Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 63

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Look of betrayal Stacey couldn’t explain in words how powerful she felt at that moment. She felt as if

the whole world was under her control at that moment. It was actually.

If Athena slowly started to become the Crescent Mystery Pack’s world and she had the control over

Athena’s situation, doesn’t that give her the same vibe? She hated Athena beyond imagination and she

even won’t be able to explain this in words as well.

She was so happy that she followed Athena and Patricia in the basement when they went there. The

whole day when they were enjoying their time with the pack members, she used the time to find

something against Athena. But she didn’t know she would find that down the basement.


Yes, she followed Athena inside the basement when Patricia was looking the other way. She couldn’t

hear much as Patricia was giving a hard guard but what she heard was enough for her to understand

that Robert was Athena’s enemy.

And an enemy’s enemy is always a friend. So, what she did after they left was go inside and talk to

Robert. It took a lot of coaxing and bribes to bring some information out of his stomach. She even had

to promise him to set him free.

Even though she doesn’t have the power to do that, she would think about that later as she got what

she wanted already.

And that’s how they were standing there at that moment. Because it was Stacey who pretended to be

someone from the pack and called the meeting this evening only as soon as she got a hand on what

she wanted.

“A witch! What’s a witch doing here, Stacey? Don’t you know witches are forbidden from entering any

wolf’s territory?” One of the counsellors asked with a deep frown, immediately opposing the idea of

being in the same room with a witch.

“I am very aware of that, sir. I am also aware of how much of a big crime it is for werewolves to use a

witch’s magic for something, for any personal gain. If I am not wrong, one has to serve a ig punishment

for having any kind of connection with a witch that involves magic. Is that right, sir?” Stacey asked with

a smirk while looking at Athena.

Athena looked at her with widened eyes which were not filled with her regular confidence. This time

they were filled with anxiety and that worried Dominic as he saw the look on her face.

“Yes, based on the magic they performed, the punishment sometimes can lead to death as well. “One

of them confirmed which broadened Stacey’s smirk. “Yes, now let’s come to the point about how this is

connected to this rogue, Athena.” Stacey spat the last two words like it was something disgusting in her

tongue before turning toward the board members.

“Sir, as all of you are just introduced to her, none of you might know that she has an almost three years

old pup.” Stacey stated and waited to let this information get synced with their brains. Immediately a

commotion started between the board members as they started shooting questions toward him. “Alpha

Dominic, you said that you just met her! Then how could she have a child?” “Is it your child?!” “Who

does this child belong to?”

“Not only is she a disgrace by being a rogue already, now she mated another wolf as well!” “Bring the

pup here!” They all demanded one after another while glaring at Dominic. They were furious after

finding out this new information about Athena. They will never accept disrespect toward the sacred

bond like a mate bond. If one wolf mated another wolf who is not her or his destined mate without any

very important and specific reason, just to satisfy bodily need, that’s an insult toward the bond. And

getting pregnant by another wolf is like a sin compared to that. They are never going to accept that in

the pack which is supposed to be one of the role models to other packs out there.

“Calm down, gentlemen.” Dominic used his Alpha tone to silence everyone while glaring at Stacey.

Out of all the things he regretted in his life, letting Stacey live in his pack after that day was one of

them. He couldn’t imagine what he would do to her if things got out of control. Oh even better, he would

just leave her on Athena’s mercy. He has full faith in her that she will show Stacey her rightful place.

Soon someone knocked on the door and a guard came inside with Ace in his arms. Athena

immediately stood up from her chair in shock and disbelief. The guard wasn’t holding him any softly

and the child looked scared out of his mind that he went completely silent. But he cried out immediately

after he saw his mother.

“Mommy!” He instantly started to fight the guard to get out of his hands but he didn’t move at all.

“Leave my child right this moment!” Athena let out a growl which was so forceful and powerful that it

even made the counsellors to look away right that second. The moment the guard heard her command,

as if he was forced to leave the baby down slowly. Ace ran toward Athena immediately after he was

released from his hold and she scooped him up in her safe embrace. She hugged him tight and hid him

away from everyone’s eyes. “You can’t shut us up like this, alpha Dominic. Answer is, does that child

belong to you?” One of them asked, in a tone that said as if he already knew the answer.

Dominic gritted his teeth hard while looking at Athena who was already looking at him with a sorrowful

expression. She was in a miserable state at that moment and she didn’t know what to do. On the other

hand, Dominic’s state wasn’t any better. He didn’t know how to answer that question. He started to love

Ace a lot from the time he

entered his life. Imagining his life without that little boy seems as impossible as living it without Athena

now. They both are now a really important part of his life even though he knew Ace wasn’t his child and

he knew that everyone else there knew that as well. Though it feels as if Ace was his own. But Athena

made it wasn’t clear a lot of times earlier.,

But did he care? No! Not anymore! “D... Dominic...” Athena whispered with a pained look on her face.

He looked at her and it looked as if she was trying to say something to her. As if she was trying to

convey something to him. But it was too late. She didn’t have any more time to say anything at that

moment. Now it was time to let things happen just as it was happening because she lost control over it

long ago. Dominic looked away from her to the little guy who was peeking at him from her mother’s

neck. He clenched his jaw and looked at the front, at the counsellors.

“No, he.... is...not....” He couldn’t even complete his sentence when it was snatched away from him by

the mean board member, angering him for the disrespect. But he held it at that moment with a lot of

difficulty. It was actually Nathan and Justin who held him from both sides.

“Obviously he isn‘t! We can‘t find your blood’s scent in him. We can’t find anyone’s blood scent in him.

Why’s that?” The man scowled while looking at Ace with squinted eyes. Ace hugged her tighter, feeling

his gaze. The motherly instinct kicked inside Athena once again and she growled at him slowly as a

warning. He immediately looked away. That was noticed by the oldest member and he looked at

Athena with a thoughtful look on his face. It looked like he was still trying to figure out something about


“I will answer that question on their behalf, sir.” Stacey spoke up while looking at Athena with a sinister

smirk It looks like she was really close to her goal. “It’s already clear that pup isn’t Dominic’s. Because

she absolutely doesn’t have any reason to hide him from Dominic. So, he must belong to a really lower

ranked werewolf, or worse, a rogue. That’s why, to hide his

scent, Athena used this witch’s magic. She did some magic on him to hide the scent.” Stacey said with

a smirk and everyone looked at Athena in shock.

“Using a witch to hide scent?! That‘s absurd!”

“She was trying to hide something really big!”

“What is it?!”

“How would we know to whom this child belongs?” They all shouted together once again, suddenly

making Athena feel really small in front of them. She was feeling suffocated and wanted to run away

from there because she knew that the time wasn’t far away when she would lose everything in her

hands. Things would get more messed up than ever and she wasn’t prepared for it yet. Dominic was

looking at her in shock, disbelief and confusion as well. He couldn’t believe that as well. He thought

Ace really belonged from a lower rank which is why he didn’t have any scent. But finding out that his

scent was hidden with some intention, it was not settling well with him.

Different thoughts roamed around his head now. Mostly about what’s going to happen when the magic

will be removed. What if he is put in front of another hard truth which is going to be too hard for him to

handle? What is he going to do then?

“We can find that out now. By the same witch. The moment she removes the magic from him, his scent

will be revealed which everyone can have no matter what his father’s rank is. So, are you guys ready?”

Stacey asked while looking at everyone with a different level of excitement.

“Yes, tell her to do the magic soon. We want to know.” Everyone said the same thing over again.

Stacey nodded at them and just when she was going to turn toward the witch who had been waiting

patiently for any commands till then, without making any noise. She wasn’t a stupid to pull any stunt in

the room full of powerful wolves.

“No!” Athena suddenly shouted while taking a step away from the table while holding Ace tighter as

she glared at everyone.

“No one will come to my son! I am warning you all! Stay away from me and my son!” She growled in a

threatening tone. The tone was powerful enough to let them know she wasn’t joking.

She could feel that happening again. She could feel the beast inside her, or it could be her wolf as well,

raising up. She felt something heavy taking over her as her body started to shake. She looked down at

her hand to see her nails slowly coming up. She was sure that her eyes changed colour as well.

At that moment she knew what was happening to her. The same thing that happened with Stacey. But

like last time she felt more confidence with the sudden overpowering presence of something inside her.

She knew she wasn’t going to lose control this time.

“What’s happening to her?” One of the members asked in shock while looking at Athena with widened


Her hair was flying while her eyes glowed bright red with a shade of orange, like a fire. A black smoke

gathered around her as well, as if letting everyone know her territory. “Her monster is coming out,

everyone. She doesn’t have any wolves, instead has monsters. She doesn’t have any control over it. It

is so dangerous to kill people! She even tried to kill me! Do something before it loses control again.”

Stacey shouted in a panicked tone, raising anxiety in the room.

“Guards! Hold her imprisoned before she can do anything!” One of the board members ordered the

guards they brought with them. They are usually more powerful than normal guards. Athena won’t have

a chance in front of six of them if she doesn’t do anything fast.

But what?!

They all kept advancing her but before anyone could even reach anywhere near her, they heard a loud

growl which almost shook the whole room. Within a blink of an eye, Dominic was standing just in front

of Athena and Ace with a protective posture. He guarded them from everyone’s eyes.

“Alpha Dominic, what are you doing?”

“No one will even look at my mate and son, forget about touching them! Do you understand?” He

growled out loud which made the guards bow down and immediately scurr away to their

previous positions. “Alpha Dominic, he is not your son.” Stacey snapped in frustration. She couldn’t

believe Dominic said such a big thing. He called Ace his son and she just couldn’t accept that after all

the things she did. “I don’t care!” Dominic announced in an authoritative tone.

“But don’t you wanna know as well? What if this child belongs to the rogue king whom you are looking

for?” Stacey tried to provoke him by attacking his weak point. She knew it worked when she saw the

confused frown on his face.

“Whatever it is, it can be done without touching her or imprisoning her.” He stated while looking at the

board members.

“What if she attacks us?” One of them asked with a frown.

“She won’t, I guarantee.” He announced while looking at her over his shoulder and saw her getting

calm down slowly.

“We are trusting you, Alpha Dominic.” The oldest one spoke up before looking at the witch with a

serious look.

“Take the magic down.” He ordered and she gave him a blank nod.

“For sure.” She mumbled before bringing something from her stash.

It was a glass piece with a small drop of dried blood on it. It was Ace’s blood and everyone knew that.

She closed her eyes and started to chant something in a low tone. Everyone waited for something to

happen and soon Ace cried out loud, taking everyone’s attention toward him.

“Mommy! It hurts!” He cried and immediately something happened.

A scent filled inside the room and they immediately knew to whom it belonged to. Dominic closed his

eyes with a frown as he took a big sniff to analyse the scent. He opened his eyes with horror in them as

he turned around to face her who was already looking at him. He took a few steps back, away from her

with a look of betrayal in his eyes.

What the hell, Athena?!”


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