Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4304 The Desperate Situation

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The downgrader was not in a hurry to make a move because as long as he wanted to, he could destroy

everything in a snap.

Even the Destruction Extreme Form that was controlled by Yan had been given by him voluntarily. The

energies were, in fact, not ownerless.

The downgrader liked to watch life being destroyed little by little. He had already experienced great

destruction many times.

In the end, these creatures were just like bees whose hives had been set on fire. In order to defend

their homeland, they desperately tried their best, yet they fell into the abyss of their defeat in the end.

After Yan had killed thousands of Troubled Creatures, numerous purple light balls started to appear


Her clear eyes opened wide as if she was dreadfully glaring at them. Moreover, the Energy Shaft above

her head rotated like crazy.

Swish, swish, swish...

Many purple snakes then shot into the purple light balls one after the other, and the ownerless energies

were controlled by Yan once more.

Twenty thousand purple light balls were already a difficult challenge for Yan. Now there were over four

thousand more balls, which stressed her out even more.


she shouted as she gritted her teeth. She pulled out a larger purple energy net from the purple light

balls, using it to envelop the sky.

More Troubled Creatures were killed as their bodies touched the energy net. Purple light balls burst out

from their broken bodies, melting into the energy net and further strengthening it.

After a while, the net made by Yan had grown much larger as the number of purple light balls that were

fused into it already reached fifty thousand!


The Snake Goddess looked at Yan with concern, but she couldn't persuade Yan to give up just yet.


Geoffrey felt sorry for her and was also worried about what would happen next.

Yan's hair began to stand strand by strand as her eyes became unfocused and rolled up. These were

obvious signs that she had reached her limit.

But she didn't dare give up easily. The moment the net covered the entire Pear Hill, it would definitely

and totally be destroyed.


She had almost run out of the potential of the Energy Shaft as she maxed it out until its last bit. As a

final move, she tossed the huge net into the air.

As soon as she did, she declined into a state of exhaustion and suddenly went falling from the sky.

In a flash, the Snake Goddess stretched out her arms to catch Yan and held her.

"I... I've tried my best..." Yan said as she looked at the Snake Goddess with tired eyes.

"You've done very well," the Snake Goddess affirmed her as she smiled.

"But I still can't protect the Pear Hill," said Yan in a disappointed tone.

The Snake Goddess sighed and said, "Silly girl, who can protect the Pear Hill?"

The Eternal Realm warriors, the Chaos Ancient Gods, or the Human Spirit King could not even do that.

It was already amazing that Yan could achieve all this.

"Are we really all going to die?" Yan asked, looking straight into the Snake Goddess' eyes.

She had been summoned to the jadeite platform by Zen. Although she knew how serious the situation

was, she still believed that there was a chance to win.

"All of us will die, and there is no exception," the Snake Goddess told her calmly.

Despair appeared in Yan's eyes as she glanced at the huge blue halo in the sky.

More and more Troubled Creatures continued to descend in groups like a horrendous storm.

The number of the first group of Troubled Creatures she had annihilated before reached fifty thousand,

while the number of Troubled Creatures at the top of the Pear Hill alone had reached ten billion.

"Where is my brother?" Yan asked, directing her eyes at the Snake Goddess again.

"I don't know." The Snake Goddess shook her head.

Zen's avatar, which had been left on the jadeite platform, was killed, but his real body had mysteriously


Judging the energy possessed by the downgrader, Zen's chances of surviving it were slim.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Meanwhile, Rocher, Geoffrey, and Kincaid still gave their best as they tried to attack and kill all the

Troubled Creatures.

The falling purple light balls were unstoppable. They slowly descended to the Pear Hill, devouring

every part of it they landed onto. This created countless big holes and even the jadeite platform was

eaten up without exception.

There were a lot of cities on the hillside of the Pear Hill, and panic started to spread among their


"Those purple light balls... are coming for us!"


"Leave the Pear Hill!"

They knew that the Pear Hill was their last shelter, and they couldn't escape death even if they tried to

run away from it. However, they were left with no choice but to give up their homeland and flee in this

time of crisis.

However, before these people had moved far away, the Troubled Creatures came rushing from

different directions and attacked them.

These Troubled Creatures didn't pass through the blue halo, and their Hyperspace Extreme Form was

not offset. This group of monsters feasted on all of the people first before they invaded the cities for

more slaughter.

The number of Troubled Creatures descending from the top of the mountain was one hundred

thousand at the beginning, and then increased greatly and reached up to tens of millions.

Geoffrey and his group laboriously passed through the cracks of the purple light balls, taking advantage

of the narrow spaces just to counterattack.


a voice suddenly screamed.

When Eastern Emperor Taiyi accidentally touched the purple light balls during his journey, he was

directly devoured by the Destruction Extreme Form. His physical body at the Eternal Realm was fragile

as a piece of paper in the face of the purple light balls and completely melted.

Yasamin, King Ieuan, and the others didn't even have the time to scream before they evaporated into a

layer of thick green smoke and disappeared.

"Eighty percent of the strength!"

Geoffrey detected a site in the gap between three purple light balls and threw a forceful upward punch.

Terrifying waves of power surged up. As the Troubled Creatures were densely standing close to one

another, this punch might produce hundreds of thousands of purple light balls.


He felt a sharp pain radiating through his body after he had thrown the punch.

Surprisingly, one of his hands was sucked into one of the purple light balls. By the time he pulled it out,

his flesh and blood had been obliterated, leaving only the ghastly white bones of his clenched hand and


Luckily, Geoffrey's physical body was very powerful. If other people encountered this situation, they

would certainly die.

The number of purple light balls continued to increase, leaving them lesser and lesser room to dodge.

In the end, Geoffrey, the Snake Goddess, Yan, Fuxi, Rocher, and Hilario were all cramped up in a small

space. A suffocating sea of purple light balls surrounded them.

"Where is the Human Spirit King?" the Snake Goddess asked, looking at each side.

"Since his Treacherous Being body has been devoured, he should be able to revive on the Other

Shore," Hilario concluded.

"Why don't we use the Grand Teleportation technique to jump out?" suggested Fuxi.

"It's useless," Rocher said, shaking his head as he frowned.

The Troubled Creatures with the Hyperspace Extreme Form gathered around and waited for them. If

Fuxi and his group jumped out, it would only be faster and easier for them to be killed.

The space suddenly began shrinking, squeezing rapidly against their limited space.

One hundred feet...

Fifty feet...

Thirty feet...

Ten feet...

The group of people then huddled together, trying to compress as much as possible in the tiny space

they had. In addition, it became very much inconvenient for Geoffrey who was about ten feet tall. Even

if he initiated to fold both of his arms and legs, he was still taller than ordinary people.

"It's so exciting. I didn't expect to die like this," said Fuxi as he stared at the overwhelming light balls.

"This way of death won't cause too much pain after all," said the Snake Goddess.

"Let's just have a good time then," Fuxi said, preparing to jump into the purple light balls.

But just as he was about to plunge in, a thin layer of light instantly covered his whole body. This light

film that was as elastic as rubber dragged him back and firmly bound him with the others.

Meanwhile, as the purple light balls pressed towards the light film, the light film did not flinch at all and

remained unaffected by the Destruction Extreme Form.

"This must be..." The Snake Goddess' eyes lit up as she realized something.

It was not hard to guess who was still able to protect them at this time.


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