Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 302 The Mixed Element Blood Bracelet (Part Two)

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When the mixed element blood jade was worn by someone, it could put the blood and vitality in the

skin. As time passed, the blood and vitality in the human body would be stronger, thus he would

promote his strength and even be in higher spirit.

Due to the miraculous effects that a blood jade instilled, it was regarded as invaluable.

However, it was extremely rare to find anything but small jades, which was fine, since most people

wanted one that could be worn around their necks, like a jade pendant or tablet.

It appeared that the bracelet from James was carved from a single piece of a mixed element blood

jade, and if that was the case, that would mean it started out the size of a fist, and this single bracelet

was priceless!

However, the worth of the bracelet hadn't occurred to Nina.

It so happened that because of the status her clan elevated her to, Nina could request anything,

including the family's heirloom, and immediately, she would be given what she wanted.

On her last visit to the White Emperor City, Nina even threatened Lennie with the sales of their family's

most prized heirloom, Tai-Yi Moxa Stick, if he didn't willingly open his wallet, part with whatever money

it cost, and bail Zen out of trouble.

Alongside that irreplaceable family heirloom, Nina had many valuable treasures that could outshine the

mixed element blood bracelet.

Although the mixed element blood bracelet was a rarity that was priceless to others, Nina saw it as


None of that mattered though, Nina couldn't accept a gift. She was neither a close friend nor a family

member of the Mo Clan which made it highly inappropriate for her to receive a present as costly as this

bracelet, especially considering this was the first time she met James as well as her initial visit to the

Mo Mansion.

After gazing at the precious piece of jewelry for a moment, Nina slowly shook her head explaining,

"Uncle Mo, regrettably, I can't accept your generous gift."

When Yates heard Nina's refusal, he gently lifted the Mixed Element Blood Bracelet from the simple,

yet elegant box. His hands were slightly shaky, while he pushed it toward her wrist, smiled awkwardly

at Nina and hurriedly blurted, "No, no, Nina, it's alright, honestly! It's only a bracelet. Why wouldn't you

be able to accept it?"

Nina's cheeks had the faintest of pink flushes as she smiled demurely, and in a soft, near whisper she

said, "No pain no gain. This is my first visit to Mo Mansion; therefore, it's improper to accept such a

precious gift."

"Oh, is that all? It's alright for you to accept it! And you are welcome to visit here at my home again in

the future. Won't it be nice if you come visit more often?" asked Yates laughing nervously.

Zen sat off to the side, furrowing his brow, slightly. He had never seen such shameless display from

any guy, let alone two. Both father and son were behaving so obscenely. Nina had already politely

declined the gift, but they were insistent and forcing it on her. It was an embarrassing scene to witness;

he could only imagine what Nina was going through.

Just as Zen opened his mouth to speak up on Nina's behalf, he was silenced and another voice

interjected from the other side of the table. He turned his head in surprise as he heard, "You cannot

give this bracelet to another!"

It was surprising to hear the clear determination in Nory's tone. His face was emotionless, although his

gaze hinted at being able to turn dark as he reiterated, "This bracelet can't be given away!"

A look of surprise covered Zen's face, and his mouth opened slightly in anticipation of what would

come next.

Since arriving at Mo Mansion, Nory had remained tolerant the whole time, no matter what happened!

He remained in high spirits when the servants cursed at him. Nory smiled when they ignored and

evaded him. Even Zen, Wurth and Sean were bullied because of him.

So, why was Nory set off by James and Yates trying to give this bracelet to Nina? What made Nory

tough all the sudden?

Whatever it was, it gave Nory the gumption to stand up to James, the head of the entire Mo Clan, and

master of Mo Mansion.

When James heard the criticism in Nory's voice, he glowered and turned to face him. But, before

James could say anything, Yates spoke up. His teeth were gritted behind a rigid smile as he said,

"Nory, remember, it's not your place to talk!"

It was evident that Nory wasn't willing to accept submissively this time. He shook his head as he stood

his ground firmly and replied, "No, you are wrong, it is my place to speak. You can't give this bracelet to

someone else, because it was my father's. When he passed away, I looked for the blood jade bracelet

and didn't know where it went. Now I see, it somehow ended up in your hands!"

"Nory, don't talk such nonsense! Since your dad died, I've always treated you well. Why would you

accuse me of such a thing?" James was the head and master over the clan, and yet, here was his

nephew, embarrassing him by exposing his lies. He turned his expression as foul and sour as his mood

was shifting. But, he wasn't willing to confront Nory in such a public venue, and certainly not during a

party, so, all he could do was change the subject, abruptly.

"Have you though? Have you treated me well?" Nory shook his head disappointedly as he continued,

"Uncle, I don't care if you treat me well or not and you and I both know that. The great Mo Clan was

unwilling to give me a noble clan certificate, which meant I had to pass the entrance exam to get

accepted into the Cloud Sect on my own. I didn't bother bringing it up, because it was insignificant.

After my father's death, you didn't give him a proper funeral fit for one from a noble clan, and I erred

because I still didn't stand up to you. But, now, well now I only have one question for you, how did my

father's blood jade bracelet disappear at the time of his death and yet, here you are, holding it in your


Nory's questioning panicked James, and a horrified expression flashed over his face. Just as quickly,

James plastered a blank look and empty smile, reminding himself he was a famous noble lord. In

complete denial, James smoothly said, "You are thinking too much Nory. This isn't the same blood jade

bracelet that your father owned."

"Oh really? Uncle, do you think I am a fool, or do you believe I was too young to remember details?

Well, either way, you're wrong! I remember specifics about my father's bracelet, like how on the back,

'Good Fortune" is engraved in large letters, and there're small runes inscribed alongside the letters. Tell

me, uncle, do you think there were two such bracelets made?"

As soon as Nory stopped, everyone stared over to where Nory was glaring. The words, Good Fortune,

were on the inside of the blood jade bracelet like Nory expected.

As all eyes turned from the bracelet to James and Yates, they stood frozen, neither of them was able to

think of a way to wriggle out of this embarrassing development.


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