Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4292 Merging Into One

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After the ancestry-level bloodline went back to Zen's body, only one hundred and forty rings which were

the energies of the one hundred and forty Extreme Form energies floating in the sky.

It was a little complicated to control the Extreme Form energies, so Zen created one hundred and forty

avatars—each of which was responsible for one kind of energy. When he needed to use any of the

energies, he would activate one of his avatars to control it.

However, the primitive land was about to be captured, so he had to prevent the Extreme Form energies

and the avatars from being destroyed.

After thinking for a while, Zen gently raised his hand, and a mysterious power of space circulated his

fingertip. After the avatar in charge of the Hyperspace Extreme Form opened his eyes, a space began

to envelop all of the energies and the avatars.

"Shrink!" Zen commanded.


The space began to shrink. The one hundred and forty kinds of energies as well as the avatars also

shrank with it, until finally, they all landed on Zen's palm.

He looked at the space on his palm and heaved a sad sigh.

After he put the space away, Zen's gaze swept across everyone present.

Everyone there all had mixed feelings.

They thought back to the start of the war in the Source World to their successful escape. The steps

they had to take to reach this moment were not easy at all.

The end of the chaos was not worth mentioning now. What they had to focus on now was facing the

Snake Spirit King and the downgrader.

Fuxi said with a wide smile, "Even if we lose, it will all be worth it. There were so many civilizations

before us, but none of them were able to experience what we experienced!"

"I had never thought of fighting against such powerful enemies before. If I had known about the force

we were about to face today a lot earlier, I'm afraid I would have given up on day one," Eastern

Emperor Taiyi said expressionlessly.

"It's not just you. I didn't think I'd ever reach this point, either," Hilario replied, shaking his head.

While they seemed to be full of fighting spirit, in their hearts, the feeling of despair quietly began to


It was like they had worked so hard to hike up a mountain, only to reach its peak and realize there was

still a dangerous ladder they had to climb. It was difficult for them not to feel despair, especially when

their previous efforts seemed to be for nothing.

Kincaid, however, was having none of it. "Wait, why do you guys think that we're going to be the ones

who will lose?" He spoke up. "Let's not forget—whatever the downgrader has, we have it too. If that's

the case, why are you guys so sure he's going to win?" he continued.

"Master Kincaid's right! Also, Zen controls the Extreme Form energies. As the controllers of the

primitive lands, they are equally matched in strength. More importantly, we have something that they

don't have," the Snake Goddess exclaimed.

Zen asked in astonishment, "What do you mean?"

"Listen to me first."

Ignoring Zen's and everyone else's puzzled expressions, the Snake Goddess continued, "The human

spirit called Barth said that when a big primitive land devours a small primitive land, the former wouldn't

have any advantages. The controllers of the two primitive lands have the same authority, right?"

"Yes," Zen confirmed.

"The Snake Spirit King and the downgrader definitely don't know about this. If they did, they wouldn't

have chosen to devour your primitive land," the Snake Goddess continued to explain.

Zen thought about it for a while before nodding his head in agreement. The Snake Goddess' analysis

made perfect sense.

"When the two worlds merge into one world, your omniscient and omnipotent power will meet no

obstruction in the Burial Land. You can find out the Snake Spirit King in an instant and kill him!" the

Snake Goddess exclaimed.

As Fuxi, Kincaid, and the others heard the Snake Goddess' suggestion, their eyes lit up with hope. But

it was quickly turned down by Hilario, who said, "Cornelius is in the form of a Treacherous Being. It will

not be easy to kill him."

As Hilario said, the reason why Treacherous Beings were so terrifying to face in combat was that it was

extremely difficult to kill them. Even if one used the Light of Annihilation to kill the Treacherous Beings,

the latter would still be able to revive themselves through their coordinates.

If Zen used the Flame Extreme Form, he didn't need to use the Light of Annihilation. He could directly

burn the Snake Spirit King to death. He had already done it once on the Other Shore, but the question

was this—how could he remove the Snake Spirit King's coordinates?

"It shouldn't be difficult to find his coordinates with your omniscient power," the Snake Goddess said,

her brain still swiftly racing.

"Yes. If his coordinates are in the Burial Land, there might be a good chance I can kill him," Zen said,

growing more hopeful.

"But what if his coordinates aren't in the Burial Land but on the Other Shore?" Hilario asked again.

Now, everyone fell into silence.

It wouldn't be easy to find the Snake Spirit King's coordinates if they were on the Other Shore.


Kincaid laughed suddenly, breaking the silence. "Cornelius is a very cautious person. I'm afraid he

wouldn't want to be separated from his coordinates. There's a high chance of him bringing his

coordinates to the Burial Land, but still, we can't be a hundred percent sure we'll win this war. All we

can do is try!"

"Forget the hundred percent chance of winning! Even if the chance is slim, we still have to go on to

fight!" Zen said, punching his fist into the air.

Outside the primitive land, Zen's avatar was still tightly held by the Snake Spirit King. He looked down.

When the black spirals eroded the primitive land, they might have absorbed a portion of the matter that

fell off from the primitive land. These black spirals grew stronger and stronger each minute. As a result,

the speed at which they eroded the outer wall of the primitive land grew quicker and quicker.

It was as if they were peeling off a fruit, grinding the primitive land's outer wall bit by bit.

This might take a longer time, but it was the safest plan in the eyes of the Snake Spirit King and the


On a peak of the Burial Land stood the Snake Spirit King's real body, and on his head stood the


"We're at an absolute advantage with this strategy. The Source World has been smashed into pieces.

Congratulations! You've won the battle earlier than we expected," the Snake Spirit King said, praising

the downgrader.

However, the downgrader's six pairs of light blue, compound eyes were not celebrating. Instead, his

eyes looked bored. "Well, it is a little boring..." he said, trailing off.

"What do you mean?" the Snake Spirit King asked in surprise.

"I've fought against Clarence countless times, and every battle with him was fierce. I did my best

whenever I was battling him, but I always failed to take him down. Now that I fight with these weak

existences, there is no challenge in it for me. I can't help but find this all boring..." the downgrader said,

shaking his head in disappointment.

"Clarence... Who is he?" the Snake Spirit King asked cautiously.

The downgrader scoffed. "You are not qualified to know," he said coldly.

Although the Snake Spirit King cursed in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything about it.

Four hours later...

One-fifth of the primitive land's outer wall had been eroded.

Six hours later...

Half of the primitive land's outer wall had been eroded.

Ten hours later...

The once thick wall of primitive land became thin. It had only about one-tenth of its original thickness.

At this time, the Snake Spirit King released an aura smelling like blood, which spread to every corner of

the Burial Land.


When the Troubled Creatures of the land smelled the blood, they followed it like they were hungry

sharks. They flapped their wings and surrounded the huge primitive land.

They waited. When the outer wall of the primitive land was completely eroded, they would rush towards


"Desperate?" the Snake Spirit King's avatar asked.

"Ha-ha..." Zen's avatar sneered, refusing to entertain him.

Looking at all the Troubled Creatures surrounding the primitive land, he couldn't help but think of what

the Snake Goddess mentioned. The Snake Spirit King and the downgrader didn't know that when the

boundary was broken, the two primitive lands would merge into one. They weren't aware of the

consequence of what they were doing.

Another hour later, the outer wall of the primitive land cracked. Countless holes and crevices began to

appear. The rest of the broken shell was completely eroded by the black spirals until finally, the two

worlds merged.


"We've succeeded!" They cheered.

At this moment, the Snake Spirit King felt a lot of information rush into his mind.

Before, the primitive land was like a locked, black box to him. He couldn't open it up or see through it.

Now, it was as transparent as water. He looked at it intensely as his mind absorbed endless details. His

omniscient ability finally extended to Zen's primitive land.

However, what the Snake Spirit King didn't know was that Zen felt the same way about the Burial



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