Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 16

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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future by Neener Beener chapter 16

“Violet? Like the color of Kas’s eyes?” Ashley asks. Her voice is thick with skepticism.

“Yeah, Ashley, other than the flower, there are not a whole lot of definitions of violet, ” Lenora teases.

Reggie looks up from the book he’s referencing, ” Kas, what did you say your dad’s name was?“

“Andy. Why?“

Reggie nudges Bronx who leans over the book and reads aloud, ” Selene was so enamored with the

way Endymion looked while he was sleeping in a cave on Mount Latmus that she asked Zeus to allow

her to have a relationship with him. Oh, holy shit.“

“Mount Latmus? Like my last name?” I’m a bit confused.

“Kas, what if Andy is like some sort of shortened, modernized version of Endymion. Endy, Andy. What if

the Moon Goddess turned him into a werewolf? Because that’s what she does right? What if she turned

him into the first werewolf? ” Reggie starts theorizing. Lenora and Ashley stand behind him with wide-

eyed disbelief.

I blink a couple of times as he throws out questions and until I burst out laughing. Like, a maniacal

villain who lost their mind in the middle of the movie, laughing. I’m laughing so hard that I can’t catch

my breath, my belly hurts, and tears are coming out of my eyes. Everyone is looking at me like maybe I

lost my marbles.

“‘Come on, like, seriously. You can’t honestly believe that,” I reason with him in between laughs, “The

chances all these things are coincidences is a whole lot more realistic than it all being connected in

some sort of ancient greek conspiracy theory. The Moon Goddess, my actual mother? A painting of me

as a baby in an ancient book of werewolf lore? My name in this book is MY name and not just a

reference to the color purple or an ancient queen? My dad is an ancient Greek king who had fifty

daughters with the Moon Goddess? The Moon Goddess turned him into the first werewolf? Guys.

Come on. Let’s be serious for just a minute here. What are the chances?

Basically zero chance.”

“PIZZA’S here…” Milo interrupts with a happy yell, but quickly quiets down when he sees the look on

everyone’s faces staring at me while I laugh uncontrollably.

“Yeahhh…I think we’re at a good stopping point,” Ashley nods. She takes me by the elbow out into the

office, everyone follows.

We sit around the conference table in the back corner of the office while we eat. Hypothesizing the

information we have found so far.

“Kas, how old is Elexis anyway, ” Lenora asks while she pulls extra cheese out of the bottom of the

pizza box.

“Never ask a lady her age,” Lex snaps quickly.

“Lex, this is important. We are trying to figure out who I am before we can shift. We have to make sure

it’s safe for both of us. You want to shift, don’t you?“

“Ugh. Fine. I’m four thousand six hundred and eighty-two years old, I think. I’ve kind of lost count

because we kept track of time differently back in the old days.“

“Lex, be serious.“

“Why the Hell would I joke about that?“

“She says she is over four thousand years old.“

Ashley spits out her water. Milo stops eating, mid – bite of his pizza. Dramatic much?

I know wolves’ spirits live a lot longer than humans, but I have no idea how much longer. Everyone else

asks their wolves how old they are. Saint is the oldest at eight hundred twenty-nine years old. Everyone

else’s wolves are less than two hundred years old.

“How many human spirits have you been attached to, Lex?“

“Just you, Kas. We’re attached through all of your lives. Forever in the past and forever in the future.

Don’t you remember?” She sounds kind of sad that I don’t remember our past lives.

“You mean like, I’ve been reincarnated over and over for forty-six hundred years?“

While I’m talking to Lex, Bronx is talking to the others, “If Kas was a goddess, she would be thousands

of years old. She’s only seventeen years old. We know she got to the Silver Moon when she was an


“Uhh…what if I was reincarnated?“

Bronx stops and turns to me, “Reincarnated?“

“That’s what Lex is telling me,” I shrug, “Since the beginning of her lifetime, she and I have always

been together.“

“Okay. I think we need to call in the Elder Council. We need their help here. Kas, I’m sorry, but we need

to wait a little longer for you to be able to shift,” Bronx says apologetically.

I feel Lex’s frustration but she doesn’t say anything. I take the last bite of my delicious breadstick and

cross my arms in a huff.

Bronx’s POV

I send everyone out of the office so I can make calls t o the Elders and get some work done for my

security business. I also make arrangements for Kas to see one of the pack therapists.

Tobias, the head of the Elders, lets me know he can have everyone gathered at the packhouse in a

couple of weeks. It will have to do. Other than the chance she could give someone a minor burn, Kas

doesn’t seem to be dangerous and her shifting

into wolf form is not something to be considered an emergency. Even if Saint and Elexis are anxious to

meet each other.

It takes about five hours to finish up everything I need to do for the business. I sit back in my chair while

I have some peace and quiet and start to think. I need to talk to Kas about becoming Luna by summer

solstice but we just met. I don’t want to scare her or put any unneeded pressure on her but if I don’t

mate and have a Luna for Blood River by the summer solstice, my position as Alpha Regent will be

taken away. Just one more thing to talk to the Elders about.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. Carly, m y assistant, comes in with a bag.

“Alpha, everything you requested is in the bag,” she confirms.

“Thank you, Carly. Have a good night, ” I smile at her.

“You’re welcome. Good night, Alpha, ” she looks at me suspiciously, before she leaves the room. I sit

confused at her reaction until I realize it is because I rarely say thank you and I don’t know if I’ve ever

told her to have a good night. I can change, right? I make a mental note to make an effort to be nicer to

Carly. She’s a good assistant. I should show her I appreciate her.


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