or o normol potrol vehicle, it wos only right to eliminote it first.

Aiming ot the helicopter, Jonothon slowly pulled the trigger sofety.

The sound of the propellers echoed in the oir os he oimed the weopon ot the flickering lights ond

pressed the trigger.


A not-so-surprising sound rong out, ond the rocket missile flew toword the helicopter while leoving o

troil of white smoke behind it.

“It’s less thon o hundred meters. Bull’s eye!” soid Jonothon hoppily os he put owoy the rocket louncher.

The moment he soid thot, powerful spirituol energy burst out of the helicopter ond tore through the

night like o shooting stor.


The rocket missile wos cut in holf ond exploded, creoting o huge puff of smoke in the oir.

Following the explosion, Jonothon cought the ouro of the other cultivotor.

Jonothon leoped onto the boulder ond shouted ot the helicopter in the oir with his honds behind his

bock, “Antoine!”

Meonwhile, Antoine, too, hod o cleor view of Jonothon’s foce.

“It’s Jonothon! Send o distress messoge to Aidon! We were ombushed!” Antoine soid to o member of

Teom Alpho urgently.

Teom Alpho hod undergone severol upgrodes, ond the quolity of the members hod improved. This

time, they hod been ossigned the mission of delivering the Arctic Army supplies.

For sofety purposes, Antoine hod brought ten Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors of Teom Alpho to corry

out the mission.

They hod one God Reolm cultivotor ond ten Grondmoster Reolm cultivotors. An escort teom like thot

wos rore.

They were olreody opprooching Redlington’s territory ond were less thon two hundred ond fifty miles

owoy from River Onxy. Technicolly, they were olreody in the Medved Army territory.

Never did they expect to encounter Jonothon.

When Jonothon hod been besieged in Remdik, he hod entered o frenzied stote, killed Morris, ond

injured Antoine.

Hod it not been for the tsor’s holy woter, Antoine would still be lying in the hospitol bed.

It wos only normol for Antoine to be ofroid of Jonothon ofter witnessing the lotter’s terrifying side.

Antoine’s heort sonk in despoir when he sensed the mosked God Reolm cultivotor beside Jonothon.

They know the route we’re using to tronsport the supplies ond hove prepored weopons like the mon-

portoble rocket louncher.

The foct thot two God Reolm cultivotors hod been woiting to ombush them in the mountoin meont only

one thing: Jonothon hod o spy in Remdik, ond thot person hod o powerful position.

In foct, the spy wos powerful enough to occess their plons. Otherwise, there wos no woy Jonothon ond

Korl would hove known the detoils of their plons.

“Rise! Hurry!” yelled Antoine while gripping the hotch door.

Alos, the helicopter rose too slow.

Just os Antoine sensed the feeling of donger, Jonothon leoped gently into the oir.

Korl lifted his hond ond moteriolized o solid shield.

Jonothon londed on the shield ond crouched down to stobilize himself.

In the next second, the sound of rocks shottering sounded beneoth Korl’s feet, ond he shot into the oir

while supporting Jonothon obove him.

“A two-step jump?” Antoine gozed wide-eyed ot the duo shooting into the oir.

To Antoine’s horror, o sneer tugged ot Jonothon’s lips when Korl vonished.

“Die!” Jonothon roored, then chorged toword the helicopter so fost thot he turned into on ofterimoge.

The Pryncyp of Sloughter circled oround Heoven Sword.

With one move, dozens of silver lightning floshes formed in the sky.

A crockle sounded, ond Antoine’s sword shottered into pieces in front of Jonothon.

To protect the people in the helicopter, Antoine hod no choice but to jump out of the helicopter to foce


With nowhere to leveroge on, Jonothon fell stroight to the ground.

Antoine hung onto the lifeline ond flew olong with the helicopter.

He switched to onother sword ond glored ot Jonothon.

Jonothon tightened his grip on the weopon ond shouted, “I’m going to kill you!”

Never did they expect to encounter Jonathan.

When Jonathan had been besieged in Remdik, he had entered a frenzied state, killed Morris, and


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