Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4141 A New Flesh World

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After the Evil God had left Zen, his inner world grew and prospered.

The Primeval Lord of Heaven implemented new rules to unite several human forces. All sorts of new

forces flourished like sprouting bamboo shoots.

For most of the inner worlds, the more people and races there were, the more wars they would

inevitably have. However, the new forces in Zen's inner world lived together in harmony, rarely

entertaining any conflicts.

Now blood mist spread across the sky as its stench filled the entire inner world. The people were once

again alarmed.

"This blood is a threatening sign!"

"What's happening to our world?"

"Is a disaster approaching us?"

As the people saw the blood mist covering the horizon, they were filled with indescribable agony.

They were facing imminent danger, but where could they escape?

Splash! Splash!

The blood mist formed from the ancestry-level bloodline spread to the edge of the inner world. It flowed

to a tide merging with the chaotic sea.

From dark brown, the chaotic sea gradually changed into a bright red.

"Master Dale, what does the ancestry-level bloodline want?" Zen asked worriedly.

He knew that the ancestry-level bloodline had its consciousness and was never under his control. Even

the Blood-controlling Method only allowed him to have an elementary control.

Now the ancestry-level bloodline was like a wild runaway horse galloping through his inner world. This

made him nervous.

"How would I know?" answered Dale.

Zen and the Primeval Lord of Heaven glared at him as if they wanted to swallow him alive.

Dale couldn't stand their ferocious stares and hurriedly said, "Didn't I say a world of blood and flesh

would be built?"

The Primeval Lord of Heaven looked at the sea of blood and nodded. "The inner worlds are filled with

all sorts of strange things, but I'm afraid that only Zen's inner world has such a scene."

After a few moments, Zen, the Primeval Lord of Heaven, and Dale finally understood what the world of

blood and flesh pertained to.

As the chaotic sea transformed into blood, several continents began to shake and rumble. They rose

as flesh-like substances appeared from beneath them.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The flesh pulsated, producing new growth that quickly connected to the thick continents.

While the people in Zen's inner world panicked, blood-red flesh popped out from the ground. It grew

into a flesh tree in the blink of an eye, with suckers crawling on its surface.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

These suckers could reach several hundred feet and into humans' bodies. Whoever was sucked would

be stripped of flesh and blood, leaving an obliterated body.

Tens of millions of flesh trees bloomed on the continents, warning to suck all the creatures in the inner



Everyone fled frantically. The continents were swarmed with flesh trees with no way to escape.

Zen could allow the ancestry-level bloodline to transform his inner world, but he would never let it kill

the creatures in such a cruel way.

He frowned and stretched out a hand as he tried to grab and raise it.


The continents began to float under Zen's power.

The flesh trees grew from the flesh substances at the bottom of the continents. They couldn't be

severed from those flesh substances. As the continents floated, the flesh trees were forcefully torn from

the continents.

"Zen, your inner world will undergo a tremendous change. There's no need to pity these lives." Dale felt

that Zen was being too kind.

Once Zen's inner world expanded, it would be multiple times larger and the creatures within it would

also be much more powerful.

Zen was like a rich man who possessed a beggar's attitude—knowing how to cherish even just a

handful of rice.

"No matter what change could happen, I don't want them to be devoured. They are all living beings,"

Zen said with utmost concern.

He had developed his inner world carefully. The people inside were all created by him. They lived with

their spouses and children, experienced joys and sorrows, and dealt with reunions and separations.

Zen wouldn't let them all be killed by the ancestry-level bloodline.

As the continents drifted in the air, the people were able to escape death.

Only the creator of this world could do that.

Those people knew that it was Zen who had saved their lives, so they all fell in worship with their heads

toward the ground.

Although Zen hadn't appeared for a long time, the legend about him spread widely in this world.

"This is boring," Dale remarked as he shook his head.

But it was not that he felt heartless about what took place.

The things involved in the primitive land were too significant. He didn't like Zen to interfere with them

using his strength.

However, there was really no way for Dale to change Zen's mind. He was the master of this world.

After the continents were lifted, more flesh substances formed at the bottom of the world.

As the number of flesh substances increased, the area of the blood sea began to rapidly decrease. Not

long after, the blood sea had disappeared completely and the entire inner world was covered by the

flesh substances.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The flesh contracted like thousands of hearts beating simultaneously at the same speed.

The ancestry-level bloodline ceased taking further action as the inner world reached this point.

"Is it over?"

Zen's avatar descended from the sky and stepped on one of the pieces of flesh.

He had been omniscient within his inner world and there was nothing hidden from him.

Yet he knew nothing about the flesh substances. When he tried to sense them, a resistance force

radiated from them.

The Primeval Lord of Heaven and Dale also descended. "I don't think so. The most critical thing hasn't

happened yet," Dale said.

"Do you mean expansion?" the Primeval Lord of Heaven asked.

"Yes," Dale replied with a nod.

For a primitive land, expansion was the priority. Zen's inner world was far too small.

"Will the world expand relying on these flesh substances?" Zen questioned Dale.

Dale didn't answer. He didn't know the answer either, but looking at the vast mass of flesh substances,

he felt that the world ought to expand next.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

All the flesh substances began to beat faster. They appeared to be growing, squeezing unto each other

more and more fiercely.

Five minutes later, Zen suddenly felt a crushing intense pain. It throbbed non-stop as if giving him a

signal of his cinnabar field close to shattering.


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