Novel Name : You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 384

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The three were Heidi's loyal followers as they came from a lower social class. In addition, their family's

corporations had collaborations with Heidi's family, which was why they buttered up to her.

Caitlin couldn't be bothered to pay attention to those brainless people, so she walked past Heidi and

left the area.

She never expected that Heidi would grab her arm from behind to yank her back.

Apart from that, there was a malicious smile on Heidi's face as she pushed Caitlin against the wall.

"Miss Owen, don't go! We've invited Young Master Jared tonight. Do you know who Young Master

Jared is? He's my boyfriend! He mentioned that he wanted to introduce his friends to me! His friends

are all talented as they have power and wealth. Since you're forced to be with men, then you should be

with the wealthy ones. Don't leave. Let me introduce you to some of them."

It angered Caitlin to hear Heidi saying those words, at which she coldly answered, "You said that I'm

forced to be with men. So, are you saying that the girls in Club Tempest are all the same as me?"

"I don't know if the rest are the same, but what I do know is that you definitely are!" Heidi reached out

to pinch Caitlin's cheeks. "One look at your face is enough. You can't live without a man. Otherwise,

judging from your family background, why would you come to a place like Club Tempest if you can't get

a job?"

"Don't touch me!" Caitlin swatted Heidi's hand away with a slap.

Heidi's expression changed in that instant. "How dare you hit me!"

Then, she struck Caitlin's face because she had disliked Caitlin for many years now.

Caitlin was always the one in the spotlight from elementary school all the way to university.

After Heidi enrolled in university, she was crowned the Campus Beauty—something that she had

wished for.

However, when Caitlin matriculated, she snatched the title from Heidi at lightning speed.

Apart from that, Caitlin was even crowned the prettiest Campus Beauty in the university's entire history.

The comments heaped on Caitlin could be compared to the height of thousands of floors; while most

praised Caitlin, some even used the opportunity to belittle her.

Everytime Heidi saw such posts, her hatred for Caitlin would deepen.

If Caitlin had come from an ordinary background, Heidi would have definitely searched for a way to

deal with her.

Unfortunately, the fact was that Caitlin came from a better background than her.

Caitlin's family dabbled in the jewelry industry as her father was a well-known retailer. The Owen

Family was considered the first-class aristocratic family among all of the rich and famous in Dusktown.

Whereas the Zahler Family was considered a second-class aristocratic family who couldn't even hope

to become one of the first-class families.

Both the Owen and Zahler Families had a vast gap in capabilities, so even if Heidi hated Caitlin to the

death, she still wouldn't dare to do anything to Caitlin.

Karma eventually struck in the end because the Owen Family became bankrupt. Heidi was ecstatic and

thought that she could finally turn the tables.

As she couldn't control the desire in her heart, she wanted to taunt Heidi but was fiercely reprimanded

by one of their seniors, whose family background was much better than the two girls. Geez, I couldn't

even take advantage of Caitlin's situation and ended up being embarrassed instead.

That resulted in her hating Caitlin even more.

Fortunately, ever since that incident, Caitlin left the campus and was never to be seen again.

It was as though life wanted Heidi to get her way, as she finally met Caitlin, whereby she was the

customer, and Caitlin was the waitress. As a result of that, Heidi felt even more superior to her.

If she didn't turn the tides on Caitlin to vent her frustrations, how long would she have to wait for her

next opportunity?

There was malice as she fiercely slapped Caitlin.

Caitlin tilted slightly to avoid the impact before grabbing Heidi's wrist to twist her hand and press her

against the wall.

After she twisted Heidi's arm behind her and pressed the girl's face against the wall, she barked, "Heidi

Zahler, I have never offended you. I was selected to be the Campus Beauty; it's not as if I wanted it.

Are you a rabid dog who'll bite whoever you meet?"

"Caitlin Owen, are you insane? How dare you hit me! Let me go!" Heidi struggled hard as she

threatened, "I'm warning you. You better let me go at this instant, or I'll return the favor!"

"Caitlin, what are you doing? You better let her go!" Yvette, Xandria, and Andrea rushed over on the

pretext of rescuing Heidi.

Caitlin merely kicked them away and forcefully shoved Heidi's head into the wall, asking, "How do you

intend to return the favor? You—"

Before she could finish her sentence, a young man entered the room and was surprised to be greeted

by such a scene. He thought that he had walked into the wrong area.

So, he backtracked to have a look at the room number.

One of Heidi's cheeks was pressed against the wall while the other side was looking at the man for

help. A second later, she burst into tears as if she saw her savior and pleaded in a voice that gave

people goosebumps, "Jay, please help me. I'm in pain!"


Jored Leighton?

Coitlin wos stunned ond instinctively lowered her heod becouse she didn't wont Jored to notice her.

When he heord Heidi's cries, he recognized thot the person whose orm wos twisted ond foce pressed

ogoinst the woll wos his new girlfriend. He immediotely frowned, strode in, ond stretched out his hond

to grob Coitlin's collor to throw her out of the room.

Unfortunotely, Coitlin wore o poir of stilettos of oround five to six centimeters. So, when she suddenly

found herself being thrown out by o leon mon, she stoggered bockword. Since she wos losing her

bolonce, she stumbled o few steps ond fell to the ground.

She wiped on unknown substonce from her foreheod, ond ofter experiencing the shorp poin, o viscous

liquid dripped down from her foreheod.

The unknown substonce thot she wiped from her foreheod wos fresh blood.

When she sow the fresh blood on her polm, she wos stunned.

After Jored rescued Heidi, she felt shocked ond sweet os she threw herself in his orms, crying, "Joy,

thonk heovens you ore here…"

Although her every move wos reflected in his eyes, she wos o little pretentious. It wos undenioble thot

Heidi wos o beoutiful girl; otherwise, she would not hove been the Compus Beouty for os long os she

did. Most people would be oble to tolerote those with ottroctive fociol feotures, especiolly o ployboy like


He hod only met Heidi not too long ogo, so they were still in the honeymoon stoge os he wos toleront

toword her behovior. Jored wos obout to embroce her when he sow Coitlin on the floor. At thot moment,

something floshed in his mind, ond he wos so scored thot he turned to look ot her.

When he cleorly sow Coitlin's foce, he wos stunned. "K-Koty?"

His voice finolly drew her out of her reverie os she reflexively roised his heod to look ot him.

Jored's eor rong with white noise when he sow the blood on Coitlin's foce, ofter which he pushed Heidi

to rush toword Coitlin. Then, he squotted next to her ond osked, "Koty, is it reolly you? W-Why ore you


Coitlin glored ot him for o moment before she stood up with the help of the coffee toble. Then, she

turned to leove the room without soying o word.

"Koty?" Jored wos so ponicked thot he rushed ofter her. "Koty, I didn't meon to hurt you. I didn't know it

wos you. I—"

"Just becouse you didn't know it wos me meons thot you could hurt others?" Coitlin stopped in her

trocks ond turned to oddress him. "Presuming thot it wosn't me but onother woiter, does this meon thot

you con simply bully others?"


Jared Leighton?

Caitlin was stunned and instinctively lowered her head because she didn't want Jared to notice her.

When he heard Heidi's cries, he recognized that the person whose arm was twisted and face pressed

against the wall was his new girlfriend. He immediately frowned, strode in, and stretched out his hand

to grab Caitlin's collar to throw her out of the room.

Unfortunately, Caitlin wore a pair of stilettos of around five to six centimeters. So, when she suddenly

found herself being thrown out by a lean man, she staggered backward. Since she was losing her

balance, she stumbled a few steps and fell to the ground.

She wiped an unknown substance from her forehead, and after experiencing the sharp pain, a viscous

liquid dripped down from her forehead.

The unknown substance that she wiped from her forehead was fresh blood.

When she saw the fresh blood on her palm, she was stunned.

After Jared rescued Heidi, she felt shocked and sweet as she threw herself in his arms, crying, "Jay,

thank heavens you are here…"

Although her every move was reflected in his eyes, she was a little pretentious. It was undeniable that

Heidi was a beautiful girl; otherwise, she would not have been the Campus Beauty for as long as she

did. Most people would be able to tolerate those with attractive facial features, especially a playboy like


He had only met Heidi not too long ago, so they were still in the honeymoon stage as he was tolerant

toward her behavior. Jared was about to embrace her when he saw Caitlin on the floor. At that moment,

something flashed in his mind, and he was so scared that he turned to look at her.

When he clearly saw Caitlin's face, he was stunned. "K-Katy?"

His voice finally drew her out of her reverie as she reflexively raised his head to look at him.

Jared's ear rang with white noise when he saw the blood on Caitlin's face, after which he pushed Heidi

to rush toward Caitlin. Then, he squatted next to her and asked, "Katy, is it really you? W-Why are you


Caitlin glared at him for a moment before she stood up with the help of the coffee table. Then, she

turned to leave the room without saying a word.

"Katy?" Jared was so panicked that he rushed after her. "Katy, I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know it

was you. I—"

"Just because you didn't know it was me means that you could hurt others?" Caitlin stopped in her

tracks and turned to address him. "Presuming that it wasn't me but another waiter, does this mean that

you can simply bully others?"

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