Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 56: The ladies’ plan IN DOMINIC’S BED ROOM

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“I am sorry, Suzy. I wanted to tell you before doing anything. I even looked for you everywhere but you

didn’t tell me you went out. I needed to go to the basement immediately and when everyone was busy,

that was the perfect time to do that. I didn’t want to lose that opportunity.” Athena quickly explained

herself to Suzanne as Patricia sat there silently. She didn’t want to come between two best friends

though she knew she belonged to that group as well now.

“I am letting it slide for the last time but I have two conditions.” Suzanne spoke up in a serious tone.

Patricia and Athena shared a look before looking back at her with a frown..

“What are they?” She asked in confusion, thinking of the things Suzanne might demand for.

“First, you are going to tell us everything. Why did you go there, what you found out till now, what you

have been doing. Everything. And secondly, you are going to tell us everything you do from now on.

Include us i n everything. We are friends and we want to be beside you in your hard time. Because you

need to understand that you can’t solve everything on your own.” Suzanne said in a strict tone and

Patricia immediately nodded after her. Because her words made a lot of sense which Athena needed.

Athena let out a sigh after hearing her. She could understand what Suzanne was trying to say. But can

she actually abide by it word by word?

“Listen to me, girls. First of all, I am very grateful to have you guys in my life. Secondly, you should

know b y now that my life is more fucked up than anyone can imagine. Every stage of my life holds

nothing but danger, in every step. So, at the end, what I am trying to say is, I promise to share

everything with you unless it’s something dangerous for you. I will never do anything which can put you

both or anyone close to me in danger. I don’t want to hear any argument about that. Now, you decide if

you are into it or not.” Athena said in a serious tone and gave them some time to think and decide.

Suzanne and Patricia shared a small look and they immediately knew their answers. They had a look

of determination in their eyes as they looked back at her.

“We are in it. Because we are friends.” Suzanne said in a serious tone.

“And what kind of friends we would be if we leave everything on you to share. We promise to be careful

enough to notice things which you won’t be able to share with us.” Patricia added after Suzanne and

they both nodded at her. Athena looked at them with a smile and her eyes got teary in gratefulness.

“So, let’s make a promise today.” Athena said with a big smile before forwarding her hand toward

them.” Let’s make a promise to our friendship that we will never let it break. No matter what.” She said

and they immediately kept their hands above hers.

“That’s a promise!”

“That’s a promise!”

They both exclaimed out loudly at the same time. They three ended up hugging each other after that.

They pulled back after a few seconds and sat on the bed into silence.

“Okay, so let’s start now. Tell us everything. From the beginning.” Suzanne demanded, suddenly getting

serious, Patricia also got serious as she gave her attention to Athena. Athena closed her eyes and let

out a sigh. She gave herself a moment before looking back at them.

“The person I went to meet in the basement is my father.” She said mistakenly, out of habit but before

they could react out loud. She quickly realised what she did.

“Foster father! Foster father, I mean. Not my real father.” She quickly corrected herself.

“Gosh! You gave me a heart attack there for a second.” Patricia let out a sigh of relief and Suzanne

seemed to be in the same state as her.

“Sorry, I said that out of habit. So, what I was saying is. He is someone who brought me up after finding

m e by the end of the forest when I was hardly two or three years old.” She said while looking down, as

the realisation started to hit back again.

“Oh my!”

“I am so sorry, sweetie!”

They both exclaimed in sadness and held her hand tightly to provide her support.

“His name is Robert. He is a filthy and sneaky rogue who lives by stealing things from people. He is a

very big pocket picker. And I grew up with him, so you can imagine how I was growing up.” She let out

a sigh and gave them some time to get things inside their head.

“So… SO… Please don’t take my word offensively but you…. Were you a pocket picker?” Patricia

asked in astonishment with widened eyes. Athena chuckled hearing her.

“Not any normal pocket picker, I was given the title ‘the queen of pocket picking’ for my excellent

performance.” Athena joked and they both looked at her in shock.

“Whoa! Really?!”

“That’s so cool!”

They both exclaimed at the same time.

“I know right! It was actually really cool and no one could beat me in my job. I was the best at that. I

think I really stood up for the meaning of my name in that case.” She joked with a small chuckle.

“What’s the meaning of your name?” Patricia asked.

“Athena means goddess of wisdom. But Athy, you are not only smart in that but everything.” Suzanne

spoke up with a serious look on her face. Athena smiled hearing her.

“Thanks, Suzy.”

“Is that why Dominic called you a thief?” Patricia spoke up with a frown as he remembered him calling

her a thief in her initial days here. Though it changed a lot now and Dominic sobered up a lot as well

but she clearly remembers him calling Athena that.

Athena frowned hearing the question as well. Because she wondered the same. She didn’t have the

answer to that question. Dominic was always accused of stealing something from her but she never got

to know what.

“Well, Patricia, trust me. You are not the only one who is looking for that answer. I am equally confused.

I don’t know why he calls me that. But let’s not bring that up now.” Athena said with a frown and they

both nodded at her.

“Yeah, so I spent most of my life doing what I was taught to do while knowing that Robert was my

father. But a few years back, I slowly started to figure out that it wasn’t the truth. He wasn’t my father.

But I still stayed with him, pretending to know nothing while looking for the truth until…. Until I met

Dominic and people and things got so messed up and even before I could understand anything, I found

myself in the basement or shadow eclipse pack, Robert sold me to Derrick.” She fumed in anger as she

told them about the disgusting thing and they both were equally angry.

“That piece of shit!”

“I would kill him!”

They both exclaimed at the same time yet again.

“Well, trust me, I am equally angry with him and that’s the reason I got him stuck there. So that I can go

to him whenever I need any answer without taking the trouble to look for him. At the same time as he

was stuck there, he didn’t have any options other than answering me.” She said with a smirk, proud of

her plan.

“You stuck him there? How?” Patricia asked in confusion. Athena smirked again hearing that. Then she

told them about her ‘master plan’ on how she trapped him and they were shocked would be an


“Oh my, Athy! You are so smart! Damn!” Patricia laughed out loud while praising Athena.

“That was actually brilliant but I still couldn’t understand why you endured so much in that shit hole

called shadow eclipse pack for all those years? I always tell you to get out of that damn thing but you

never listen!” Suzanne snapped with a frown.

“Well, it’s not important at all. I was just too tired at that time to fight anymore at that time and I couldn’t

have managed to go too far with Ace but whatever. That’s not important.” She said with a sigh and

Suzanne nodded at her, understanding what she was talking about..!

“Okay, but why did you go to meet Robert today?” Patricia asked with a frown.

“That’s because I wanted to make sense of a few things that I got from the box that he gave me that

night. ” Athena said with a sigh as the mystery was killing her.

“What are the things? Show us. Maybe we can help?” Suzanne offered and Patricia nodded, agreeing

with her.

“Wait a second.” Athena said before opening the button of her shirt and the things fell out.

She was hiding the things underneath her shirt which was tucked inside her jeans. She was wearing

just a bra inside. She obviously didn’t open up like this in front of Robert but she didn’t mind now as it

was just girls and the matter was too serious to worry about.

“What are these?” Patricia asked in confusion while picking up the small crown and looking at it in

astonishment because it was really beautiful with red ruby stones all over. It looked like a fire burning. It

was beautiful.

“I don’t know but he said these were with me when he found me. The crown, this locket, this symbol,

and these papers with all these things written on it. I don’t know what it means.” She said in confusion.

“Is that all?” Suzanne asked while picking up the symbol and looking at it with a frown, trying to

understand what that could mean.”

“No, I have got another thing.” She said with a frown.

“What is it?”

“The ‘S’ sign tattooed on my left waist with a crown on it and the colour is again, fire red.” Athena said

while showing them the tattoo by raising her shirt. They both looked at it in astonishment for the nth

time that day,

“My goodness! That’s so beautiful!”

“That looks so royal!”

They both gushed as they looked at it without blinking their eyes. Athena looked at them with a sigh

and a tired sigh left her mouth. She left the shirt just the way it was, without noticing how it got riled up,

exposing her milky white waist.

“Snap out of it, girls! Focus!” She snapped at them and they immediately came out of it and looked at

her with widened eyes. They seem to be still in daze.

“So, what should we do now? Because it’s clear as daylight that if we manage to solve it, we will get

our destination. But they are all so confusing. What to do?” Suzanne asked her with a frown.

‘‘I know they seem to be confusing at first glance but I think they all point at one thing if we manage to

solve them.” Athena said with a thoughtful look on her face.

“I have an idea.” Patricia spoke up after a long silence as she was lost in thinking of what they can do

in this situation. Athena and Suzanne looked at her with widened eyes. What is it?”

“What is it?”

They both exclaimed at the same time.

“How about we divide the things between us and each of us takes the responsibility of finding what the

things possibly means? And then we come again and compare all the possibilities and select the best?”

She proposed and the girls looked at her with big smiles.

“That’s smart, Patricia! Let’s divide up the things! But you have to take great care of them. I don’t want

anything happening to them.” Athena warned them in a serious tone and they nodded at her with the

same level of seriousness.

“You can put trust in us regarding them.” Suzanne assured and Patricia nodded immediately.

“Okay, so I already have the tattoo. I am keeping the locket with me. Patricia, as you know the library

better than any of us. You take the sign and symbol and look for them in the library to see if you find

anything there. And Suzanne, you take this crown and see if you can get any knowledge on the design

and find anything about the rubies. They seem to be special to me.” Athena said while handing them

the things.

They all took them with a lot of care but before any of them could say anything, they suddenly heard

the door opening. Suzanne and Patricia quickly hid the things underneath their dress without even

looking at who it was.

“He fell asleep while pla-…” Dominic stopped talking in the middle of his sentence, seeing the girls

present in the room as well. “Oh, you girls are here.” He acknowledged them with a small nod and they

bowed a little at him out of respect.

“Hello, alpha.”

“Good afternoon, alpha.”

They both greeted him while standing up quickly while hiding the things skillfully. Just when they moved

away from the bed, Athena became visible to him and as soon as he saw her, his breath hitched.

Athena was sitting there, oblivious of what was happening. She sat there while looking at him

innocently and casually. Her hair was open and was flying in the air because of the wind coming from

the window. Her front side was opened wide in front of him and the only barrier was the bra. Her shirt

hangs by her shoulders, desperate to leave her body and find a place into some corner of the room.

Dominic felt his body getting hotter every second he looked at her. His breathing was getting ragged as

his wolf was fighting for dominance to get control. It wanted to pounce on her and mark her as his then

and there. It was suddenly getting so hard to breathe that he was feeling as if someone had put his

whole body in fire

Was it a sudden heat rising up?!

“A…alpha? Are you okay?” Patricia asked in confusion, seeing him sweating so badly while getting so

red all of a sudden.

“I… I… take him and put him to sleep in a room with you guys and leave the room fast.” He ordered in

a rough voice, making them shocked.

But his tone was hard enough to make them follow it without any second question. Patricia quickly took

a sleeping Ace from his arm and they both ran out of the door.

“Close the door behind you!” He ordered while looking at a confused Athena before they could leave

and they immediately followed it. And now it was only them in the room and Athena was still confused

about what was wrong with him suddenly “A…are y…you okay?”


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