Dr. Lester responded promptly. [He’s always had a weak stomach. The medication he’s been on hasn’t
been great for it, either. Absolutely no alcohol at this stage. If he wants a drink, you have to stop him.
You’re the only one who can.])
Feeling a pang of guilt, Cornelia realized she hadn’t been attentive enough, [Actually, it’s me who wants
a drink, not him.]
Cornelia texted back, [Don’t worry. I won’t let him drink.]
Dr. Lester texted, (If you want a drink, I’ll send over a couple of bottles of my homemade juice. It tastes
like alcohol, but it’s alcohol–free. You can treat it as wine.]
Cornelia responded, [When did you come up with this brilliant idea?)
Dr. Lester replied, [All for Marc.]
Jeremy’s certain organs had been compromised, and there was no turning back. Dr. Lester had been
thinking, that if Jeremy ever craved alcohol but couldn’t consume any, it would be a real bummer. So,
he began developing a special juice months ago. The juice tasted similar to alcohol but was non–
alcoholic, so Jeremy could drink it whenever he felt like having a drink. Surprisingly, just as he finished
creating this alcohol–free jujće, it found its first takers.
[HOT]Read novel Impulsive Vow to an Enigmatic Husband