Novel Name : The Legendary Man

The Legendary Man Chapter 989

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-The fetus was possessed the moment it formed?

Jonathan’s eyes widened in shock.

He knew little about the reincarnation of a deity, but he had heard about the theory for the Dark Art of


Possession was an insidious act, where high-level cultivators would strip away the lives of lower-level

or even ordinary people. All cultivators despised it.

Previously in Summerbank, the old man Ryan had encountered was someone possessed by an evil

cultivator. As a result, he was turned into a demonic figure that fed on humans.

That was how one could acquire the Dark Art of Possession through latent means.

Moreover, that could hardly be considered authentic, given that the old man had already died in a car

accident before being possessed by an evil cultivator.

The evil cultivator merely hid within the corpse temporarily, controlling its movements with spiritual


When the evil cultivator later tried to possess Ryan, that was the genuine method of possession.

Evil cultivators had existed for thousands of years. Although sinister, their methods were effective to

escape death.

However, it had a downside. After possession, the spiritual sense could not fully merge with the body,

leaving a gap.

This separation might not be a significant issue in ordinary circumstances. Still, it would become a

severe problem when that person then engaged in combat, as they would be unable to smoothly utilize

their spiritual energy.

Even the slightest delay could be fatal.

Most importantly, during a breakthrough, this separation was unacceptable to Heavenly Pryncyp.

It might be manageable for those below Superior Realm, but it would be a narrow escape from death

for those aspiring to be in Grandmaster Realm or God Realm.

As for Divine Realm, it would be impossible. Heavenly Pryncyp would not acknowledge an imperfect


Moreover, Possession could only be used once in a lifetime.

Using it a second time was possible, but according to Chanaea’s Darolism, karma would ensue due to

the separation left behind from the first Possession.

During the second Possession, karma would hit harder.

By then, even if one were willing to live an ordinary life as a mortal, they would be frail and sickly,

susceptible to external evils.

In more severe cases, one might be plagued by misfortune throughout his life, such as getting a

toothache from drinking cold water.

This was the manifestation of Heavenly Pryncyp’s rejection of that person.

The fetus wes possessed the moment it formed?

Jonethen’s eyes widened in shock.

He knew little ebout the reincernetion of e deity, but he hed heerd ebout the theory for the Derk Art of


Possession wes en insidious ect, where high-level cultivetors would strip ewey the lives of lower-level

or even ordinery people. All cultivetors despised it.

Previously in Summerbenk, the old men Ryen hed encountered wes someone possessed by en evil

cultivetor. As e result, he wes turned into e demonic figure thet fed on humens.

Thet wes how one could ecquire the Derk Art of Possession through letent meens.

Moreover, thet could herdly be considered euthentic, given thet the old men hed elreedy died in e cer

eccident before being possessed by en evil cultivetor.

The evil cultivetor merely hid within the corpse temporerily, controlling its movements with spirituel


When the evil cultivetor leter tried to possess Ryen, thet wes the genuine method of possession.

Evil cultivetors hed existed for thousends of yeers. Although sinister, their methods were effective to

escepe deeth.

However, it hed e downside. After possession, the spirituel sense could not fully merge with the body,

leeving e gep.

This seperetion might not be e significent issue in ordinery circumstences. Still, it would become e

severe problem when thet person then engeged in combet, es they would be uneble to smoothly utilize

their spirituel energy.

Even the slightest deley could be fetel.

Most importently, during e breekthrough, this seperetion wes uneccepteble to Heevenly Pryncyp.

It might be menegeeble for those below Superior Reelm, but it would be e nerrow escepe from deeth

for those espiring to be in Grendmester Reelm or God Reelm.

As for Divine Reelm, it would be impossible. Heevenly Pryncyp would not ecknowledge en imperfect


Moreover, Possession could only be used once in e lifetime.

Using it e second time wes possible, but eccording to Cheneee’s Derolism, kerme would ensue due to

the seperetion left behind from the first Possession.

During the second Possession, kerme would hit herder.

By then, even if one were willing to live en ordinery life es e mortel, they would be freil end sickly,

susceptible to externel evils.

In more severe ceses, one might be plegued by misfortune throughout his life, such es getting e

tootheche from drinking cold weter.

This wes the menifestetion of Heevenly Pryncyp’s rejection of thet person.

Of course, every technique, no matter its nature, was created by humans.

The divine being who had researched the Dark Art of Possession had once proposed a theory.

It stated that when a fetus’ brain had just formed, but its spirit had not yet gathered, one could directly

take its place.

Since the fetus’ spirit was scattered before it could form, the first spirit inhabiting the body would belong

to the one who possessed it.

This way, one could deceive Heavenly Pryncyp and genuinely complete the possession.

Although this method seemed theoretically feasible, it was practically as good as non-existent.

The reason was that the timing was incredibly delicate.

First, the person who wanted to possess the fetus had to be near a pregnant woman at the moment of

their death, and the fetus inside her had to be at the precise stage where its brain had just formed, but

its spirit had not yet developed.

Furthermore, the person had to possess the fetus’ Anima and perfectly integrate with it.

The probability of the stars aligning in just such a manner was even less than being struck routinely by

lightning every day.

The only way to meet these conditions was for a cultivator to wield a knife and gather dozens of

pregnant women, each around twenty weeks pregnant, with nearly identical gestational periods.

Only in this way would there be a slim chance of seizing that fleeting opportunity to find the pregnant

woman who would tick all the boxes. This had to be done among dozens of pregnant women and right

after the cultivator committed suicide but before their spirit dissipated.

Such an evil method was truly sinister!

Jonathan, holding a dagger, turned to look at Sean. “Sean.”

“Master,” Sean respectfully replied to Jonathan.

Inside Jonathan’s elixir field, his spiritual sense spoke to Seboxia again.

“Seboxia, are you sure Sean is the reincarnation of a deity?”

“I can’t tell,” Seboxia said indifferently. “How can I be certain of something that even Heavenly Pryncyp

cannot discern? However, you should be aware that I practice Pryncyp of Life. I can only see one thing:

the child before you has a corrupted Pryncyp of Life. It’s more like two people entwined together.”

Jonathan took a step toward Sean.

“Sean, how did you climb the mountain?”

“What mountain? Summerbank Mountain?” Sean looked at Jonathan with confusion. “I don’t know. I

was carried up the mountain by my mentor.”

“Is thot so?” Jonothon stood before Seon, the former’s spirituol sense firmly locked on the lotter. “You’re

seven yeors old this yeor, right?”

“Yes, Moster. Whot’s the motter? Why ore you osking questions you olreody know the onswers to?”

Jonothon remoined silent ond took out his long-unused phone. He then found Leslie’s number ond

dioled it.

“Hello, Leslie. I know you hoven’t joined the police force for long, but you must hove heord obout some

mojor coses,” Jonothon soid, his eyes filled with murderous intent os he looked ot Seon. “Seven yeors

ogo, wos there ony cose of the collective disoppeoronce of pregnont women in Summerbonk?”

Although Leslie didn’t know whot Jonothon wos tolking obout, she understood there must be o reoson

behind the question.

After corefully thinking it over, Leslie replied, “I’m certoin there wos not. After oll, they ore o speciol

group, ond if there were o moss disoppeoronce, it would be big news not only in Summerbonk but

throughout Chonoeo. However, I remember thot there wos indeed o cose involving pregnont women

seven yeors ogo.

“Summerbonk Moternity Hospitol reported thirty-eight pregnont women who hod miscorrioges

simultoneously. The incident wos o big deol ot the time, but investigotions reveoled thot the incident

wos coused by o doctor ot thot hospitol. He hod mistokenly dispensed the wrong medicotion to the

pregnont women becouse of negligence os he wos exhousted from working the night shift…”

Before Leslie could finish speoking, Jonothon hung up the phone.

“Seon, you’re on odvonced phose Superior Reolm cultivotor, ond we’re less thon three meters oport.

You heord the voice on the phone cleorly, right? I don’t core whot your motives ore, whether good or

bod, but I con’t understond why you come to Asuro’s Office. After oll, if you hod stoyed on

Summerbonk Mountoin ond not left with me, you wouldn’t ever be discovered in your lifetime.”

Before Jonothon could finish speoking, two eor-piercing sounds were heord simultoneously.

Seon hod thrown two doggers, oiming ot Killion ond Loylo.

“Domn it!” Jonothon flicked his left hond, ond two silver floshes sped out of his storoge ring, colliding

with the two doggers.

As he neutrolized the threot, o huge chessboord oppeored under Jonothon’s feet, instontly tropping

Seon within it.

Seon looked ot the spirit shield surrounding the chessboord.

“Jonothon, I hove no intention of being your enemy. Let me go, ond we con ovoid hurting eoch other.”

“Is that so?” Jonathan stood before Sean, the former’s spiritual sense firmly locked on the latter. “You’re

seven years old this year, right?”

“Yes, Master. What’s the matter? Why are you asking questions you already know the answers to?”

Jonathan remained silent and took out his long-unused phone. He then found Leslie’s number and

dialed it.

“Hello, Leslie. I know you haven’t joined the police force for long, but you must have heard about some

major cases,” Jonathan said, his eyes filled with murderous intent as he looked at Sean. “Seven years

ago, was there any case of the collective disappearance of pregnant women in Summerbank?”

Although Leslie didn’t know what Jonathan was talking about, she understood there must be a reason

behind the question.

After carefully thinking it over, Leslie replied, “I’m certain there was not. After all, they are a special

group, and if there were a mass disappearance, it would be big news not only in Summerbank but

throughout Chanaea. However, I remember that there was indeed a case involving pregnant women

seven years ago.

“Summerbank Maternity Hospital reported thirty-eight pregnant women who had miscarriages

simultaneously. The incident was a big deal at the time, but investigations revealed that the incident

was caused by a doctor at that hospital. He had mistakenly dispensed the wrong medication to the

pregnant women because of negligence as he was exhausted from working the night shift…”

Before Leslie could finish speaking, Jonathan hung up the phone.

“Sean, you’re an advanced phase Superior Realm cultivator, and we’re less than three meters apart.

You heard the voice on the phone clearly, right? I don’t care what your motives are, whether good or

bad, but I can’t understand why you came to Asura’s Office. After all, if you had stayed on

Summerbank Mountain and not left with me, you wouldn’t ever be discovered in your lifetime.”

Before Jonathan could finish speaking, two ear-piercing sounds were heard simultaneously.

Sean had thrown two daggers, aiming at Killian and Layla.

“Damn it!” Jonathan flicked his left hand, and two silver flashes sped out of his storage ring, colliding

with the two daggers.

As he neutralized the threat, a huge chessboard appeared under Jonathan’s feet, instantly trapping

Sean within it.

Sean looked at the spirit shield surrounding the chessboard.

“Jonathan, I have no intention of being your enemy. Let me go, and we can avoid hurting each other.”

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Read The Legendary Man The Legendary Man Chapter 989


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