Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 4255 The Second Reward

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Geoffrey looked up. He stepped forward without hesitation.

Now that he'd come so far, what else was there to fear?

At the end of the Boundless Shock World, the staircase stopped in front of an ordinary stone door. In

contrast with the rest of the exquisite Levitation Tower, the surface of the door was rough and


Geoffrey did not stop to think it over. He reached out and pushed the door open.

The door creaked as it swung open.

It had not been opened for many years, but the rough material was still intact.

As soon as he saw what lay behind the door, Geoffrey paused, surprised.

Through the doorway was a space as rough and craggy as the door itself.

It was as though every inch of ground had been filled in with crushed, jagged stones.

The space inside the door belonged to the fifth-grade world. The Levitation Tower had become normal

at this point. However, that wasn't Geoffrey's main concern.

"Where is the Heavenly Ring Staff?" Geoffrey asked, turning to face the little girl.

The little girl stood a step behind him, making no move to pass through the door. She did not have the

right to enter the top floor.

"Go in and find it yourself," she answered, still feeling a sense of dissatisfaction towards Geoffrey.

Geoffrey nodded. He stepped into the room at the top floor and looked around him.

His gaze landed on a purple crystal pillar in the center of the space. He walked towards it, examining it

closely. When he got closer, he saw that there seemed to be some wooden object embedded in the


His eyes lit up as he realized what it was. "This is the Heavenly Ring Staff!"

The staff had a strange, unwieldy shape, which was why Geoffrey hadn't recognized it immediately.

However, since it was the only object of note on the top floor of the Levitation Tower, it must be the

Heavenly Ring Staff.

Geoffrey felt as though he was about to burst with excitement. He'd finally found it. Right now, this was

the most important thing in the world to him.

He moved back a few paces and raised his left hand, spreading his fingers. At the same time, he balled

his right hand into a fist, allowing energy to flow through him. He sent a blast of power towards the


The blast crashed into the purple crystal.

But there was no boom, only a faint, muffled sound.

The purple crystal pillar was completely unharmed by the blast. It had not moved an inch, nor had it

sustained any cracks or other damage.

Geoffrey was taken aback. He prepared to use several more theurgies to obtain the staff from inside

the pillar.

With his cultivation base as a True God, he was powerful in the universe. But he was weak in the divine

land, let alone in this fifth-grade world.

He displayed his full power and pushed himself to the limit, but it was no use. The purple crystal still

stood there. He could not even leave a single scratch on the pillar.

Geoffrey stopped to assess the situation. He realized that he simply wasn't strong enough to get the

staff within the pillar.

"It's a pity that Elder Xue couldn't hold on any longer, '" he muttered to himself. "If he had managed to

come here with me before he died, he could have broken open the pillar since he had the physical

body of the Elemental race."

Geoffrey returned to the door, deciding to ask the little girl for help.

After all, she was the guide of the Levitation Tower. She might not help him, but it was worth a shot. It

had not been easy for him to reach the top floor of the tower, and he was unwilling to give up after all

his effort. He needed to find a way to break the pillar.

Unfortunately, the little girl seemed puzzled, and unable to offer any direct solution. "This is beyond my

abilities," she said. "I can't enter this door, and I don't know how to unravel what's inside. But I think that

Clarence, in his infinite wisdom, would never leave you in a dead end. Try to explore further and search

for clues inside."

Geoffrey was disappointed at the vague answer, but still, what she said made sense. He reentered

through the doorway of the top floor.

He glanced around again. "Except for the purple crystal pillar and these rough stones, there is nothing

else... So, since I can't break the purple crystal pillar, I must find the answer in these rough stones," he


He bent to examine the rough stones beneath his feet, and found that each stone had a series of small

bulges on its surface. Each bulge was about the size of his fist.

A thought flashed through Geoffrey's mind.

'Could there be something hidden in these stones?' he wondered.

He extended a hand towards a nearby stone, scratching its surface.

The rough stone was softer than it looked, as it was made of sand. In moments, Geoffrey had used his

fingers to pry sand from its surface.

It took some effort, but eventually, the sand was cleared off, exposing an oval object. Geoffrey's eyes

narrowed as he stared at the object. It looked soft, like a piece of flesh embedded in stone, and he

could feel heat and energy rising from it.

"What's this?" he said to himself.

Without giving it a second thought, Geoffrey reached down with both hands, grabbing at the fleshy oval

object to pull it out from the stone.

To his astonishment, as soon as he touched it, the soft flesh sank down beneath his grip. His ten

fingers were embedded in the object.

He immediately tried to pull away, but his fingers were stuck. Like melted candy, the fleshy object had

integrated with his hands. It was stuck to his skin and he could not pull loose no matter how hard he


"This thing has drilled into my hands!" Geoffrey muttered in surprise.

Inwardly, he was greatly unsettled. "Calm down! Calm down!"

he told himself, trying to control his nerves.

Here, there was no one to rely on but himself. He could not afford to give in to his panic.

He could feel the flesh continuously integrating with his hands, but it was not painful at all. Indeed, the

only sensation was an enveloping warmth.

As Geoffrey watched, unable to do anything, the flesh fused with his own tissue, spreading along the

surface of his arms. He found it deeply disturbing, but as far as he could tell, it wasn't doing him any


Several minutes later, the flesh seemed to have completely integrated with his body. Geoffrey could

find no sign of the fusion except that his hands were slightly thicker, and looked a tad more awkward.

Still, he was able to move freely, and to his shock, he soon realized that his strength had increased


This flesh contained astonishing energy!

"This is—

This is a reward!"

Geoffrey spluttered, flexing his fingers experimentally.

When he had reached the height of two hundred feet, the Levitation Tower had given him and Elder

Xue a reward for their souls. Now, he had received a reward for his physical body.

"As long as I absorb enough flesh, I can break the purple crystal pillar!" he exclaimed. Geoffrey finally

knew what he needed to do.

He began vigorously scratching at the bulges on the surface of another rough stone near him. When he

removed the layer of sand on the surface, he saw another lump of oval flesh.

He grabbed the flesh without hesitation, allowing it to integrate into his body.

By his estimation, there were about four hundred rough stones like this on the top floor. Geoffrey

patiently dug out the oval flesh one by one, absorbing each into his body.

As he worked, Geoffrey felt a tremendous change in his body. After consuming the flesh in hundreds of

stones, he realized that his body size had expanded to four times its normal size.

'My soul is comparable to those of the masters in the Deep Space, and my physical body has now also

reached a high level. If I return to the chaos, the strength of my physical body alone would be enough

to terrify my father, ' Geoffrey thought. Finally, he grabbed the last stone.

With his newfound strength, he needed only to scratch the surface lightly to get out the flesh from


He absorbed the final piece of flesh. Then he stood straight, stretching out his arms and legs, testing

his increased strength. He felt invigorated and very powerful. Feeling anticipation rise inside him, he

headed back towards the purple crystal pillar.

"The Heavenly Ring Staff is mine now!" he cried.

He clenched his hand into a fist and punched the pillar with all his might.

This time, there was an earsplitting cracking sound.

The top portion of the solid purple crystal pillar splintered, then smashed into pieces. The upper half of

the Heavenly Ring Staff was revealed.


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