Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 2: Heartless Alpha

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The environment of the room was cold and full of tension. They were two men in the room whose silent

thoughts were the cause of the coldness. Their silence could cut the glass. It was dangerous.

“I have heard that she used to be a rogue before.” One of them spoke up in a cold and distant tone

which can leave his enemies with shivering knees. It was the man with deep black hair and stormy grey

eyes, who was clearly holding the power over the room and even the situation.

“Yes Alpha, she used to be before she was taken in by-….” The other man with brown eyes and brown

hair said in a calm and respectful tone, not wanting to offend his superior and ruin the messed up

situation more. His hands were sweaty in the pressure of the situation.

“But that doesn’t change the fact that she was a rogue, Nathan. And a rogue is always a rogue. Always

ready to cause destruction.” The alpha said with gritted teeth.

Nathan’s eyes fell on the man’s hand which was fisted tightly on the table. That shows that he was

trying to hold in his anger but Nathan was getting near that as well as he was understanding what his

alpha was trying to say.

“You can’t judge everyone based on one person’s deed and no one is born a rogue. And she is my

mate, Dominic. My mate. I am going to be with her no matter what. I am not going to leave her. And

you don’t know what she has been through. So, you don’t have any right to judge her.” Nathan bursted

out, his protective mate instincts kicked in.

He couldn’t bear Dominic, the alpha’s, indirect words of putting his beautiful mate down. Dominic was

indirectly telling him that he is not going to accept his mate and that was not settling well with him.

“Keep your tone down, Nathan. Don’t forget you are talking in front of your alpha.” Dominic spoke up in

his alpha tone, making Nathan look down immediately.

He frowned deeply, his heart thumping, how could he get the Alpha to see his point of view when his

alpha was so heartless. The entire world knew of his ruthless reputation. Even though Nathan was his

beta he knew his Alpha wouldn’t listen but that doesn’t mean he was going to accept everything he

says. Not something which includes his mate. He was going to fight for her.

“I am sorry, alpha. But please don’t judge her so quickly. She may have been used to being a rogue

before she was taken in by the alpha of the shadow eclipse pack but I am sure there’s something that

might have pushed her to be a rogue.” Nathan tried to make Dominic understand. He was feeling

miserable for the first time in his life with a ruthless alpha and restless mate.

“So, what is it that pushed her to be a rogue?” Dominic asked in an emotionless tone, sounding

completely careless to know about it. Nathan let out a sigh noticing that but he was going to try his luck.

“I don’t know, Dominic. I didn’t get to talk to her properly even for a second. After we left the pack we

directly drove here and I directly came here to meet you. But please give her a chance.” Nathan

requested sincerely.

Nathan had gone to have a meeting with the alpha of the shadow eclipse pack after one of his pack

members reached them yesterday. That man was badly beaten and injured when he reached the pack.

His state was so bad that he couldn’t be saved but his last word forced them to take the decision to go

and meet the alpha.

That man said that the alpha of the shadow eclipse pack is not what the alpha shows and he was the

reason for his state and there were many like him. That didn’t settle well and so Nathan went to have

the meeting with him on behalf of Dominic. But he didn’t expect to meet his mate there.

His lovely mate didn’t want anything to leave the pack as soon as she found out and that left the

meeting incomplete and they left without spending another second.

“Fine, call her in. I would still like to have a word with her and hear from her mouth.” Dominic said in a

cold tone. A look of darkness appeared on his face at the thought of talking to a rogue. Nathan didn’t

want his mate to meet him like this, it would scare her off.

“Dominic, please don’t be like this. You will scare her and she is already scared and crying non stop

since the time we found each other. I don’t know what’s wrong but I don’t want you to make it worse for

her.” Nathan said slowly, not wanting to irritate Dominic more than he already was.

Dominic let out a frustrated sigh after hearing that but nevertheless straightened his facial expression

and kept it blank.

“Call her in.” He ordered and Nathan nodded at him gratefully before getting up from his chair and

running toward the door to get his lovely mate whose name he is yet to know because of her non stop.

Dominic fell into deep silence as the reason why he hates rogue so much resurfaced in his mind,

making him restless. He fisted and unfisted his hands to control his anger. Nothing in this world can

describe his hate for the rogues. This hate made him do the unthinkable years ago. But does he regret


No! He never will!

But he is going to keep his calm at that moment. Because he kind of promised to Nathan, his best

friend and his beta, that he would act civilised. So, he is going to keep that promise.


Dominic looked up after hearing Nathan’s voice. There was only Nathan standing in front of him,

making him confused.

“Where is she?” He asked and that’s when Nathan stepped to the left from his spot and he saw a very

small woman with brown hair standing with her head down.

He looked at her from head to toe to do a small examination and came to a conclusion that she was the

omega or slave of the pack. Her posture was shaky, letting him know that she was crying silently. Her

face was hidden by her brown locks.

“What’s your name and what was you-….” Dominic was cut midway in his questions by Nathan’s little

mate, angering him beyond limit.

“Please, please save her. I am begging you please save her. He is going to destroy her completely.

Please save her.” Suzanne cried out loudly as she dropped on her knees with her hands clasped

together. Both of the men were shocked by her sudden outburst. Nathan ran toward her fast and made

her stand up.

“Hey, hey, love. What are you doing? Please don’t do this.” Nathan exclaimed in a worried tone as he

held her against his chest but her cries seemed to be increased by his touch. But Dominic didn’t care

about all that. His jaw clenched hard by the disrespect which she showed by cutting his word off.

“Nathan, back off!” He growled out loudly, using his alpha tone. Even though Nathan wanted to protest

badly but he couldn’t as it was too powerful. So, reluctantly he pulled away from her and took two steps

back after giving her a small kiss on the side of her forehead.

Suzanne stopped crying after that loud and scary growl as it intimidated her beyond limit but those

tears were unstoppable. She didn’t make another sound as she looked up at the angry alpha who was

looking no less than what she heard about him.


“How dare you cut me off?! Do you know the consequences of disrespecting an alpha?” He snapped at

her, making her flinch on her spot but she didn’t let out a sound.

“I am sorry, alpha. Please accept my apology. I am sorry for being disrespectful. I never intended to do

that. It’s just that my situation is too bad for me to think straight. I am sorry once again.” She tried to be

as respectful and mature as she let those words out.

She didn’t stammer even for once but that doesn’t mean she was completely alright. Her hands were

shaking badly while he could hear her crazy heartbeat, letting him know that she was scared and

confused still.

“You both are talking about this situation of yours. What is this situation in actuality? Let me know as

well.” He ordered in a cold and irritated tone. She was ready to answer him already when he cut her off.

“But before that introduce yourself by telling your name, your position in the previous pack and why you

were a rogue before.” He demanded, making her close her eyes tightly. She seemed to get more

nervous than before after hearing the questions.

Which question was it that made her this nervous? The last question?

“My name is Suzanne, Sir Alpha Dominic. I wasn’t given any rank there. I was just a mere slave there.

And last but not the least, I was forced to be a rogue by my first pack which threw me out when I was

eight.” She answered all the questions in one breath.

She was looking at her feet when she was answering that. She didn’t want to face anyone but for some

reason she lifted her face up and looked at her left where her mate was. Their eyes met for two

seconds before she looked away and looked back to her feet.

“Why were you kicked out of the pack?” Dominic asked with a deep frown thinking what she might have

done at that age to receive a punishment like this.

“With due respect, sir alpha, I don’t know the reason. I don’t remember anything as well as I was really

small and had a tough time fetching for myself at that age to be worried about that.” She replied in a

bitter tone while looking down still. Nathan and Dominic shared a look and decided not to push her

more than that at that moment. Dominic cleared his throat which made her look up.

“So, what were you talking about? Whom do you want me to save? Why do you want me to save her?

What’s the possible danger she is in right now?” He asked with a frown, measuring up the desperation

in her behaviour to measure up how deep the situation was.

“My friend, my best friend. I want you to save her. From the… alpha of my previous pack. She is in

danger. He will destroy her. Please save her. You need to save her. I am begging you.” She cried with

folded hands. Her legs were giving up but luckily Nathan caught her at the right moment.

“What do you mean by he will destroy her?” Dominic asked as he got up from the chair unconsciously.

He didn’t know why he did that but he felt like he was going to fulfil her request.

He was going to fulfil Suzanne’s request to save her best friend.

Why? He doesn’t know. But he was going to do that.

“Because he is a monster. He is not what he shows the world!” Suzanne cried out loud, not only in

helplessness but also in utter anger.

“Nathan, prepare the soldiers. We are going to make a visit to the shadow eclipse pack.” Dominic said

with finality in his tone as he walked out of the room.

Now it was only Nathan and Suzanne present in the room. The room was silent as she was looking

down at her shoes and he was looking down at her.

No matter how much she tries, Suzanne couldn’t stop the tears rolling down from her cheeks. She felt

lonely and missed two people who are the closest and most important person in her life.

Her best friend and her sugarplum.

She was in the Crescent Mystery pack. In the pack of her mate. She came with him, leaving those two

in the hell hole. She felt guilty. She couldn’t help but the guilt was eating her up.

She can never imagine what is going to happen to Athena now that she is here. Till today she

protected Athena from that heartless monster. The alpha of her previous pack.

That monster had his bad eyes on Athena since the first time but Suzanne had something against him

to use on him which forced him to stay away from Athena. But now that she is here…

What’s going to happen to Athena?

“I promise to bring your friend here safely, my love.” Nathan spoke up, bringing her out of her thoughts.

She looked up at him as he promised her. He clutched her hands assuringly.

“I want you to do one more thing.” Suzanne looked up at him, making him confused.

What was it?


Athena was walking back to her small slave cell with a bad feeling at the back of her mind. The feeling

increased ten folds as the night time came.

It was half past nine at night then. She just finished all her work which included Suzanne’s work as well

which she had to do extra after she left. She was tired would be an understatement but the nagging

thought of possible danger was making her restless.

It’s been more than ten hours since she said goodbye to her best friend of nearly three years. She met

Suzanne at a coffee shop where Suzanne used to work. She was just a hungry broken rogue who

needed food badly but had nothing to afford that. That’s when Suzanne came as an angel in her life.

But she couldn’t be called the same for Suzanne. She was anything but an angel for her. She was so

unlucky that the day she met Suzanne, they both were attacked and captured by this pack.

Since then they have been together, beside each other. They supported each other in every situation,

in every bad and worst. They were their only supports.

Athena couldn’t believe that Suzanne left. She didn’t know when she would meet her again. She didn’t

know if she would ever meet her again or not. But she will always pray for her to be safe and happy.

Athena let out a sigh and shook her head to throw these thoughts out of her mind. She didn’t want to

enter her room with a gloomy face as she knew someone wouldn’t like that.

The thought of that special someone put a smile on her beautiful face. With that thought she opened

the door of her cell to get the biggest shock of her life.

The cell was empty. No one welcomed her by running toward her with wobbly legs. No one hugged her

and demanded to get up on her arms. No one called her-….

“Are you looking for this?”

She heard a nerve chilling voice, along with a very familiar cry.


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