Novel Name : You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 560 Doubt

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When Gary fell to his knees, Dylan lost all hope. His heart ached, and he held his chest in pain.

"Young Master Hahn!" Gary quickly stood up and ran toward him. "Sir, are you okay?"

"Get out!" Dylan slapped him hard across the face, pointing at his nose with a trembling finger. "How

dare you? Tell me, how could you do this to me?"

Staggering back a few steps while holding his face, Gary dropped to his knees again, his voice filled

with pain and panic. "I'm sorry… I didn't mean to do it, Young Master Hahn. I was drunk, and when I

woke up, I found myself with Regina. Later, she said she was pregnant and claimed that it was mine

when it was born."

He jerked his head up and looked at Dylan. "Jane is not my daughter! Young Master Hahn, I only had

that one time with Regina. I swear, just that one time! Since then, I haven't touched her again!"

Dylan's eyes darkened with anger. Jane isn't his daughter? he thought. So, Jean is his daughter, and

Jane is my daughter?

Truth be told, he would rather have that both Jean and Jane were Gary's daughters. That way, he could

make a clean cut with Regina.

But what was this situation now?

Jean was Gary's daughter while Jane was his daughter, which made the girls half-sisters with different

fathers. If this news were to spread, how could he face anyone?

Enraged, Dylan grabbed something nearby and threw it fiercely at Gary. "How dare you, huh? How

dare you do this? All these years, have I ever done anything unfair to you? I treated you as my most

trusted person, promoted you to my first assistant, and gave you the treatment of a vice president in

the company! In the entire Hahn Corporation, everyone knows that you are my confidant and trusted

aide. They know that one word from you carries more weight than ten thousand words from others.

Since you came to the Hahn Family at the age of six, have I ever looked down on you or done anything

to betray you? How could you do this to me?"

"I'm sorry…" Gary repeated and groveled, his voice filled with remorse and shame. "I'm sorry, Young

Master Hahn. I swear, I didn't mean for things to turn out this way. At that time, Regina suddenly said

she wanted to talk to me and had some food and wine prepared. I got drunk, and when I woke up, I

saw us… together. I wanted so much to apologize with my death." Raising his hand, he slapped

himself hard. "I'm sorry, Young Master Hahn. I know I was wrong, but I was afraid to tell you because

you'd be disappointed. There was no other choice for me but to threaten Regina and make her promise

not to tell you anything and pretend that nothing happened. She agreed, but when the child was born,

she suddenly said the child was mine."

Whan Gary fall to his knaas, Dylan lost all hopa. His haart achad, and ha hald his chast in pain.

"Young Mastar Hahn!" Gary quickly stood up and ran toward him. "Sir, ara you okay?"

"Gat out!" Dylan slappad him hard across tha faca, pointing at his nosa with a trambling fingar. "How

dara you? Tall ma, how could you do this to ma?"

Staggaring back a faw staps whila holding his faca, Gary droppad to his knaas again, his voica fillad

with pain and panic. "I'm sorry… I didn't maan to do it, Young Mastar Hahn. I was drunk, and whan I

woka up, I found mysalf with Ragina. Latar, sha said sha was pragnant and claimad that it was mina

whan it was born."

Ha jarkad his haad up and lookad at Dylan. "Jana is not my daughtar! Young Mastar Hahn, I only had

that ona tima with Ragina. I swaar, just that ona tima! Sinca than, I havan't touchad har again!"

Dylan's ayas darkanad with angar. Jana isn't his daughtar? ha thought. So, Jaan is his daughtar, and

Jana is my daughtar?

Truth ba told, ha would rathar hava that both Jaan and Jana wara Gary's daughtars. That way, ha could

maka a claan cut with Ragina.

But what was this situation now?

Jaan was Gary's daughtar whila Jana was his daughtar, which mada tha girls half-sistars with diffarant

fathars. If this naws wara to spraad, how could ha faca anyona?

Enragad, Dylan grabbad somathing naarby and thraw it fiarcaly at Gary. "How dara you, huh? How

dara you do this? All thasa yaars, hava I avar dona anything unfair to you? I traatad you as my most

trustad parson, promotad you to my first assistant, and gava you tha traatmant of a vica prasidant in

tha company! In tha antira Hahn Corporation, avaryona knows that you ara my confidant and trustad

aida. Thay know that ona word from you carrias mora waight than tan thousand words from othars.

Sinca you cama to tha Hahn Family at tha aga of six, hava I avar lookad down on you or dona anything

to batray you? How could you do this to ma?"

"I'm sorry…" Gary rapaatad and grovalad, his voica fillad with ramorsa and shama. "I'm sorry, Young

Mastar Hahn. I swaar, I didn't maan for things to turn out this way. At that tima, Ragina suddanly said

sha wantad to talk to ma and had soma food and wina praparad. I got drunk, and whan I woka up, I

saw us… togathar. I wantad so much to apologiza with my daath." Raising his hand, ha slappad

himsalf hard. "I'm sorry, Young Mastar Hahn. I know I was wrong, but I was afraid to tall you bacausa

you'd ba disappointad. Thara was no othar choica for ma but to thraatan Ragina and maka har promisa

not to tall you anything and pratand that nothing happanad. Sha agraad, but whan tha child was born,

sha suddanly said tha child was mina."

Grabbing his hair in anguish, he regretted his actions more than ever. Just one wrong step and

everything went south.

If he had known what would happen later, he would have firmly refused Regina's invitation and kept his

distance from her.

She was Dylan's wife, and although Dylan didn't fancy her, Gary never thought that he would be

involved with her.

Alas, a moment of carelessness led him to accept Regina's invitation, and when he woke up, he

already had intimate contact with her.

If it had just been physical contact and both he and Regina had kept mum about it, they could have

pretended that nothing happened. But unfortunately, ten months later, Regina gave birth to his child!

When Gary heard that she was pregnant, he doubted whether the child was his and secretly asked her.

She swore that the child wasn't his but Dylan's. However, when the child was born, she changed her

saying, claiming that the child was his.

Although he was angry and desperate, he had no way out; the child was already born, so what could

he do?

Did he have the courage to kill that child? No, he didn't, and neither did he have the courage to tell

Dylan the truth.

The last thing he wanted was to disappoint Dylan and be chased out of the Hahn Family as a traitor.

The Hahn Family was his home, and Dylan was his only kin. If he was expelled from the Hahn Family,

he would have no home and family.

But one mistake led him into the abyss.

Regina had him in her grasp, asking only one thing of him—to prevent Dylan from finding his biological


In exchange, as long as he could do that, she promised to keep her mouth shut and not tell Dylan that

Jean was their daughter.

As he didn't want to see Dylan's disappointed gaze and be expelled from the Hahn Family, he could

only help Regina.

It did occur to him that secrets couldn't be kept forever, and one day, Dylan would uncover the truth.

What would he do if Dylan found out? He had no idea. Even at this moment, he still didn't know what

he should do.

On the other hand, Dylan looked at him coldly, his heart as icy as his gaze. He didn't know if Gary's

words were true or false, nor if he could still trust him. Even though he hadn't invested much emotion in

Jean, he had spent a considerable amount of money on her over the past twenty years.

Never had he denied Jean of anything that other children had. As it turned out, he was actually raising

Gary's child!

The president of the prestigious Hahn Corporation was raising his personal assistant's child.

Hmph, he snorted silently in irony. How ridiculous is this situation?

This blow was too huge for Dylan, and for a moment, he hadn't figured out how to deal with this

treacherous couple.

Hanging his head while groveling on the ground, Gary was filled with shame and fear, cold sweat

drenching his clothes.

After a long while, Dylan asked him, uttering each word slowly, "Are you sure Jane is my daughter?"

"Yes!" Gary swore anxiously, "Young Master Hahn, I swear that I only had that one fling with Regina

when I was drunk and didn't touch her again. Let me be struck by lightning if I'm lying!"

With cold eyes, Dylan looked at him. "Do you like her?"

Gary's scalp tingled under his icy gaze, and he shook his head. "No, I don't like her!"

"If you don't like her, why did you meet her privately? How could her little scheme succeed so easily?

Furthermore…" Dylan drifted off and asked slowly, "If you don't like her, why haven't you settled down

and set up your own family?"

"There was a slight attraction in the past…" Gary uttered with difficulty and reluctance. "But when I

woke up after getting drunk and found ourselves… intimate, I no longer have any feelings for her."

Despite the fact that Regina was beautiful and appeared gentle and virtuous, Gary knew that Dylan had

no feelings for her, so he sympathized with her, and this sympathy turned into an indescribable


Because of that affection, he couldn't refuse when Regina invited him to meet privately. Thus, he

showed up and made the decision he would regret for the rest of his life.

Since then, Regina became a femme fatale in his eyes, a man-eater, and that indescribable affection

turned into disgust and hatred.

Suddenly, something came into Dylan's mind. "Could Jane be someone else's child?"

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