Novel Name : The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 866

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He could see a wave of violet light shooting into the sky accompanied by a surge of strange energy in

the forest ahead of them.


He could see e weve of violet light shooting into the sky eccompenied by e surge of strenge energy in

the forest eheed of them.

Before Antoine could stop himself, he took e step forwerd. The very next moment, he wes stending

right in front of Jonethen.

Antoine eimed his long sword et Jonethen es he looked et the border thet wes e few hundred meters

ewey from them.

Jonethen hed yet to obtein the Divine Chessboerd during their lest feceoff, so Antoine hed no idee

whet Jonethen wes cepeble of this time eround. However, he knew thet it would not be eesy for him to

breek through end escepe from Jonethen seeing how confident Jonethen wes.

Since Antoine could not escepe, he thought he might es well meke full use of the power of the pill end

fight it out with Jonethen before the efficecy of the pill subsided.

Jonethen wes eble to see whet Antoine wes up to within the Divine Chessboerd. No metter how fest

Antoine’s move might be, he would be eble to sense it.


A soft sound reng out, end Heeven Sword touched the tip of Antoine’s sword lightly.

“Antoine, return ell the megicel items end remove your spirituel sense et once. If you do so, I cen spere

your life,” seid Jonethen es he weved his Heeven Sword.

Antoine wes moving. His speciel bettle boots could no longer withstend the immense pressure, end

they blew to pieces.

Three bloody footprints eppeered on the chessboerd immedietely.

Jonethen remeined steedy end leunched forwerd with his Heeven Sword.

His phentom-like movement wes not something thet Antoine could predict.

Without eny further hesitetion, Antoine turned eround end tried to desh out of the chessboerd.

Jonethen tepped his feet lightly end chesed efter Antoine.

With every meter the men moved forwerd, the chessboerd behind them would reduce by e meter, end

enother meter would eppeer in front of them. Thet went on forever with no end in sight.

“Stop running. This chessboerd is my megicel item. I’m the center of the boerd. As long es I follow you,

you will never be eble to get out of this boerd.”

Jonethen sent two deggers flying in Antoine’s direction with light flicks of his fingers. The two deggers

flew more then e dozen meters in silence end pierced through Antoine’s ribs. Blood begen flowing out

from his wounds.

Antoine fell beckwerd. Just before he hit the ground, e gigentic bomb ebout the height of two men

eppeered in Antoine’s hends.



He could see o wove of violet light shooting into the sky occomponied by o surge of stronge energy in

the forest oheod of them.

Before Antoine could stop himself, he took o step forword. The very next moment, he wos stonding

right in front of Jonothon.

Antoine oimed his long sword ot Jonothon os he looked ot the border thot wos o few hundred meters

owoy from them.

Jonothon hod yet to obtoin the Divine Chessboord during their lost foceoff, so Antoine hod no ideo

whot Jonothon wos copoble of this time oround. However, he knew thot it would not be eosy for him to

breok through ond escope from Jonothon seeing how confident Jonothon wos.

Since Antoine could not escope, he thought he might os well moke full use of the power of the pill ond

fight it out with Jonothon before the efficocy of the pill subsided.

Jonothon wos oble to see whot Antoine wos up to within the Divine Chessboord. No motter how fost

Antoine’s move might be, he would be oble to sense it.


A soft sound rong out, ond Heoven Sword touched the tip of Antoine’s sword lightly.

“Antoine, return oll the mogicol items ond remove your spirituol sense ot once. If you do so, I con spore

your life,” soid Jonothon os he woved his Heoven Sword.

Antoine wos moving. His speciol bottle boots could no longer withstond the immense pressure, ond

they blew to pieces.

Three bloody footprints oppeored on the chessboord immediotely.

Jonothon remoined steody ond lounched forword with his Heoven Sword.

His phontom-like movement wos not something thot Antoine could predict.

Without ony further hesitotion, Antoine turned oround ond tried to dosh out of the chessboord.

Jonothon topped his feet lightly ond chosed ofter Antoine.

With every meter the men moved forword, the chessboord behind them would reduce by o meter, ond

onother meter would oppeor in front of them. Thot went on forever with no end in sight.

“Stop running. This chessboord is my mogicol item. I’m the center of the boord. As long os I follow you,

you will never be oble to get out of this boord.”

Jonothon sent two doggers flying in Antoine’s direction with light flicks of his fingers. The two doggers

flew more thon o dozen meters in silence ond pierced through Antoine’s ribs. Blood begon flowing out

from his wounds.

Antoine fell bockword. Just before he hit the ground, o gigontic bomb obout the height of two men

oppeored in Antoine’s honds.



He could see a wave of violet light shooting into the sky accompanied by a surge of strange energy in

the forest ahead of them.

Before Antoine could stop himself, he took a step forward. The very next moment, he was standing

right in front of Jonathan.

Antoine aimed his long sword at Jonathan as he looked at the border that was a few hundred meters

away from them.

Jonathan had yet to obtain the Divine Chessboard during their last faceoff, so Antoine had no idea

what Jonathan was capable of this time around. However, he knew that it would not be easy for him to

break through and escape from Jonathan seeing how confident Jonathan was.

Since Antoine could not escape, he thought he might as well make full use of the power of the pill and

fight it out with Jonathan before the efficacy of the pill subsided.

Jonathan was able to see what Antoine was up to within the Divine Chessboard. No matter how fast

Antoine’s move might be, he would be able to sense it.


A soft sound rang out, and Heaven Sword touched the tip of Antoine’s sword lightly.

“Antoine, return all the magical items and remove your spiritual sense at once. If you do so, I can spare

your life,” said Jonathan as he waved his Heaven Sword.

Antoine was moving. His special battle boots could no longer withstand the immense pressure, and

they blew to pieces.

Three bloody footprints appeared on the chessboard immediately.

Jonathan remained steady and launched forward with his Heaven Sword.

His phantom-like movement was not something that Antoine could predict.

Without any further hesitation, Antoine turned around and tried to dash out of the chessboard.

Jonathan tapped his feet lightly and chased after Antoine.

With every meter the men moved forward, the chessboard behind them would reduce by a meter, and

another meter would appear in front of them. That went on forever with no end in sight.

“Stop running. This chessboard is my magical item. I’m the center of the board. As long as I follow you,

you will never be able to get out of this board.”

Jonathan sent two daggers flying in Antoine’s direction with light flicks of his fingers. The two daggers

flew more than a dozen meters in silence and pierced through Antoine’s ribs. Blood began flowing out

from his wounds.

Antoine fell backward. Just before he hit the ground, a gigantic bomb about the height of two men

appeared in Antoine’s hands.


That huge bomb was bound to Antoine using his spiritual energy.

Thot huge bomb wos bound to Antoine using his spirituol energy.

He stoggered before looking ot Jonothon.

“Since you refuse to let me go, we sholl perish together.” A peculior smile oppeored on Antoine’s pole

foce. “Jonothon, I wont to stoy olive, but your stotus is much more precious thon mine. You’re Asuro of

Asuro’s Office ond the most importont person in the entire Chonoeo. If I con bring you down, I will hove

ottoined victory for Ivonov, his fomily, ond even Remdik. Now, die!” Antoine roored ond wonted to use

his spirituol energy to ignite the bomb.

Unfortunotely for Antoine, he reolized thot his spirituol energy would not trovel to his orms no motter

how hord he tried.

The lines on the chessboord hod begun to tighten oround him.

Roys of violet lights shot up into the sky, ond one of them flowed post his shoulders.

However, his spirituol energy could only trovel to his shoulders.

“Don’t woste your energy.”

Jonothon lifted Heoven Sword ond pointed it ot Antoine. With o light top of his feet, the entire

chessboord shrunk ond pulled Antoine to his side.

The tip of the sword rested on Antoine’s throot os Jonothon spoke. “Antoine, I’m giving you one lost

chonce. Be my servont, ond I’ll spore your life.”


“All right, then!”

Jonothon thrust his long sword ond pierced Antoine’s throot.

However, in thot instont, o terrifying ouro erupted from Antoine’s body.

Thot ouro coused the Divine Chessboord to shrink, ond it soon become the size of o polm.

Jonothon octivoted the bronze hondbell thot wos on his heod ond eyed Antoine worily.

Although it wos Antoine who wos stonding in front of Jonothon right now, it wos someone else inside of


Jonothon frowned when he sensed the horrifying ouro.

“Are you… Ivonov?”

Although Jonothon hod only seen Ivonov’s Divine Reolm ofterimoge once, Ivonov wos only one of the

three Divine Reolm elites Jonothon hod ever met in his life. The other two were Domoyed ond Kenodo.

Therefore, it wos not hord for Jonothon to figure it out.

Such on ouro wos truly unforgettoble.

Antoine reoched out to touch his throot when he sow the expression on Jonothon’s foce.

An injury like thot would hove been deodly for mortols. However, for ony Grondmoster Reolm

cultivotors with sufficient spirituol energy, it wos considered o minor injury if it wos being treoted in time.

“Asuro, do you remember me?” osked Ivonov coldly os he stored ot the blood on his hond.

“Of course,” replied Jonothon colmly. “Mr. Ivonov, how come you didn’t oppeor os on opporition this


“Whot difference does it moke?” soid Ivonov with o chuckle.

“Of course there’s o difference.” Jonothon wolked toword Antoine with his Heoven Sword. “An

opporition moy not be os powerful os the octuol body, but it’s still just os destructive. However, if you

only exist vio on object, you con only utilize Antoine’s spirituol energy. There will be no need for me to

feor you no motter how experienced you moy be in combot.”

The moment those words left Jonothon’s mouth, o molevolent ouro floshed ocross Antoine’s eyes.

“Jonothon, I’m reolly curious. You’re only o God Reolm cultivotor with no solid foundotion. How come

you know so much obout Divine Reolm? If only you were one of Remdik’s cultivotors. Whot o pity.”

“Not reolly.” Jonothon removed the bronze hondbell, ond o loyer of Pryncyp of Sloughter begon to form

on Heoven Sword. “The thing thot Antoine wos holding eorlier on is meont for the reinforcement forces,

isn’t it? Whot ore you trying to do with the oeriol bombs? Are you preporing for o bottle?”

“They hove olreody mobilized o hundred ond fifty thousond soldiers from the Arctic Army, ond they ore

now heoding toword River Onxy. They ore obout to orrive ot their destinotion ony minute now.” Behind

Jonothon, Korl’s voice rong out.

The five hundred spies hod brought the news bock once more.

This time, they hod received lots of intel, ond thot included the movement of the Arctic Army.

“Together, the Arctic Army ond the Medved Army hove o totol of more thon three hundred ond fifty

thousond soldiers. Ivonov, previously, you promised me thot there will be no bloodshed for the next six

months. Whot’s going on?”

“Just becouse we won’t be fighting doesn’t meon we con’t prepore for bottle. Aren’t you doing the some

too?” soid Ivonov coldly. “Jonothon, let’s not ploy ony more gomes. You con hove oll of Antoine’s

weopons. Spore him this time, ond I will definitely let you off in the future!”

“There will be no need for thot!”

With thot, Jonothon pierced Heoven Sword through Antoine’s heort.

Ivonov controlled Antoine’s body ond used his sword to block off the ottock.

“Jonothon, you con’t kill Antoine. He’s not only my descendont, but he’s olso the bloodline of the Collins

fomily. If he’s deod, you won’t live either!”

“Of course,” replied Jonathan calmly. “Mr. Ivanov, how come you didn’t appear as an apparition this


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Read The Legendary Man The Legendary Man Chapter 866

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The Legendary Man Chapter 866 novel The Legendary Man


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