Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 27

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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future by Neener Beener chapter 27

I feel my blood start to boil but I know I need to keep my cool. All I can do is blink at her until I feel calm

enough to speak. I unintentionally growl as I say, ” Lady Camille, are you aware of my Luna’s past? I

have always promised her we will do everything at her pace. I won’ t mate with her if she isn’t ready.”

“Stand down, Alpha Regent Bronx Mason,” as she says in a stern tone, using my full name and title, I

feel a disorienting sensation cloud my mind, reminding me how powerful she is, “I ‘in aware that Luna

lokaste has had to endure experiences that were out of

her control and we have been counseling her on how to handle her thoughts and emotions related to

those events.”

She stares at me for a long moment, then continues with a softer tone, “I recommend you find a way to

give her that control back so you two can…enjoy yourselves. You don’t need to have her back here

until Sunday morning. The connection between you two and your wolf spirits is important. The

emotional and the physical. It is very clear that the emotional portion is strong. Now it’s time to focus on

the physical. Also , she has been working very hard and deserves a break for the weekend.”

She hands me a map, “We have a cottage in the woods. You can go here for privacy. All the food and

clothing you two need is there. I don’t know if you want your guards to go or not. It won’t matter

because the cottage will only be visible to you and Luna Iokaste. Once you’re inside, they will believe

you have sent them to an empty field.”

What in the world is she talking about? A secret realm inside her secret realm?

“Alright, can I have this map?” I ask cordially.

“Of course. I think we are finished here. Let me get you back so you can also prepare for the ceremony,

” as she hands it to me she touches my hand and we are back in the hallway with Marco.

“The ceremony starts in two and a half hours, gentlemen, ” Lady Camille bows and walks away.

“Come on Marco, I need you and James to scout out a location. I will stay here with Kas.”

Marco and James both come to my suite and I show them the map. I give them orders to scout the

location, get pictures, and report back. We go to the gardens, they shift into their gray

wolves and take off into the forest. An hour and a half later, they come back to my suite, showing me

pictures from their cell phones.

“It’s just an empty field, Alpha, ” James flips through the pictures on his phone. There are five or six

pictures with a chalet -style cottage in the middle of a clearing in the woods. I look at him suspiciously.

“Marco, did you take pictures? ” I ask, feeling myself growing impatient.

“Yes, Alpha, but there’s nothing there, ” he shrugs as he flips through his pictures of the chalet.

“Are you guys f*cking with me? There’s clearly a cottage in the pictures, ” I growl at their not so funny


“Alpha, what are you talking about? ” James looks irritated that I would question him and looks back at

his phone before holding up the picture again, ” No disrespect, Alpha, but why would we do that?

Empty clearing. Are you feeling alright?”

They can’t see it. They really can’t see it.

“I don’t trust this, Bronx, ” Saint says with a growl.

“Saint, after we shift, I will let you spend time with Lex but I need you to evaluate this house before I let

Kas go in there, ” I inform him.

“No problem,” he huffs, seeming satisfied to have the responsibility.

“Alright, gentlemen, ” based on the way they are looking at me, I know I need to choose my words

wisely, “Once Kas and I shift,

we are going to let our wolves connect for a while, then go to this clearing. Saint is going to check it

out. If there is a problem, we will come back right away. If not, you are relieved until Sunday when we

come back. If we are not back by Sunday morning, come back to this field and find us.”

“Alright, Alpha. Thank you, sir,” Marco says with a confused look.

A familiar looking tall blonde woman with ocean blue eyes comes down the hall. She hands me a white

robe, “Alpha Bronx Mason, we would like to request you wear this for the ceremony. It will make it

easier than having you undress when it is time to shift.

We have arranged a platform in the gardens so everyone

can watch you and Luna lokaste, just like you would in your pack.”

“Thank you, Miss,” I take the robe from her. She glances at James and blushes as she presses her lips

together, then she turns around and skips down the hall.

“Oh, that’s Delilah?” I say as I elbow him with a smirk.

“Yeah, isn’t she like a dream?” he asks with stars in his eyes.

I smile as I walk away. I go to my room and change into the robe then head to Kas’s room. She’s sitting

in a chair in a white robe that matches mine. Several women are finishing up her makeup and hair. She

looks stunning. She has on light, natural makeup and her silver hair is pinned on top of her head with a

little flower crown. I feel my heart race as her violet eyes look at me through the mirror. The women all

see me and giggle as they leave the room.

The last woman says she will be back in twenty minutes to retrieve us for the ceremony.

“You look out of this world, Baby.”

“Thanks, ” she smiles, “Lex and I are so excited.”

“I bet. Saint and I are too, ” I kiss her forehead and sit in the chair next to her. We make small talk and I

describe what shifting to her wolf will feel like.

“Kas, did Lady Camille tell you everything she expects tonight, Kas?”

“Y-yes, ” she says with a blush. I take her hand in mine.

“I don’t want to rush you to do anything you are not ready for, Kas. I promised you everything would be

at your pace and I still stand by that, ” I reassure her.

“I’m ready, ” she nods as she looks at me. I don’t see any doubt in her eyes. I kiss her hand gently, just

in time for the witch to knock on the door for us to go to the ceremony.

We go hand in hand to the garden and climb a little platform so we are standing in front of the witches

and James and Marco.

Lady Camille leads a prayer to the Goddess Hecate and another to the Goddess Selene. She then

implores the Goddesses to keep us safe during our transformation and throughout our lives. It is

actually a really beautiful prayer.

The witches all look up and reach to the night sky, with joined hands, and recite an incantation in

unison. Their voices are hypnotizing. Reminding me how dangerous witches can be.

When they are done, Lady Camille indicates we can begin to shift. “Ready, Baby?” “Yeah, what do I


“Just relax and let your mind move to the back. Let Lex take control. Like I said earlier, it’s going to hurt,

but don’t be afraid. It’s only for a minute. As soon as you have shifted Saint and I will too.”

I stand back to give her space. She nods and lets her robe fall to the ground. I hear murmurs and see

shocked looks from the women that can see her back for the first time. Kas either doesn’t hear them or

she’s ignoring them. Either way, it’s clear from the look on her face, she’s ready for this.


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