Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4102 Bold Conjecture House

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The general trend was that the stronger a certain race was, the smaller its number of members would

be. The direct opposite also held true.

This particular trend could be observed in both the main and secondary worlds.

Although Kincaid failed to find a powerful race with enough individuals to serve as subjects for his

experiment, he refused to give up.

He had sacrificed the Heron Mice first, to be the specimens on testing the repelling power of the

ancestry-level bloodline. When they were all depleted, he had started using different and stronger

creatures to further the experiment.

However, even with this, the experiment still failed in the end.

The main reason was that the repelling power of the ancestry-level bloodline had strange judging

criteria. It could only be utilized to a certain type of creature or race. If the experimental subject

changed into a totally different one in the middle of the process, the repelling power would recover

completely and all of the prior progress would be lost.

This strange phenomenon was recorded in detail on the stone tablets.

After the attempt of strengthening the root-level bloodlines had failed, Kincaid decided to take a new

route and tried to merge different bloodlines this time.

As Zen translated the words on the tablets at this point, the Primeval Lord of Heaven was greatly

surprised. "Whoa. So, it turns out that the Human Spirit King has begun merging bloodlines so much

earlier than I did," he said with a trembling smile.

The Primeval Lord of Heaven had also conducted countless experiments in the Ghost Mountain, and

he knew how difficult it really was to merge bloodlines.

Well technically, it was not difficult to simply combine two different kinds of bloodlines. However, soon

after they were merged, the abilities of the paired bloodlines would start rejecting each other, causing

the energy to be very unstable.

Because of this, most blended bloodlines could only exist for a few seconds, while others could last for

a couple of hours at most.

After experimenting for quite a long time, the Primeval Lord of Heaven was successful to maintain

several types of blended bloodlines up to a few months before they finally disintegrated.

Such bloodlines would be unsuitable to be fused with warriors. However, since the sole purpose of his

experiment was only to help awaken the Monkey Spirit King, this drawback could be ignored.

When Kincaid was the one performing the experiments, he had much better conditions and resources

than the Primeval Lord of Heaven.

Most people around the Primeval Lord of Heaven had only obtained the source-level bloodlines, and

only a very few ones had obtained the root-level bloodlines.

On the other hand, after Kincaid did a lot of experiments, all kinds of source-level and root-level

bloodlines could be found in the Four Spirits Sect.

Therefore, the Human Spirit King had more options to select from compared to the Primeval Lord of


It should have been much easier for him to attain dramatic progress because of his resources.

Furthermore, Kincaid didn't carry out the experiments on his own. He should have many capable

assistants in the Human Spirit Sect to help him out.

After a series of complicated experiments, he had finally created four new blended bloodlines.

These were the four origin-level bloodlines that Zen had witnessed in the Eternal Scroll Painting.

The origin-level bloodlines were much more superior. Anyone who could fuse with them would instantly

be regarded as top-level talents and would be highly valued in the Four Spirits Sect.

Of course, in addition to these well-known origin-level bloodlines, Kincaid still created other blended

bloodlines like them afterward.

Their powers were just as extraordinary as the initial ones. However, this time, Kincaid decided to not

make them public. Instead, he only applied them to very few people.

Among them, the Monkey Spirit King was the one he picked to fuse with the most kinds of bloodlines.

"The Monkey Spirit King acquired thirteen kinds of powerful bloodlines. This is the origin of the Thirteen

Teeth Necklace," the Snake Goddess said.

"I think so," Zen replied. "From what we know so far, it seems that there is no special trick in merging

bloodlines. Anyone could succeed by trial and error, but of course, one would need several resources

to increase the rate of success."

They soon learned that the conditions on the Night View Island weren't enough for them to conduct

similar experiments.

In fact, they realized that even the entire chaos might not have sufficient resources for this.

Zen clearly remembered that the source-level and root-level bloodlines in the Eternal Scroll Painting

were far from enough.

If they wanted to really create blended bloodlines by themselves, they would have to use the ancestry-

level bloodline itself and start from scratch. However, they all knew that it would take a lot of time to

produce viable results.

Realizing that this was such an impossible task, they couldn't help but just sigh in frustration. "Let's

read on the other stone tablets to find out more information," the Snake Goddess finally suggested.

Currently, Zen had already deciphered a total of six stone tablets, and there were still a dozen more to


"Look here. There's a signature on this tablet," Zen said as he pointed at the lower corner of the stone


From the ones that Zen had already finished translating, this was the first stone tablet he encountered

that contained a signature. "What does it say?" the Primeval Lord of Heaven inquired

Zen slightly tilted his head as if quite confused at the words written. "It says Bold Conjecture House,

Human Spirit Sect."

"Bold Conjecture House?" the Snake Goddess repeated with furrowed brows. "That's a strange name."

They already knew that there were several houses affiliated to the Human Spirit Sect, but this was their

first time hearing this one.

"Well, let me go ask about it first," Zen offered.

He walked straight to the door where Tearrag was standing guard, looking bored stiff.

"Master Tearrag," Zen greeted as he bowed to him.

Tearrag had just finished yawning as he cast a nonchalant glance at him and asked, "What is it?"

"I just want to ask if you have heard of the Bold Conjecture House of the Human Spirit Sect before,"

Zen inquired straightforwardly. Tearrag lightly scratched his head as if he wasn't sure of what he heard.

"What? Bold Con…" Tearrag asked in confusion. "Bold Conjecture House," Zen repeated.

"What the heck is that name?

I don't think I could be of help. There are all kinds of houses in the Human Spirit Sect, and most of

them have confusing names like the one you mentioned. I really can't distinguish them," Tearrag

answered after he thought for a little while.

"Oh, alright. Thank you anyway," Zen replied in a soft voice.

'Come on. No wonder these monkey spirits were the first ones to be eliminated by the Snake Spirit

Sect, ' he thought to himself as he returned to the Primeval Lord of Heaven and the Snake Goddess.

At least for now, they knew who wrote the stone tablets. Since they were the ones who knew so many

secrets about the ancestry-level bloodline, Zen surmised that this Bold Conjecture House must have a

very high status in the Human Spirit Sect.

As he returned, he just shook his head while the other two stared at him. They immediately understood

that he didn't get any useful information. With that, Zen just took out the seventh stone tablet and

began deciphering it.

From the translated inscriptions, it said that with the creation of the origin-level bloodlines, the strength

of the Four Spirits Sect was greatly enhanced.

It was described that each of the four origin-level bloodlines was even stronger than a single ability

endowed by the ancestry-level bloodline.

The only problem was that the four origin-level bloodlines required a very high level of comprehension.

Many people had dedicated their entire lives to fully comprehend them, but still failed. In the end, they

weren't able to fuse with the bloodlines.

But they clearly knew that if anyone succeeded in merging with them, they would definitely become

invincible in the entire main world.

Up to that point, Kincaid's achievement had already been astonishing and incomparable.

Although Sheehan was the one who discovered and brought back the ancestry-level bloodline,

Kincaid's progress on its usage was undoubtedly a more brilliant feat.

However, even with all those achievements, Kincaid was still dissatisfied.

His ultimate goal was to grasp the ancestry-level bloodline itself. For him, it was the most perfect power

in the world, and he wouldn't settle for less until he got what he wanted.

In his long years in the main world, Kincaid had almost tried all sorts of methods just to study it.

He even tried to merge all of the three hundred and seventy-three source-level bloodlines in an attempt

to create a new ancestry-level bloodline. But in the end, he failed.

Zen continued reading the contents of the stone tablet which almost seemed like diary entries of

someone from the Bold Conjecture House.

"After countless trials, we discovered that the ancestry-level bloodline has a life of its own.

We should have noticed that earlier. It's alive and it has its own mind. But still, the real problem is how

we could effectively communicate with it..."

"The construction of the Eternal Divine Courtyard was already completed, and Master Cornelius

required that the ancestry-level bloodline be stored in the sacred cup. Master Cornelius ordered that no

one is allowed to get close to the ancestry-level bloodline if there is no important reason, not even

Master Kincaid. Even the members of the Bold Conjecture House are prohibited from entering the

Eternal Divine Courtyard. That's just too much!"

"Master Kincaid said that since we couldn't find a better way to produce greater results, we have to use

the simplest method. He said that we needed to refine a body that could withstand the overwhelming

power of the ancestry-level bloodline.

But that's just impossible. I asked Master Kincaid what kind of body would be able to withstand the

ancestry-level bloodline.

He said that it must be a body that is as strong as the sacred cup.

I didn't really get it. Did he mean that we should refine a creature's flesh into metal? At first, I thought

that Master Kincaid must have gone crazy. However, the Bold Conjecture House really started

achieving this requirement!"

'They did what?' Zen's mouth remained open after reading the contents of the stone tablet.

As he raised his head and looked at the Primeval Lord of Heaven and the Snake Goddess, he saw the

same astonishment on their faces.


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