Novel Name : Degrade from Nobility to a Humble Slave

Chapter 442 The General Explanation About Legendary Beasts (Part One)

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Warriors would howl at the very mention of the phrase "powerful momentum". It was a term which

included both power and momentum, and that, in simple terms, meant immense amounts of force or

strength. The warriors with the strong martial arts skills could perform this powerful momentum to the

extreme, and it alone could be used to suppress or even attack his/her opponents.

But one needed to keep in mind that "strong" and "weak" were not absolute concepts but a relative

comparison. Although the momentum contained in the flood dragon had been extremely strong, it still

had a hard time affecting and threatening people like Elder Xu. This was because Xu was formidably

stronger than Jacques! Therefore, it was reasonable to venture the guess that such strong momentum

could not have been launched by Jacques.

Whoever launched it forth would soon be found out. The more pressing matter on hand was that Elder

Xu, first ranker among all the elders of the Cloud Sect, only weaker than the head and vice head of

Cloud Sect, was not the only one feeling threatened just now.

If even he had been affected, then it was not surprising that the situation of people less powerful than

him would clearly have been worse.

The referee in charge of the match between Zen and Jacques had seen sense a long while back, as he

had run out and was now standing at a place he believed to be safe before Jacques took out the bone


The referee wasn't weak by any means. But the battle had spread out far too wide for it to be

measurable by common sense and common level. The referee was not a fool. He knew exactly that

even being involved in the aftermath of this match would end badly for him and therefore, he had no

desire to stay any close.

But even with his foresight, he did suffer quite a blow due to the aftermath.

The loud roar from the dragon was so intense that its voice felt like a sledgehammer repeatedly hitting

on his head. He felt a loud humming voice in his brain and lost his unconscious with a tumble down to

the ground.

He had been standing the closest to the ring at the time of the match, and therefore, was the one most

affected by the roar.

And the disciples watching the match were in no better situation than he was.

After all, the referee had very recently entered the level of Illuminating Soul Realm, and was still

affected. The disciples, who were watching the All Peaks Competition, on the other hand, were from a

variety of levels, with many of them at the consummation grade of natural level. Worse, some of them

hadn't even reached that point yet and therefore, were extremely hurt.

Fortunately, Elder Xu's reaction upon hearing the roar had been quite rapid. As soon as he had felt that

the dragon roar was exuding unimaginable amounts of momentum, Elder Xu had acted just like he

were being confronted by a horde of formidable enemies. He had exercised his skills to force out all his

life vitality, and made it pour out like a waterfall. This had let him strengthen the light curtain that was

protecting the audience, though it wasn't going to protect them completely.

The green life vitality driven out by Elder Xu was so strong and full of energy that the wrinkles on his

bark-like hands all disappeared when it infiltrated slowly into his arms. As a result, his hands now

looked white and tender.

The cultivation method he was practicing and utilizing today was based on superior understanding of

vital energy. It was so special that it could rejuvenate him and protect him as well as many others. To

be honest, instead of being scared, he was kind of depressed, and even found the whole affair

annoying, albeit a bit funny. A match between two junior disciples, Zen and Jacques, had made him

react as if he was being threatened by formidable enemies. That was kind of embarrassing to think


The situation was slightly funny in his mind, but he still had to take it seriously. If he didn't handle the

power gushing forth from the dragon roar in a careful way, there were extreme risks involved to the life

of everyone else and a distinct possibility that a vast majority of those disciples from each peak would

be seriously injured!

"Rise up!" Elder Xu bellowed and the green light curtain formed by his life vitality immediately

surrounded the periphery of the battle ring!

Yet, the powerful momentum of the dragon roar was not a means of direct attack, but a spiritual force. It

could not be contained physically. The green light curtain formed by Elder Xu could not directly block it,

and all it did was greatly weaken its power. All due respect to Elder Xu, because if he hadn't reacted

this quickly, there would have been several deaths until now.

And even with him greatly weakening the momentum, there were still a lot of disciples who felt dizzy as

soon as they heard the roar, and as if that wasn't enough, some disciples with still weaker strength

directly passed out.

Even personal disciples like Wing, Sheeny and Dick, who were supposed to be among the top disciples

from the 33 peaks with strength extending far deep into the Illuminating Soul Realm, looked pale and

had to run their respective cultivation methods to resist the formidable momentum!

Patrick, meanwhile, was still sitting on the ground. Though he was affected by the roar, his eyes went

deep and his palms clasped themselves together devoutly. He began to utter something silently.

Actually, he was exercising his Buddha cultivation method. With his command, six golden balls

appeared abruptly and kept spinning around him, trying very hard to block the powerful momentum

outside his body. Since Buddha cultivation method was broad and profound and his own cultivation

method was unique, when compared to Wing and other disciples, his situation was naturally much

better. Even then, he wasn't in a very good situation, and was afraid to relax even for a second lest the

momentum hurt him beyond repair.

Rocher, who had not even touched his sword on his back in any of the fights, was now gripping it tightly

with his right hand. His pupils had turned a rather furious shade of flame. The sword, which had not

been pulled out from beginning of the competition till now, had always been his greatest reliance. But

right now, even though he had not been standing in the ring, there was a strong impulse inside his

heart to draw the sword. With great effort, he eventually held it back. With the strength of the shield of

his sword, it was quite enough for him to block the momentum the roar had exuded.

Kenneth, head of the Cloud Sect, once again stepped down from the high platform.

His body was burly but he walked down step by step lightly, as if he was walking gracefully on air, like a

general possessed by the heavenly god. The expressions on his face were more serious than ever

right now, and he was troubled inside, though he did not show it.

"What's going on? How can the dragon roar have such a strong effect?" Kenneth asked seriously with

the usual calmness and indifference written on his face, suddenly and finally replaced by a doubtful


Elder Xu shook his head and replied, in an extremely concerned tone, "Jacques is so powerful that he

can exercise the dragon bone spear to this extent. I am afraid that Zen… " his voice trailed off.

"No!" Kenneth replied abruptly and shook his head. He was thinking of a lot more than Xu was, so he

was obviously more confused than the latter. Then, he continued, "No flood dragon is powerful enough

to exude a momentum like this."

In his eyes, Elder Xu's analysis of the event was too cursory and simple. It was flawed. He simply

thought that the dragon roar had been let out by the flood dragon's bone spear, but Kenneth did not

believe so.


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