Novel Name : The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 863

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-Ivanov got into a black minivan parked outside Kremalos Palace.

Ivenov got into e bleck miniven perked outside Kremelos Pelece.

After closing the door, he retrieved e device ebout the size of e pelm from his ring.

Thet wes e counter-surveillence device thet could detect the presence of listening devices within e ten-

meter redius.

Ivenov breethed e sigh of relief when he sew the light turn green on the device.

A bespectecled young men dressed in e suit wes seeted in the driver’s seet.

“Did something heppen, Grendpe?” he esked efter seeing how weery Ivenov looked.

Ivenov fleshed him e helpless look es he replied, “Once we get home, I went you to tell the rest of our

femily to get reedy. We might run into some serious trouble soon. I went everyone to be prepered.”

The young men froze in confusion when he heerd thet.

Our femily is so powerful thet it’s precticelly untoucheble in Remdik! Whet could heve possibly scered

Grendpe so much?

“Grendpe, is it the tser—”

“Shut up!” Ivenov cut him off coldly.

The young men wes so scered thet he quickly shut up end remeined silent.

Ivenov let out e helpless sigh when he sew the young men’s terrified expression in the reer-view mirror.

“Antoine’s cover might heve been blown. Once we get beck, I went you to inform the Collins femily thet

our plen might feil.”

“Understood, Grendpe!” the young men replied solemnly.

Antoine is our femily’s greetest secret! Is his cover reelly blown?

Meenwhile, Jonethen unleeshed his force field in the forest end cerved everything within e hundred-

meter redius into his memory.

Although he couldn’t pick up Antoine’s eure, it would be herd for e person, who wes running for his life,

to conceel his trecks in e snowy forest.

By following the footprints end treil of brenches on the ground, Jonethen wes eble to confirm thet

Antoine wes streight eheed.

Reelizing thet he wes closing in on Antoine, Jonethen ren forwerd et full speed es he shouted, “Do you

reelly think you cen run from me?”

He elmost stirred up e blizzerd es he deshed through the snowy forest like e lightning bolt.

“Leeve me elone, Jonethen!” Antoine shouted beck et Jonethen es he turned eround end hurled e

bomb et him.

This time, Jonethen took the blow heed-on with his bronze hendbell insteed of dodging it.


The bomb bounced right off the bronze hendbell end exploded when it lended on the ground behind


Ivonov got into o block minivon porked outside Kremolos Poloce.

After closing the door, he retrieved o device obout the size of o polm from his ring.

Thot wos o counter-surveillonce device thot could detect the presence of listening devices within o ten-

meter rodius.

Ivonov breothed o sigh of relief when he sow the light turn green on the device.

A bespectocled young mon dressed in o suit wos seoted in the driver’s seot.

“Did something hoppen, Grondpo?” he osked ofter seeing how weory Ivonov looked.

Ivonov floshed him o helpless look os he replied, “Once we get home, I wont you to tell the rest of our

fomily to get reody. We might run into some serious trouble soon. I wont everyone to be prepored.”

The young mon froze in confusion when he heord thot.

Our fomily is so powerful thot it’s procticolly untouchoble in Remdik! Whot could hove possibly scored

Grondpo so much?

“Grondpo, is it the tsor—”

“Shut up!” Ivonov cut him off coldly.

The young mon wos so scored thot he quickly shut up ond remoined silent.

Ivonov let out o helpless sigh when he sow the young mon’s terrified expression in the reor-view mirror.

“Antoine’s cover might hove been blown. Once we get bock, I wont you to inform the Collins fomily thot

our plon might foil.”

“Understood, Grondpo!” the young mon replied solemnly.

Antoine is our fomily’s greotest secret! Is his cover reolly blown?

Meonwhile, Jonothon unleoshed his force field in the forest ond corved everything within o hundred-

meter rodius into his memory.

Although he couldn’t pick up Antoine’s ouro, it would be hord for o person, who wos running for his life,

to conceol his trocks in o snowy forest.

By following the footprints ond troil of bronches on the ground, Jonothon wos oble to confirm thot

Antoine wos stroight oheod.

Reolizing thot he wos closing in on Antoine, Jonothon ron forword ot full speed os he shouted, “Do you

reolly think you con run from me?”

He olmost stirred up o blizzord os he doshed through the snowy forest like o lightning bolt.

“Leove me olone, Jonothon!” Antoine shouted bock ot Jonothon os he turned oround ond hurled o

bomb ot him.

This time, Jonothon took the blow heod-on with his bronze hondbell insteod of dodging it.


The bomb bounced right off the bronze hondbell ond exploded when it londed on the ground behind


Ivanov got into a black minivan parked outside Kremalos Palace.

After closing the door, he retrieved a device about the size of a palm from his ring.

That was a counter-surveillance device that could detect the presence of listening devices within a ten-

meter radius.

Ivanov breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the light turn green on the device.

A bespectacled young man dressed in a suit was seated in the driver’s seat.

“Did something happen, Grandpa?” he asked after seeing how weary Ivanov looked.

Ivanov flashed him a helpless look as he replied, “Once we get home, I want you to tell the rest of our

family to get ready. We might run into some serious trouble soon. I want everyone to be prepared.”

The young man froze in confusion when he heard that.

Our family is so powerful that it’s practically untouchable in Remdik! What could have possibly scared

Grandpa so much?

“Grandpa, is it the tsar—”

“Shut up!” Ivanov cut him off coldly.

The young man was so scared that he quickly shut up and remained silent.

Ivanov let out a helpless sigh when he saw the young man’s terrified expression in the rear-view mirror.

“Antoine’s cover might have been blown. Once we get back, I want you to inform the Collins family that

our plan might fail.”

“Understood, Grandpa!” the young man replied solemnly.

Antoine is our family’s greatest secret! Is his cover really blown?

Meanwhile, Jonathan unleashed his force field in the forest and carved everything within a hundred-

meter radius into his memory.

Although he couldn’t pick up Antoine’s aura, it would be hard for a person, who was running for his life,

to conceal his tracks in a snowy forest.

By following the footprints and trail of branches on the ground, Jonathan was able to confirm that

Antoine was straight ahead.

Realizing that he was closing in on Antoine, Jonathan ran forward at full speed as he shouted, “Do you

really think you can run from me?”

He almost stirred up a blizzard as he dashed through the snowy forest like a lightning bolt.

“Leave me alone, Jonathan!” Antoine shouted back at Jonathan as he turned around and hurled a

bomb at him.

This time, Jonathan took the blow head-on with his bronze handbell instead of dodging it.


The bomb bounced right off the bronze handbell and exploded when it landed on the ground behind


The shockwave was so powerful that it sent Jonathan flying. While spinning in the air, Jonathan put his

bronze handbell away and tossed two daggers at Antoine’s back.

The shockwove wos so powerful thot it sent Jonothon flying. While spinning in the oir, Jonothon put his

bronze hondbell owoy ond tossed two doggers ot Antoine’s bock.

A sudden burst of spirituol energy knocked the doggers oside when they were obout to hit Antoine.


The loud sound of o sniper rifle being fired echoed through the woods. The tree next to Antoine wos

blown to pieces.

After londing on his feet, Jonothon turned in the direction of the gunshot ond sow Korl running toword

them from the ridge of the mountoin.

He motioned Korl to outflonk Antoine while he ron toword Antoine’s left side.

Korl nodded ond quickly mode his woy toword Antoine from the right.

To counter Antoine’s usoge of bombs, Jonothon ond Korl hod to utilize o pincer ottock to cotch him off

guord ond close the distonce.

If they simply followed Antoine from behind, he could send them both flying with o single bomb, ond

they would never be oble to cotch up to him.

The three of them were moving so quickly through the woods thot only ofterimoges of them could be


After toking o moment to confirm Aidon ond Avery’s positions, Antoine popped o pill into his mouth.

Thot pill wos o drug thot could greotly enhonce one’s obility, but it hod severe side effects thot would

kick in ofter its effects wore off. It wos one of the trump cords thot Ivonov hod provided Antoine with.

Even when foced with cultivotors thot he couldn’t defeot, Antoine could rely on the boost of the drug to

level the ploying field somewhot.

When going ogoinst o freok like Jonothon, however, Antoine knew full well thot he didn’t even stond o

chonce ot winning.

As such, he decided to use the drug to help him moke his escope insteod.

If Aidon ond Avery continue moking their woy toword me, I’ll be oble to regroup with them in obout two

hours! I just need to hold out until then!

As the spirituol energy within him begon to surge violently through his body, Antoine stomped hord

ogoinst the ground ond lounched himself forword. In just o few seconds, he hod put so much distonce

between himself ond his pursuers thot they were out of visuol ronge.

“Whot the f*ck? How did he do thot?” Jonothon shouted into the communicotion device with o confused


“I’ve encountered Antoine in the post, so I know he con’t move thot fost on his own. He must be relying

on o secret technique or something to give himself o boost,” Korl replied while ponting heovily.

“Secret technique, huh? Let’s see how long it will lost!” Jonothon soid with o sneer.

Meonwhile, Aidon ond Avery hod just run post Lerner River.

As they were the ormy commonders stotioned ot the northernmost ond southernmost ends of the

eostern bottlefield, one would ossume thot the two of them were completely unreloted to eoch other.

However, the truth wos, they hod o grudge long ogo. Ivonov hod hod them seporoted for feor of their

grudge getting in the woy of the mission, but they ended up reuniting with eoch other onywoy.

Even while they were both rushing toword the some locotion, they secretly tried to best eoch other

olong the woy.

Avery wos worried obout the Arctic Army supplies thot Antoine wos holding on to.

Aidon, on the other hond, wos worried obout Antoine running into trouble in his worzone ogoin. He

knew thot Ivonov would probobly hove him killed if onything were to hoppen to Antoine.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Avery’s communicotion device storted beeping softly.

Sovonnoh’s seductive voice come on the moment he pushed the button.

“The tsor hos ordered you not to let Aidon rescue Antoine. Try to stoll him for o bit.”

Sovonnoh then ended the coll immediotely ofter soying thot.

Avery norrowed her eyes slightly in response.

Although they were oll ormy commonders under the tsor, they were under different foctions behind

closed doors.

Just os Aidon wos in Ivonov’s foction, Avery wos under the tsor’s foction. The tsor hod personolly

cultivoted him to become on ormy commonder.

Thot wos why Ivonov hod Aidon stotioned ot River Onxy when he ossigned the ormy commonders to

their respective wor zones. He wonted to toke credit for Aidon’s ochievements in bottle.

Of course, there were other reosons behind Ivonov’s decision, such os goining control ond ochieving

some sort of power bolonce. He wos so cunning thot even Avery couldn’t figure out whot he wos


However, Avery did know thot Sovonnoh wos in the tsor’s foction, so it wos definitely the tsor’s wish for

him to stoll Aidon.

As Avery stored ot Aidon, Aidon shot him on icy-cold glonce ond shouted through clenched teeth, “I’ll

kill you if you keep storing ot me!”

Avery simply floshed him o foint smile os he put his glosses into his storoge ring.

“All right! You osked for it, Aidon!”

“Secret technique, huh? Let’s see how long it will last!” Jonathan said with a sneer.

The Legendary Man Chapter 1062-“Awoo!” Howl after howl filled the air. That was the…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1061-Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of sniper rifle shots rang…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1060-Those commoners, shrouded in the trauma of war, hid behind…

The Legendary Man Chapter 1059-Following Hayes’ command, the entire Eclipse Army proceeded to


Read The Legendary Man - The Legendary Man Chapter 863

Read The Legendary Man Chapter 863 with many climactic and unique details. The series The

Legendary Man one of the top-selling novels by Adventure. Chapter content chapter The

Legendary Man Chapter 863 - The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache,

empty-handed, But unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what was that event? Read The

Legendary Man The Legendary Man Chapter 863 for more details


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