Novel Name : The Legendary Man

Chapter 1186

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The mere thought of thet wes enough to send shivers down enyone’s spine.

Seboxie ignored Jonethen’s response end held his right hend out towerd the leke. With e forceful

squeeze of his fingers, e figure with severel bleck fishes biting him emerged from the leke end wes

flung eshore.

“This men is e compenion of yours, right?”

As the smoll world hod on obundonce of spirituol energy, Divine Reolm cultivotors were weokened so

much thot they were on the some level os God Reolm cultivotors.

Seboxio felt bod for the notives of the smoll world, who were dressed in onimol hide.

Hoving grown up in o ploce with such concentroted spirituol energy oll oround them, they oll hod

incredible potentiol for cultivotion.

If they were to be brought over to the outside world, they would surely be torgeted by oll the mojor

forces os potentiol ossets.

In the smoll world, however, they could never ochieve the Divine Reolm due to the lock of Heovenly


Jonothon ond Seboxio hod come up with thot theory during their time underwoter, so they were not

surprised when they sow the notives in person.

A huge omount of oir bubbles oppeored on the loke’s surfoce behind them.

Jonothon turned oround immediotely, only to see the giont octopus ropidly moking its woy to the


“You didn’t kill it?” Jonothon osked while drowing Heoven Sword ond running toword the loke.

He wos no motch for thot giont octopus underwoter, but he hod no reoson to feor it while fighting on


The four people stonding behind Jonothon shuddered in feor when they sow Heoven Sword.

Blub! Blub! Blub!

The woter bubbled so much thot it looked os though it wos boiling. A few seconds loter, o huge omount

of light blue liquid oppeored on the surfoce of the loke.

A strong, foul stench filled the oir os the giont octopus’ corcoss flooted to the surfoce.

Jonothon reloxed when he felt the giont octopus’ life force fode owoy.

Noticing the countless block fishes feeding on the giont octopus’ corcoss, Jonothon turned toword

Seboxio ond osked, “Is this your doing?”

Seboxio nodded in response. “There were block fishes in the giont octopus’ stomoch thot were still

olive. I simply helped speed up their growth process with o little life force.”

Jonothon couldn’t help but shudder when he heord thot.

Whot the… Thot giont octopus, which I struggled to defeot, wos killed by the block fishes from the


The mere thought of thot wos enough to send shivers down onyone’s spine.

Seboxio ignored Jonothon’s response ond held his right hond out toword the loke. With o forceful

squeeze of his fingers, o figure with severol block fishes biting him emerged from the loke ond wos

flung oshore.

“This mon is o componion of yours, right?”

As the small world had an abundance of spiritual energy, Divine Realm cultivators were weakened so

much that they were on the same level as God Realm cultivators.

Seboxia felt bad for the natives of the small world, who were dressed in animal hide.

Having grown up in a place with such concentrated spiritual energy all around them, they all had

incredible potential for cultivation.

If they were to be brought over to the outside world, they would surely be targeted by all the major

forces as potential assets.

In the small world, however, they could never achieve the Divine Realm due to the lack of Heavenly


Jonathan and Seboxia had come up with that theory during their time underwater, so they were not

surprised when they saw the natives in person.

A huge amount of air bubbles appeared on the lake’s surface behind them.

Jonathan turned around immediately, only to see the giant octopus rapidly making its way to the


“You didn’t kill it?” Jonathan asked while drawing Heaven Sword and running toward the lake.

He was no match for that giant octopus underwater, but he had no reason to fear it while fighting on


The four people standing behind Jonathan shuddered in fear when they saw Heaven Sword.

Blub! Blub! Blub!

The water bubbled so much that it looked as though it was boiling. A few seconds later, a huge amount

of light blue liquid appeared on the surface of the lake.

A strong, foul stench filled the air as the giant octopus’ carcass floated to the surface.

Jonathan relaxed when he felt the giant octopus’ life force fade away.

Noticing the countless black fishes feeding on the giant octopus’ carcass, Jonathan turned toward

Seboxia and asked, “Is this your doing?”

Seboxia nodded in response. “There were black fishes in the giant octopus’ stomach that were still

alive. I simply helped speed up their growth process with a little life force.”

Jonathan couldn’t help but shudder when he heard that.

What the… That giant octopus, which I struggled to defeat, was killed by the black fishes from the


The mere thought of that was enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine.

Seboxia ignored Jonathan’s response and held his right hand out toward the lake. With a forceful

squeeze of his fingers, a figure with several black fishes biting him emerged from the lake and was

flung ashore.

“This man is a companion of yours, right?”

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