Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 51: The change

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Dominic was looking at Athena’s sleeping face with a blank look on his face. His eyes weren’t blinking

even for a second as he drank in her beauty and got lost in her flawless face.

She looked like a baby as she slept. She was tired and getting exhausted pretty easily because of the

loss of connection with her wolf. Also the thing that happened with Stacey and all exhausted her a lot.

She dozed off out of nowhere in the garden as they sat there in silence without talking and enjoying the


After she fell asleep, her head fell on his shoulder. That made him feel like the most right thing in the

world. He sat there for a long time in that position until he realised that it might be uncomfortable for

her. Then he picked her up bridal style and walked back to their-…his bedroom and placed her back on

the bed.

But he still couldn’t leave the room or her. More like he didn’t want to leave, hence he didn’t leave.

Because just when he was going to leave, he felt someone pulling him from behind. And when he

looked back, he found her holding his hand in sleep, not letting him leave. The mate bond erupted an

unexplainable feeling all over his body, striking the possessive corner of his heart. How could he leave

after that?!

He sat there for hours while holding her hand and looking at her face. It seemed like the best thing to

do t o him. He has never looked at her carefully until today. But he remembered that she looked as

beautiful and innocent as today when they first met. Like today, she was sleeping peacefully and

innocently like a child, that day as well.

That day he snatched her sleep for years and became the reason for her restless sleep. And today he

was admiring her sleeping while making sure no one disturbs her.

He couldn’t imagine how and when things changed to this from that. And he couldn’t even decide how

he felt about this. It was messed up.

He didn’t know what he felt for her. He knew the mate bond got stronger between them a lot but was it

strong enough to make him accept her as his mate considering his past? But at the same time, could

he let her go after all these? But there was a question hanging in the air and between them still.


Fuck! So many questions were there and he didn’t have any answers to them! When did his life got so

fucked up once again?

He let out a sigh before looking back to her face.

“Can you stop acting like this? It’s so embarrassing.”

Dominic turned around to look at the door as he frowned deeply.

“What are you both doing here? And what’s so embarrassing?” Dominic scoffed at his second and third

in commands who were standing by the door while leaning on the door frames.

They both walked inside with smirks on their faces as Dominic looked back at Athena to make sure she

was still sleeping.

“This! You being like this is embarrassing. Oh goddess, Nathan. I can’t see this anymore.” Justin acted

to puke before turning to look away from Dominic, earning a low growl.

“How am I being?” Dominic asked through gritted teeth, ignoring the obviousness.

“Like a love sick puppy. You are acting like a complete wimp. Sorry but not sorry, alpha.” Nathan teased

and as expected, he earned a murderous glare as well. But they both didn’t mind that at all as they

laughed out loud hearing that.

“Fuck off you both if you don’t have any work to do!” Dominic snapped in a low tone, not wanting to

disturb her sleep at all.

“Well, actually we do have work and that’s why, we are here.” Nathan said as he let out a sigh.

“What is it?” Dominic asked with a frown.

“Well, I know how it gets when you find your mate and all but you also got a pack to run, Dominic. You

can’t forget us.” Nathan teased, irritating Dominic instantly.

“I don’t need to learn that from you.” He snapped.

“Undoubtedly. But now you need to let her sleep alone and come with us. We got things to discuss.”

Nathan spoke up, getting serious suddenly.

Dominic closed his eyes in frustration because Nathan was right. They have things to do and those

things need to be taken care of immediately.

“Go wait for me in the office. I am coming in a moment.” He ordered and they both nodded at him.

They didn’t say anything to him anymore and turned around to leave. But they didn’t leave the chance

to tease him some more as they talked between themselves but loudly.

“I never thought he would become like this after getting his mate. So embarrassing! Do I look this

cringe a s well when I get clingy with Patricia?” Justin asked with a distasteful look on his face.

“Oh trust me! You look worse!” Nathan scoffed as his expression matched Justin’s.

“Will you both leave or want me to kick your sorry ass?!” Dominic growled out loudly and they both

immediately ran away from there.*

Dominic let out a sigh as soon as they left and turned around to look at Athena once again. Another

sigh left his mouth as he slowly pulled his hand out of her hold. He looked at her with a deep frown.

“Moon goddess seriously likes to play games sometimes, doesn’t she?” He asked himself as he got up

and turned around to leave, without turning back for a second look.

Because considering how clingy and desperate his wolf was getting to her, he wouldn’t be able to leave

for another hour if he looked at her again. He closed the door behind him as he left.

Athena opened her eyes as soon as she heard the door closing. She sat up on the bed with a blank

look o n her face. She got down from the bed and walked to a corner of the room where there was a

small cupboard and brought a box from under it.

It was the same box Robert gave her. She hid it in the most unexpected place where no one would

even think of looking. Because she knew how dangerous it is to hide things where she usually stays.

Stacey can’t be trusted. She looked at the box with a blank yet mysterious look on her face.

“You are right, Dominic. And let’s see what game the moon goddess has stored inside this box.”


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