Novel Name : You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 444

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Despite how persistently Abigail pleaded, Karina remained unmoved. It was as if her heart had turned

to stone.

This was something Abigail never thought could happen.

She assumed that even if her parents found out about the meeting, they would merely give her a stern

lecture, or at most, be less affectionate toward her. It never crossed her mind that her mother would

want to kick her out.

Abigail had never regretted anything as intensely as she did right at this very moment.

Had she known that this would happen, she would've just told her parents that Katrina reached out to

her and let them handle it for her.

Considering how much Karina detested Katrina, she would surely teach Katrina a lesson and stop her

from looking for Abigail ever again.

It was one false move that led to Abigail walking down the plank.

She wailed her eyes out and kneeled in front of Karina, hugging her legs and begging.

Karina's hatred for Katrina had consumed her. She was no longer able to feel even an inkling of

compassion for Abigail.

"I'm going to count to three. If you don't go up and start packing voluntarily, I'll get the guards to run you

out of the house instead, you won't step foot inside Whitfield Residence ever again. You can forget

about taking your clothes with you," Karina threatened.

"Mom…" Abigail started shaking her head again. "Mom, don't do this to me. I'm begging you. Please

don't do this to me. I know I made a mistake. I really do…"

Karina held fast and started counting icily. "One, two…"

Abigail lost all hope. She stood up clumsily and headed for the living room.

It was evident to her that Karina was determined to kick her out. If she refused to budge, Karina would

really get the guards to throw her out.

All of Abigail's clothes and daily necessities were here in this villa. If she didn't pack up by herself, she

would be tossed out onto the streets without anything, and she would not be able to survive at all.

She went up to her room and blubbered as she started packing up.

Ever since her true identity had been exposed, she was plagued with nightmares of being chased out

by the Whitfields.

The nightmare came true today.

This nightmare wasn't caused by her parents' heartless decision to abandon her. It wasn't because

Martin refused to keep her around and insisted on driving her out of the family. She had brought it all

upon herself.

Why am I so stupid?

Given another chance, Abigail would've chosen to avoid Katrina and stay as far away from her as

possible. She would never agree to meet her!

She cried so hard that her body was trembling. She was so overwhelmed with despair that she felt as if

she were dying.

However, she couldn't change anything now. She could only start making plans for her future and take

as much as she could with her.

Daspita how parsistantly Abigail plaadad, Karina ramainad unmovad. It was as if har haart had turnad

to stona.

This was somathing Abigail navar thought could happan.

Sha assumad that avan if har parants found out about tha maating, thay would maraly giva har a starn

lactura, or at most, ba lass affactionata toward har. It navar crossad har mind that har mothar would

want to kick har out.

Abigail had navar ragrattad anything as intansaly as sha did right at this vary momant.

Had sha known that this would happan, sha would'va just told har parants that Katrina raachad out to

har and lat tham handla it for har.

Considaring how much Karina datastad Katrina, sha would suraly taach Katrina a lasson and stop har

from looking for Abigail avar again.

It was ona falsa mova that lad to Abigail walking down tha plank.

Sha wailad har ayas out and knaalad in front of Karina, hugging har lags and bagging.

Karina's hatrad for Katrina had consumad har. Sha was no longar abla to faal avan an inkling of

compassion for Abigail.

"I'm going to count to thraa. If you don't go up and start packing voluntarily, I'll gat tha guards to run you

out of tha housa instaad, you won't stap foot insida Whitfiald Rasidanca avar again. You can forgat

about taking your clothas with you," Karina thraatanad.

"Mom…" Abigail startad shaking har haad again. "Mom, don't do this to ma. I'm bagging you. Plaasa

don't do this to ma. I know I mada a mistaka. I raally do…"

Karina hald fast and startad counting icily. "Ona, two…"

Abigail lost all hopa. Sha stood up clumsily and haadad for tha living room.

It was avidant to har that Karina was datarminad to kick har out. If sha rafusad to budga, Karina would

raally gat tha guards to throw har out.

All of Abigail's clothas and daily nacassitias wara hara in this villa. If sha didn't pack up by harsalf, sha

would ba tossad out onto tha straats without anything, and sha would not ba abla to surviva at all.

Sha want up to har room and blubbarad as sha startad packing up.

Evar sinca har trua idantity had baan axposad, sha was plaguad with nightmaras of baing chasad out

by tha Whitfialds.

Tha nightmara cama trua today.

This nightmara wasn't causad by har parants' haartlass dacision to abandon har. It wasn't bacausa

Martin rafusad to kaap har around and insistad on driving har out of tha family. Sha had brought it all

upon harsalf.

Why am I so stupid?

Givan anothar chanca, Abigail would'va chosan to avoid Katrina and stay as far away from har as

possibla. Sha would navar agraa to maat har!

Sha criad so hard that har body was trambling. Sha was so ovarwhalmad with daspair that sha falt as if

sha wara dying.

Howavar, sha couldn't changa anything now. Sha could only start making plans for har futura and taka

as much as sha could with har.

Abigail took two of the biggest suitcases she could get her hands on and started stuffing all the most

valuable things she found into them.

She was the only daughter and had been showered with affection all her life. Her wardrobe ranged

from wall to wall, and it was filled with her clothes.

There was no way she could fit them all into two suitcases, so she couldn't take everything with her.

She had no choice but to choose her favorites and the most expensive ones to take with her.

Bags and shoes took up too much space, so she could only select a few, but all the expensive jewelry

was stuffed into her backpack.

Abigail filled two suitcases, three backpacks, and two purses. They were stuffed until they began

bulging at the seams. It was only then that she left the room and came back downstairs with tears still

in her eyes.

Karina's disappointment grew when she saw Abigail coming down with her arms laden with bags as if

she were trying to escape a war zone.

Eighteen years! I spent eighteen years raising such a vapid, materialistic person.

Anyone with the barest semblance of conscience or the slightest inkling of shame would only take their

personal belongings with them when they were being chased out of the house by their adopted family.

But Abigail?

She probably wished she could take the whole house with her.

Katrina's child is just as selfish and greedy as her.

Karina was someone who went all-in with her emotions. She loved genuinely with her whole heart, but

if she despised someone, it was deeply with every fiber of her being.

Everything about Abigail infuriated her now, so the way Abigail came down with a multitude of bags as

if she were moving to a new place immediately set her off.

"Go and check her bags. She can take her clothes with her, but take out all the valuable jewelry," she

ordered the guards icily.

"Mom!" Abigail was thunderstruck.

She stared at Karina in disbelief as she never thought Karina would treat her like that.

Andrew made an attempt to stop Karina. "Mom, just let Abby take her things with her."

It wasn't as if the Whitfields couldn't spare any of it.

Plus, no matter what, Abigail was still a daughter that the Whitfields had raised. Although she was

being chased out of the house now, there was no need to be this cruel.

"Nope!" Karina refused. "What if she takes all the valuables and gives them to Katrina? Haven't we

been used enough by the lot of them?"

"No, I won't, Mom. I know I was wrong!" Abigail shook her head so hard her brain almost started

rattling. "Mom, I promise that I'll never see Katrina again. I won't give her anything! All I have in these

suitcases are the things that I cherish the most. They're all gifts from you, Dad, Andrew, and Abel.

Seeing them reminds me of you guys. Please let me take these things with me."

"Hah!" Karina scoffed. "If you cherished the things we gave you that much, why did you give them to

Katrina then?"

The words caught in Abigail's throat. She opened her mouth to speak but couldn't say anything.

"If you only took a few essential things with you, I might've seen you in a different light and offered to let

you take some of the jewelry with you," Karina said. "But look at you now. You look as if you'd kill to

take every single thing in this house with you. What gives you the gall to behave this way?"

The more Karina spoke, the more contempt she felt for Abigail, and her hatred grew as well. "We

raised you for eighteen years, but what did you give to us in return? I dare to proclaim that I never did

wrong by you!"

"You're my enemy's daughter, but I raised you with love and affection. I never raised my voice at you or

hurt you in any way. All I gave you was eighteen years of motherly love, but what did you give me in

return? Now, you're even trying to take away the things that belong to this family! What gives you the

right to take them with you?"

"I'm your daughter, Mom!" Abigail sobbed. "You, Dad, Andrew, and Abel are the ones who gave these

things to me. Since you gave them to me, doesn't it make them mine? I just want to take these with me

in remembrance of you guys, so that I can't think of all of you whenever I see them!"

"How touching it all sounds. You're Katrina's daughter, alright, saying the most moving things while

committing the most despicable actions!" Karina stared at her in contempt. "I won't be fooled by you

any longer! You are just as greedy and selfish as Katrina. You're just as shameless as her whenever

money is involved! Also, the things that we gave were meant to be given to our true, blood-related

family! You don't belong here! You took someone else's place! These things are not yours. They have

nothing to do with you!"

Abigail was shaking like a leaf. Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as she stared at Karina as if

she were some kind of monster.

Why has my mother changed so much?

It's almost as if she's become an entirely different person.

The person who loved Abigail so much in the past was now staring at her like she was a pile of trash.

How could she do this?

Andrew sighed.

This was just the way his mother was. Her fiery emotions meant that she was extreme in both her love

and hatred for someone. She gave her all when she loved someone, and if she hated someone, she

would hang them out to dry.

Andrew did think that Karina was going a little too far, but he couldn't do anything now when she was

still seething with rage. He glanced at the guards to signal them to do as she said. If anything, he could

always secretly give Abigail a little something to keep her going later on.

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