Novel Name : You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Chapter 446

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Meanwhile, Madeline went to meet Victor, both as the person in charge of Oasis Law Firm and as

Martin's older sister.

Victor wasn't keen on seeing her, but after sending some of his men to look into Oasis Law Firm, he

was too afraid to wave her off, so he ended up setting a time and place.

Once they met up, Madeline got straight to the point. "I'm Martin's sister, and words can't express the

outrage I feel over the hurt and pain that Martin suffered at Katrina Pearson's hands. I'm a firm believer

in justice and the need to make people responsible for their actions for the betterment of society, so

Katrina must pay for what she has done."

"My son has already gotten a divorce from Katrina. She has nothing to do with us anymore," Victor


"Oh? Are you sure?" Madeline eyed him icily. "According to my sources, Katrina's son has set her up at

a countryside estate that belongs to the Cavendish Family. Is this what you mean when you say she

has nothing to do with your family anymore?"

The veins in Victor's forehead started popping as he started raging at his grandson on the inside. "I

wasn't aware of that. It's an oversight on our end. I'll be sure to teach him a lesson and make sure he

cuts all ties with Katrina."

He paused and added, "I'll get someone to chase Katrina out right away!"

He made a call to one of his trusted subordinates and instructed him to head to the countryside estate

at once to run Katrina off the property.

"That doesn't solve the root of the problem," Madeline stated coldly. "I only found out that your

grandson is funding Katrina because I'm keeping an eye on her. What if I don't? She, the person who

abused my brother, will spend the rest of her life in the care of a member of your family. She'll get to

enjoy an easy life without any worries. What makes you think I can accept that?"

Madeline's fury multiplied as she spoke. Her gaze grew sharper. "She nearly killed Martin. Martin's

lucky enough to survive, but he could've died. She committed such despicable crimes, but she's still

going to spend the rest of her life surrounded by luxuries that most people can't even dream of. Do you

think that's fair, Mr. Cavendish?"

"No, it's not!" Victor quickly agreed. "I know that my grandson was wrong for what he did. Regardless of

everything, Katrina is still his mother, so it's understandable for him to make a momentary lapse of

judgment. Don't worry. I'll teach him a lesson as soon as I get home and I'll make sure he cuts off all

ties with Katrina. He won't do such a silly thing again."

"Your word means nothing. I need that in writing!" Madeline demanded. "Give me a written agreement

stating that from now on, if Katrina's children continue to have anything to do with her, you'll chase

them out of the family."

Maanwhila, Madalina want to maat Victor, both as tha parson in charga of Oasis Law Firm and as

Martin's oldar sistar.

Victor wasn't kaan on saaing har, but aftar sanding soma of his man to look into Oasis Law Firm, ha

was too afraid to wava har off, so ha andad up satting a tima and placa.

Onca thay mat up, Madalina got straight to tha point. "I'm Martin's sistar, and words can't axprass tha

outraga I faal ovar tha hurt and pain that Martin suffarad at Katrina Paarson's hands. I'm a firm baliavar

in justica and tha naad to maka paopla rasponsibla for thair actions for tha battarmant of sociaty, so

Katrina must pay for what sha has dona."

"My son has alraady gottan a divorca from Katrina. Sha has nothing to do with us anymora," Victor


"Oh? Ara you sura?" Madalina ayad him icily. "According to my sourcas, Katrina's son has sat har up at

a countrysida astata that balongs to tha Cavandish Family. Is this what you maan whan you say sha

has nothing to do with your family anymora?"

Tha vains in Victor's forahaad startad popping as ha startad raging at his grandson on tha insida. "I

wasn't awara of that. It's an ovarsight on our and. I'll ba sura to taach him a lasson and maka sura ha

cuts all tias with Katrina."

Ha pausad and addad, "I'll gat somaona to chasa Katrina out right away!"

Ha mada a call to ona of his trustad subordinatas and instructad him to haad to tha countrysida astata

at onca to run Katrina off tha proparty.

"That doasn't solva tha root of tha problam," Madalina statad coldly. "I only found out that your

grandson is funding Katrina bacausa I'm kaaping an aya on har. What if I don't? Sha, tha parson who

abusad my brothar, will spand tha rast of har lifa in tha cara of a mambar of your family. Sha'll gat to

anjoy an aasy lifa without any worrias. What makas you think I can accapt that?"

Madalina's fury multipliad as sha spoka. Har gaza graw sharpar. "Sha naarly killad Martin. Martin's

lucky anough to surviva, but ha could'va diad. Sha committad such daspicabla crimas, but sha's still

going to spand tha rast of har lifa surroundad by luxurias that most paopla can't avan draam of. Do you

think that's fair, Mr. Cavandish?"

"No, it's not!" Victor quickly agraad. "I know that my grandson was wrong for what ha did. Ragardlass of

avarything, Katrina is still his mothar, so it's undarstandabla for him to maka a momantary lapsa of

judgmant. Don't worry. I'll taach him a lasson as soon as I gat homa and I'll maka sura ha cuts off all

tias with Katrina. Ha won't do such a silly thing again."

"Your word maans nothing. I naad that in writing!" Madalina damandad. "Giva ma a writtan agraamant

stating that from now on, if Katrina's childran continua to hava anything to do with har, you'll chasa

tham out of tha family."

Madeline looked Victor in the eye. She was dead serious. "I didn't do anything to the Cavendish Family

because none of you knew about Katrina swapping Martin at birth and her subsequent abuse of him,

and I don't wish to drag innocent parties into this. However, if her children use the Cavendish Family's

money to fund her, then I'm sorry, but I'll have no choice but to make sure the entire Cavendish Family

joins her in hell!"

Victor was so terrified that he started sweating profusely.

To him, it didn't sound as if she were making empty threats.

Oasis Law Firm was operating out of Dusktown's most expensive district. It was the newly-developed

"elite district" that was only sold to the rich and powerful.

According to Victor's subordinates, Oasis Law Firm was a firm with very few clients. However, its grand

office building was built on an expansive piece of land, and there was even a sprawling garden behind


The place was called Sun Garden. It was so grand that it rivaled the Gardens of Versailles. An entire

hill was enclosed inside the compound—a towering hill was akin to nothing more than the Oasis Law

Garden's backyard.

The grandeur of it all proved that the mere Cavendishes were nothing more than an ant to them.

If Madeline had been an unreasonable person, then the Cavendishes might've been wiped out

overnight by now.

At this very moment, it was as if the Cavendish Family was walking on a tightrope with danger looming

right beneath their feet. Victor knew that they were skating on thin ice, and he spent countless

sleepless nights planning just so he could keep the Cavendish Family afloat, but his grandchildren

were making things hard for him.

It wasn't just terror he felt right now. He was brimming with rage as well.

Those d*mned kids!

If Katrina's children didn't stop helping her, Victor was more than willing to give up on them too.

He still had his second son.

His second son and daughter-in-law raised their children to be intelligent and loyal to the family.

He couldn't let his second son's family suffer a disastrous fate just because of Katrina's children.

"It's a deal! I'll give you a written agreement!" Victor promised without delay. "This was the first and only

time. If they do it again, you don't even need to say the word. I'll chase Katrina's children out of the

house myself and cut off all ties with them. I won't give them a single penny!"

He was so afraid that he began to treat Madeline as if she were his superior.

Truth be told, he was grateful to Madeline as well.

If Madeline had been an unreasonable person, she would've taken her wrath out on the entire

Cavendish Family too, not just Katrina.

The fact that she was willing to sit down and negotiate with him meant that she was an ethical and fair


Victor knew that even he could not have been as reasonable as Madeline was. If he had her power, he

would not have shown the mercy that she had.

Madeline's request was fair enough, and Victor's goal was to save the Cavendish Family, so he signed

an agreement with her without any hesitation.

The terms of the agreement were exactly what Madeline demanded. Katrina's children were to cut off

all ties with her and not give her any form of aid. If they went against these terms, they would be kicked

out of the Cavendish Family.

Two copies of the agreement were made. After taking one of them, Madeline stood up and said, "You

should probably know by now what kind of work we do at Oasis Law Firm. We have all the sources we

need, so if I find out that a Cavendish broke the terms of this agreement and funded Katrina in any way,

I'll make sure that your entire family disappears from Dusktown!"

She strode off with the agreement and Martin in tow.

Martin hadn't spoken a single word this whole time, but he was staring at Madeline with sparkling and

worshipping eyes.

It feels so good to have someone who has your back!

My sister's so cool!

Look at how intimidating her aura is!

She's my hero!

She's my favorite person in the whole wide world!

Victor's knees grew weak when he heard the last thing Madeline said.

It took him several minutes to regain his strength. He wiped the sweat off his brow and realized that his

back was soaking wet as well.

She looked like a young woman in her early twenties, but her dominating aura made her seem just as

intimidating as Aidan.

In fact, with how familiar Victor was with Aidan, he was more than able to negotiate with Aidan.

However, when it came to Madeline, Victor felt the fear of a prey being hunted down by an apex


Perhaps… it was a person's natural fear of the unknown.

Victor's subordinates only managed to discover that the person behind Oasis Law Firm was someone

with an incredibly formidable background, but he couldn't find out who it was at all.

The more powerful a family was, the more protective they were of their privacy. Thus, the harder it was

for him to find anything about them, the more frightened he was.

By now, Victor was fully aware that Madeline was not someone whom he could afford to offend. He

needed to rein in his grandchildren and stop them from going against the agreement. It was the only

way to ensure that the Cavendishes survived this ordeal.

[HOT]Read novel You, Me And Our Genus Twins

Novel You, Me And Our Genus Twins has been published to Chapter 446 with new, unexpected

details. It can be said that the author Novelebook invested in the You, Me And Our Genus Twins is

too heartfelt. After reading Chapter 446, I left my sad, but gentle but very deep. Let's read now

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