Novel Name : Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 55: Finding her past

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Patricia successfully managed to get everyone guarding the basement out, using her lady in their in

commands. Athena didn’t have much time in hand.

She quickly walked inside the dark and dangerous basement while making as little noise as she could.

She wasn’t much worried about getting caught because Patricia stood outside, guarding for her while

she got her job done.

She increased her pace while ignoring the foul stench of dried up blood and other foul smells. She

ignored the howls of pain as the prisoners cried in the effect of the previous punishment session. She

tried her best to not think about why they are being punished in the first place.

She raised her nose up in the air and tried to locate his foul scent in the foul environment. It wasn’t that

hard for her to do that because she found it immediately. Because to her, his scent was the foulest.

With a blank and down look on her face, she walked toward the end of the basement hallway. She

reached the door soon and stood in front of an old cell which had grills on it so anyone could see who

was inside from outside, unlike some other cells which she passed which were closed with metal doors

to pass before reaching the other person over there.

“I was thinking when you would come and to be honest, you were pretty disappointed by coming so


She heard Robert’s taunting tone as soon as she stood out there, in front of his cell. He didn’t even

look u por sat up straight from the cold ground where he was laying down with closed eyes.

“It’s okay, you should learn how to taste your own medicine. Because you have been nothing but a

disappointment all your life.” She snapped in a low tone while looking at him in anger.

He opened his eyes and sat up after hearing her. He got up from his previous position and walked

toward her with an angry look on his face. He glared at her hard.

“Bitch! I trusted you! And what did you do? Fucking backstabbed me like a fucking bitch you are! Is that

how you repay me for taking care of you all these years?” He growled, making her scoff.

“No, that’s how I repay your for fucking selling me to Derrick! You think I am fucking stupid?!” She

growled out loudly, while shaking in anger.

She felt like killing him right that moment. But she kept the desire inside her and glared at him. Her

temper rose when she saw the smirk on his face as soon as he heard her. He suddenly started to laugh

like a maniac while holding the cell.

“Oh, my! You figured that out as well! How smart you are bitch!” He asked with a smirk before laughing

out loud again. She gritted her teeth in anger while almost murdering him with her glare.

“Why?! Why did you do it?” She asked, demanding for an answer.

“Because I know your pretty little secret, dear daughter.” He said with a smirk, making her frown deeply.

Her heartbeat increased hearing him but she kept her expression neutral.

“What secret?” She asked in a blank yet demanding tone.

“The secret of your precious little son and his identity.” Robert said with a smirk and her eyes widened

for a second but she quickly put on a mask. But that doesn’t mean she wasn’t shocked anymore. She

was shocked, very shocked because Robert knew that secret which wasn’t less than any life

threatening danger.

“How do you know that?” She asked in a blank tone, not trying to show any emotions.

“Well, just know I am very good friends with the witch you used to hide your secret.” He said with a

smirk and she immediately knew what he was talking about.

She used to take help from another witch before she met Irene and that witch actually met all the

criteria of being a witch. She was sneaky, evil and selfish as one should be.

Gosh! What a big mistake she caused!

“So, is that why you sold me for?” She asked with gritted teeth, ready to fulfill her desire to murder him


“Why else do you think? It’s a really big thing, big enough to create havoc in everyone’s life around you.

Then, why shouldn’t I use it to earn some money? But don’t worry, I didn’t sell your secret about your

precious son to that stupid alpha Derrick. Who was stupid enough to not figure it out on his own and

use i t for his benefits. But the secret? That’s still safe with me as long as you keep me happy.” He said

with a smirk, earning a scoff from getting in return.

“You can keep your little games to yourself and stop threatening me! Because that’s not going to work

on me.” She snapped at him with fires in her eyes, letting him know the depth of her words. He glared

back at her for his failed attempt of scaring her.

“Why are you here? Just fucking let me out! Did you hear me?” He shouted at her, making her scoff.

“Stop whining. You deserve where you are right now. Now, stop creating more problems for you and

myself, because you should know by now what my one lie can do to you.” She said with a smirk which

widened seeing the effect on him. He looked visibly nervous and frustrated.

“What the fuck do you want now?” He snapped in anger and helplessness.

Athena looked at him blankly as she remembered why she was here in the first place. She opened the

box … and found a few things. A lot of interesting yet confusing things. And she needed his ‘help’ in

solving them.

“It’s about the box.” She spoke up and he immediately smirked.

“Now that should be interesting!” He exclaimed loudly with a devilish smirk. She didn’t like that as all!”

Tell me what you want to know? I shall know and try to answer my dear daughter.” He said in a

sarcastic tone while smirking at her.

She gritted her teeth but she kept her temper to herself and brought the pendant out of her neck. She

brought out a few more things like a paper with a symbolic sign. She didn’t know what that meant but

she felt like it pointed to the letter ‘S’. There were a few more things and each of them were hinting at

something like fire, summer and things like that. At least that’s what she could figure out.

“What does all these mean?! This sign?! This locket This crown? These symbols? I have the same sign

tattooed on me. It looks like ‘S! What does that mean?” She exclaimed as she looked at him in

desperation, she was desperate to know what her past is.

“Well, I think giving you all that was my last duty. As soon as I handed them over to you, I was free from

answering anything to you. So, I don’t understand why you are here. Because after the last betrayal,

you are not going to get anything from me.” Robert snapped at her and laughed out loud at the end.

“You are answerable to me! You are still answerable to me if you don’t want to rot in this cell all your

life, d o you understand that?” She threatened while fuming in anger.

“Why should I listen to you?” He asked with gritted teeth, actually feeling helpless but he won’t show

that t o her

“Didn’t you say, you know my son’s secret? Just think how I can use that secret for my benefit. At the

same time, I know a lot of things about you as well which will be enough for the alpha of the pack to kill

you in instance. Now, you decide what you are going to do but decide fast.” She said with a smirk,

getting the situation back under control was the best feeling ever at that moment.

Robert let out a growl and went forward to attack her but the cell stopped him immediately. She

smirked a s he glared at her

“What do you want to know?” He growled and she smirked in triumph.

“Now we are talking. So, tell me, do you know what any of them means?” She asked as she looked at

the things in her hands again.

“No, I don’t know. How would I know? I had other things to do other than finding the meaning of those

shits.” He snapped. Before she could fall into distress thinking about that, she quickly put them inside

her pockets and thought of something else.

“Then answer or something that you might know.” She said in a blank tone and he looked at her with a



“Where did you find me?” She asked, ready to ask the most important question to lead her to her past.

Robert suddenly went silent as soon as he heard the question. He went completely still and started to

sweat a little as well. She looked at him with a frown, looking at his expression but waited for him to

come out of the daze or past.

“Volcano…” He breathed out, making her frown deepen

“Huh?” She asked in confusion and he looked at her.

“You were only two or three years old I guess and we found you seated beside a boiling volcano,

crying. It was advancing toward the forest at full speed but it didn’t touch you at all as if you weren’t

there. But before it could touch the forest, the moon goddess showed her blessings upon us and it

rained heavily, saving us from the disaster. Then we went to where you were and took you with us.” He

answered while still sweating and breathing hard. As if he was still standing in front of the volcano.

“Wh…where was it? And wh…what was I doing there? …. don’t understand… Did you find all these

with me when you found me?” She asked with a deep frown.

“Yes, they were all with you and the volcano is at the end of the forest where all the region meets.” He

answered and before she could question something more.

“That’s enough! I don’t want to say anything else. I don’t know anything else, Leave me alone.” He

growled while wiping the sweats.

She frowned at him. After hearing all that, she doesn’t think she had the energy to bear more than that

anyway. But what she heard wasn’t a great help either. Instead it just led her to some more mystery.

But she was not going to give up!

Because she doesn’t like her life. She doesn’t like to be a rogue anymore. Not only did it make her life

miserable, it destroyed her son’s life as well. She got rejected because of that. She was thought to be

an easy target just because she was a rogue.

That was enough of it! She had enough! She will put an end to it. And will settle everyone’s score once

she finds out her identity. She will settle score with Robert, she will settle score with Derrick and last but

not the least, she will score with ….

*Heck, I don’t understand why you want to know about your past so hard? It’s not like you are someone

special and gain a lot of things after you know your identity. Because at the end think this way, if you

were someone special, would someone have left out there to die, in front of a boiling lava? Nobody

loves you, just remember that!” Robert shouted at her before throwing some more curses, he walked

back to his previous spot.

Athena glared at him hard while trying her best to not get affected by his words. She was not going to

let his words get the best out of her. What he said was not true, she was not unloved. That’s not the

case at all.

That’s not true!

If only she had her wolf with her at that moment, it would have said the exact right thing to her to make

her feel good. She misses her wolf! She would do anything to get her back!

Lost in her thoughts, she lost the track of time as well as she slowly walked out of the basement. She

was totally lost in some thoughts that she didn’t see who was standing in front of her. It wasn’t until she

bumped into that person, she came back to senses.

“So, you planned to do everything possible to push me away, huh?” Suzanne’s cold and hurtful tone did

nothing to her.

“Athena… I… I…am sorry… I didn’t know she would find us here… And Suzanne… I am sorry as

well… We promise, we didn’t want to hide it from you. We would have shared after getting back!”

Patricia immediately started to explain herself as she didn’t want a fight among any of them. But she

immediately shut up when she saw the look on Athena’s face.

Athena looked up with a blank and lost look on her face and found Suzanne looking at her blankly as

well. But her face wasn’t empty like Athena’s. Her face had a look of anger which quickly changed into

worry as soon as she saw in which state Athena was.

“Athy? What’s wrong, babe?” Suzanne asked in a worried tone.

But before anyone could understand anything, Athena surprised them, by hugging her tightly. She

broke into tears as soon as she hugged Suzanne. Suzanne looked at Patricia and they both shared a

worried look before she hugged her back.

“Suzy, is it true? Please tell me, it isn’t true. Please tell me.” Athena cried, holding her tightly.

“What’s wrong, Athy? What’s not true?” Suzanne asked in a worried tone.

That’s not how she imagined it to turn out when she found Patricia and Athena doing something without

including her. She was supposed to get angry not see her friend so sad!

“He said that I am unlovable. He said I don’t deserve love. He said no one loves me. He was lying,

right? It’s not true, right?” She asked in a desperate tone as the tears stopped coming out, leaving her

in nothing but emptiness.

“Who dared to say those to you! It’s not true at all! You are very lovable. Everyone loves you, Athy!

Everyone loves you!” She exclaimed, trying to make her understand that while Patricia looked around

to see if anyone was coming or not.

“Then why did my mate reject me? Then why did my wolf leave me? Then why did my parents

abandon m e? Why don’t they love me?!” She shouted while shaking Suzanne and immediately after

that silence followed around them. Patricia and Suzanne looked at her with a frown as they caught her

second last sentence Parents?

“Are you trying to look for your past?” Suzanne asked with a frown.

“Yes, I am. And I will find it no matter what.” She said with a determined look on her face. “Will you

guys help me with it?” She asked with a thoughtful look on her face as she looked at her friends.

Patricia and Suzanne looked at each other once again before Patricia took the responsibility to respond

this time.

“We will discuss our next plan later. But for now, let’s get out of here.”

She exclaimed before holding both of their hands and walking out of that place before anyone came.


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