Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4087 Turning Point

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The Monkey Spirit King knew that he was currently a Treacherous Being.

The Four Spirits Sect had long found about the secret of the Treacherous Being, and they were able to

study and research more about it.

It was known that the main world and the secondary worlds had completely different natures.

Indeed, the creatures born from the main world almost looked exactly the same as those from the

secondary worlds in terms of appearance, physical attributes, soul, and inner world. However, that was

just what it looked like.

It was also a fact that creatures born from the main world had an attribute that those from the

secondary worlds didn't have.

The interesting part was this attribute couldn't be displayed in the main world.

For example, if a certain creature of the main world was killed, then it would die. Its blood would be

drained out, and its corpse would rot. Ultimately, it would return to dust.

However, that wasn't the case when this creature was brought to the secondary world.

If it was killed in a secondary world, the corpse would also decay and turn to dust.

But afterward, it would revive in the form of a Treacherous Being.

It was said that the Treacherous Being body was a form of special protection for the creatures of the

main world. It would be difficult for anyone to kill it, and even if someone did, it could still revive.

Originally, the location where the Treacherous Being would revive was also the place where it formerly

died, and it was intended to be immovable.

These things were what the Monkey Spirit King knew about the Treacherous Being body.

While possessing incredible power and being able to revive repeatedly were definite advantages, a

Treacherous Being also had a major drawback—the process of its awakening.

The stronger one's strength originally was, the stronger obsession that person would need to complete

their awakening.

Thus it was very difficult to fulfil the Monkey Spirit King's obsession and achieve his awakening.

The Monkey Spirit King was badly hurt just before he died.

The Thirteen Teeth Necklace had disintegrated, and it was nearly impossible to collect and gather all

the wolf teeth back.

Now that the wolf teeth had appeared today, the Monkey Spirit King had instantly felt that something

wrong was going on.

And when he saw the three-colored rope, his hunch grew stronger.

He tried his best to remain calm and assess what was going on.

Upon giving it a lot of thought, he discerned that the creatures outside were not his descendants.

They were here to plot something against him.

Although it was already clear for the Monkey Spirit King that the situation was very critical, he still didn't

understand much about the other party's intention.

The field of dream should be totally safe.

It should block all kinds of danger and anything that was beyond his obsession.

'What's going on? What's with this three-colored rope?'

Just as the Monkey Spirit King was still contemplating and inspecting the three-colored rope, it

suddenly disentangled and divided into three parts—red, black, and green strands. Then, in front of his

eyes, the ropes became snakes that started drilling towards the edge of the dream world.


Cornelius, that bastard!

I'm already at such a miserable state, but he still wants to kill me!"

The Monkey Spirit King was shocked at first. Then grief and indignation consumed him.

After over a thousand chaotic eras, his hatred had gradually dissipated.

However, when he saw the three snakes of different colors, the hideous memories in his heart and

mind resurfaced once again.

At this moment, the snakes were probing at the edge of the dream.

The edge of the dream was very mysterious, and it was supposed to be a special line of defense for a

Treacherous Being.

According to the memory of the Monkey Spirit King, it should be impossible even for the Four Spirits

Sect to break through.

However, a thousand chaotic eras had already passed. No one knew of the progress they made. He

couldn't rule out the possibility that they were able to come up with a method to break into the dream


As the Monkey Spirit King pondered on this thought, his eyes suddenly widened as it turned out that his

guess was spot on.

The three snakes that were probing the edge of the dream had finally broken in without much


'This is bad... I have to run!'

The Monkey Spirit King immediately realized that his life was in danger.

He had to get out of there as soon as possible.

The farther he could distance himself from the snakes, the better.

If this was really Cornelius's doing, then he had to somehow think of a way to get through this.

At first glance, the world of dream seemed to be boundless, but in reality, certain boundaries were in


The Monkey Spirit King kept on retreating as the snakes continued extending their bodies, chasing him

at an incredible speed.

The world of dream was actually the territory of the Monkey Spirit King. Inside it, his speed couldn't be

matched. However, to his astonishment, the snakes chasing after him were close behind. It seemed

that their speed was just almost the same as the Monkey Spirit King.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Meanwhile, as the Monkey Spirit King was running away from the little snakes in his dream world, his

huge body outside was also having an intense reaction.

He was like a drunken creature, insanely running around.


With a few steps, the huge body of the Treacherous Being slammed into the wall of the hall.

The impact shook the entire Ghost Mountain violently as if a big ship was about to overturn during a

vicious storm.

Outside the hall, the Monkey Masters became worried as they continued hearing the loud sounds from


"What's going on?"

"Shouldn't we go in and have a look?"

"Is the Ghost Master going to be okay?"

Looking at the closed door, Manuel shook his head and firmly said, "This is a sign of his awakening.

We'll just wait here and see it through."

Some Treacherous Beings' movements were big and loud when their awakening was nearing

completion, so it wasn't strange for the Monkey Spirit King to exhibit this behavior.

Moreover, Manuel had always been a man of his word. He promised the Eye Spirit that he would just

wait outside, so he intended to keep that.

At the same time, the Eye Spirit and Sewell were constantly dodging the body of the Monkey Spirit


The Monkey Spirit King kept on moving and colliding with things inside the hall.

His movements were also kind of irregular and inconsistent, so they had to be vigilant and avoid being

hit by him.

"Master Sewell, is everything going to be okay?" the Eye Spirit asked as they continued observing the

Monkey Spirit King inside the hall. "Of course, it is," Sewell replied with a grin on his face. His eyes

actually lit up as he couldn't hide his excitement.

"The Three Resentments Poison already drilled into his dream world. Sooner or later, his capture would

be inevitable!" he continued.

"Is the world of dream that big?" the Eye Spirit asked again.

He wasn't a Treacherous Being, but he seemed very curious about it. "Yes, it's very big. Not only that,

but it's also extremely difficult to penetrate it.

A long time ago, we couldn't invade even the hostility-level Treacherous Beings' dreams, let alone the

ones from powerful masters like the Monkey Spirit King," explained Sewell.

Throughout a thousand chaotic eras, the Snake Masters had all become Treacherous Beings. They

dedicated themselves to do more researches and experiments to further their understanding.

For example, originally, the location where the Treacherous Beings revived was supposed to be fixed.

One had to revive wherever their bodies died.

However, the Snake Masters and the Bird Masters could now move them to any location.

Likewise, they had also figured out the method to invade one's dream world.

Since only the Treacherous Beings' obsessions could break open their dreams, all they needed to do

was to combine the trap with their corresponding obsession.

After the Eye Spirit listened to Sewell's explanation, his eyeball was filled with awe and respect.

These Snake Masters really deserved to be called as the powerful masters of the Four Spirits Sect.

They even came up with a specific method to obtain the Treacherous Being body of a powerful master

like the Monkey Spirit King. It was such a fearsome breakthrough.

However, although the Snake Masters had carefully organized a thorough plan, they had missed a

crucial point.

According to Sewell's arrangement, the three snakes formed by the Three Resentments Poison should

have entered the dream world along with the thirteen wolf teeth.

If the Monkey Spirit King wanted to leave the dream, he needed to get a hold of the Thirteen Teeth

Necklace first. But once he obtained it, he would definitely be entangled by the Three Resentments

Poison. In one way or another, the Monkey Spirit King should have no way to escape.

However, the problem was that although the wolf teeth were already on the edge of the dream, they

were still in a blurry state.

This only meant that the wolf teeth didn't actually enter the dream.

Meanwhile, the three snakes continued to extend their bodies and chased the Monkey Spirit King


The Monkey Spirit King kept running until he saw a dead end.

A shiver ran down his spine, as he knew that he was in a complete bind. However, as he turned around

and looked at the snakes chasing at him, he was stunned and confused at the same time.

The snakes had straightened their bodies and were unable to move forward anymore.

"Wait. What happened?"

The Monkey Spirit King inspected the bodies of the snakes until his gaze went all the way to the

thirteen wolf teeth at their end.

As he noticed that the wolf teeth were still in a blurry state, a huge smile immediately emerged on his

face. He instantly understood what was going on and the former terrified expression on his face was

replaced with ecstasy.

The three little snakes had come into the dream world, but the wolf teeth did not.

The bodies of the snakes couldn't extend indefinitely, as the wolf teeth prevented them and dragged

them back outside of the dream.

"But how did this happen?" While the Monkey Spirit King was overjoyed that he was now safe, he was

also confused about what had just happened. "It could only mean one thing.

The wolf teeth are not my obsession?"


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