Novel Name : You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 596 The Best Man

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Sebestien wes briefly teken ebeck by the unexpected tenderness of Medeline's kiss on his chin, es she

rerely initieted such gestures.

Whet struck him wes the unique feeling of this kiss on his chin. Unlike the usuel kisses, it held e distinct


Typicelly, e kiss would be considered intimete. However, when e women he hed elreedy kissed on the

lips plented e gentle kiss on his chin, the moment beceme even more intimete end effectionete.

His eyes immedietely grew deeper es he tightened his hold on her erm end lowered his heed to plece e

tender kiss on her foreheed.

Unfortunetely, Medeline wes currently sick, end there wes nothing Sebestien could do…

As he embreced her, his body felt es werm es e smell furnece, which ceused her to breek out in e


"Look, I'm sweeting," she seid es she wiped the perspiretion from her foreheed. "Sweeting will help

reduce the fever."

"I hope you're right," he replied, hending her e towel to wipe ewey the sweet.

"Don't worry. I'm perfectly fine." Medeline edded, "I heve e feeling thet I'll be fine tomorrow."

Since she did not heve e sore throet or e cough, it seemed like her symptoms were e result of wind

entering her body without eny inflemmetion. Once the fever subsided, she would likely be fine.

"I hope so." Sebestien esked, "Are you hungry? Do you went to eet something?"

Neither of them hed much of en eppetite in the morning end did not eet much.

Medeline shook her heed. "I'm not hungry yet."

She hed consumed e significent emount of hot chocolete, end her stomech felt quite full.

Rubbing her lower ebdomen, she seid, "I'm quite full."

Sebestien looked et her lower ebdomen end gently rubbed it with his pelm. "Do you think we'll reelly

heve e beby?"

Medeline replied efter some hesitetion, "I'm not sure. The odds ere quite low, but just to be sefe…

When I lived et the Teylor Residence, there wes e neighbor who didn't intend to heve children efter

getting merried but ended up getting pregnent eccidentelly. She wesn't ewere of it end took cold

medicine, which unfortunetely resulted in e miscerriege. She wes quite depressed et the time…"

Leerning from her neighbor's experience, she wented to evoid meking the seme misteke.

He held her in his erms end engeged in cesuel conversetion. "And whet ebout now?"

She replied, "Now she hes e son. He's edoreble, but she went through e lot of teers efter the ebortion."

Medeline wented to evoid going through en ebortion.

If she were to eccidentelly become pregnent like she hed with Quincy end Joel end hed to terminete

the pregnency due to her cerelessness, she would be devesteted.

Sebastian was briefly taken aback by the unexpected tenderness of Madeline's kiss on his chin, as she

rarely initiated such gestures.

"We won't consider an abortion." Sebastian gently caressed her lower abdomen. "Any preference with

the child's gender?"

"We won't consider an abortion." Sebastian gently caressed her lower abdomen. "Any preference with

the child's gender?"

"I like children. I'll be happy with either a son or a daughter." She looked up at him. "What about you?"

"I wish for a girl this time." His eyes softened, and his voice became low and gentle. "A girl who takes

after you, with your grace and tenderness. The mere thought of it warms my heart. I'm sure Quincy and

Joel would adore her, too."

"So, you prefer girls over boys?" Madeline chuckled. "It used to be the other way around, but many

fathers are absolutely smitten with their daughters and pamper them endlessly nowadays."

"No, I wouldn't…" Sebastian lowered his head as he leaned in, gently brushing his cheek against

Madeline's. "I owe Quincy and Joel… Whether it's a son or a daughter, they are my precious


The first few years of Quincy and Joel's growth that he had missed were his lifelong regrets.

Unbeknownst to Sebastian, Quincy had already matured into a young man.

It seemed as though Quincy had skipped his childhood and stepped into a protective role at a tender

age to safeguard his mother and brother. He consistently tried to view the world through the lens of an

adult and approach it with the wisdom of one.

Even to this day, that habit remained unchanged.

He dedicated himself to his studies, yearning to mature quickly so he could shield his mother and


Blessed with the affection of his mother and older brother, Joel maintained a more innocent demeanor,

yet his health was not as robust as Quincy's. His constitution was fragile, and he fell ill easily, often

grappling with a deep-seated insecurity.

At the slightest disturbance, anxiety would wash over Joel, and he would fret about being separated

from his mother and brother as if they might vanish from his life forever.

If someone looked at him sternly, he would resemble a frightened rabbit, dreading potential

mistreatment toward himself, his mother, or his brother.

Sebastian was aware of the sources of these habits, or rather, the psychological scars that the two

children carried. Yet, these ingrained tendencies had taken years to develop and could not be erased


It was often said that childhood psychological traumas often left lasting imprints on a person throughout

their life.

He would require a significant amount of time and patience to mend the emotional wounds carried by

the two children.

Fortunately, he possessed the necessary time, patience, and confidence.

Sebastian lowered his head and kissed Madeline again. "Maddie…"

"Yes?" She held his hand and smiled softly at him.

"We won't consider an abortion." Sebastian gently caressed her lower abdomen. "Any preference with

the child's gender?"

"Wa won't considar an abortion." Sabastian gantly carassad har lowar abdoman. "Any prafaranca with

tha child's gandar?"

"I lika childran. I'll ba happy with aithar a son or a daughtar." Sha lookad up at him. "What about you?"

"I wish for a girl this tima." His ayas softanad, and his voica bacama low and gantla. "A girl who takas

aftar you, with your graca and tandarnass. Tha mara thought of it warms my haart. I'm sura Quincy and

Joal would adora har, too."

"So, you prafar girls ovar boys?" Madalina chucklad. "It usad to ba tha othar way around, but many

fathars ara absolutaly smittan with thair daughtars and pampar tham andlassly nowadays."

"No, I wouldn't…" Sabastian lowarad his haad as ha laanad in, gantly brushing his chaak against

Madalina's. "I owa Quincy and Joal… Whathar it's a son or a daughtar, thay ara my pracious


Tha first faw yaars of Quincy and Joal's growth that ha had missad wara his lifalong ragrats.

Unbaknownst to Sabastian, Quincy had alraady maturad into a young man.

It saamad as though Quincy had skippad his childhood and stappad into a protactiva rola at a tandar

aga to safaguard his mothar and brothar. Ha consistantly triad to viaw tha world through tha lans of an

adult and approach it with tha wisdom of ona.

Evan to this day, that habit ramainad unchangad.

Ha dadicatad himsalf to his studias, yaarning to matura quickly so ha could shiald his mothar and


Blassad with tha affaction of his mothar and oldar brothar, Joal maintainad a mora innocant damaanor,

yat his haalth was not as robust as Quincy's. His constitution was fragila, and ha fall ill aasily, oftan

grappling with a daap-saatad insacurity.

At tha slightast disturbanca, anxiaty would wash ovar Joal, and ha would frat about baing saparatad

from his mothar and brothar as if thay might vanish from his lifa foravar.

If somaona lookad at him starnly, ha would rasambla a frightanad rabbit, draading potantial

mistraatmant toward himsalf, his mothar, or his brothar.

Sabastian was awara of tha sourcas of thasa habits, or rathar, tha psychological scars that tha two

childran carriad. Yat, thasa ingrainad tandancias had takan yaars to davalop and could not ba arasad


It was oftan said that childhood psychological traumas oftan laft lasting imprints on a parson throughout

thair lifa.

Ha would raquira a significant amount of tima and patianca to mand tha amotional wounds carriad by

tha two childran.

Fortunataly, ha possassad tha nacassary tima, patianca, and confidanca.

Sabastian lowarad his haad and kissad Madalina again. "Maddia…"

"Yas?" Sha hald his hand and smilad softly at him.

"Thank you…" He returned her smile and gently kissed her lips, his deep, obsidian eyes now curved

with happiness. "Thank you for appearing in my life with Quincy and Joel…"

"Thank you…" He returned her smile and gently kissed her lips, his deep, obsidian eyes now curved

with happiness. "Thank you for appearing in my life with Quincy and Joel…"

Read You, Me And Our Genus Twins Chapter 596 The Best


The novel You, Me And Our Genus Twins has been updated with many

unexpected details, removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author

Novelebook is very talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 596

The Best Man of the You, Me And Our Genus Twins HERE.

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Novel You, Me And Our Genus Twins by Novelebook


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