Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future Chapter 120

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Chapter 29

Kas’s POV

"Bronx, what’s going on? How did you find out the woman that looks like Lenora is in town? Is everyone

else okay? No one else has gone missing, have they?" I call in a panic.

"It’s going to be okay, Kas.She is one person and I have more people than she could possibly imagine

covering this.No one else has been reported missing.The guards are getting you home.Please, go to

our apartment and stay there until I get home," Bronx reassures me from the other end.

"In the apartment? Absolutely not! I’m helping protect our pack, Bronx, not hiding in our apartment like

some weakling.I’m their leader too and I have powers and special abilities that make me suited for

situations like this,"

I growl at him, "You can have as many people as you want guarding me, but I need to help the wolves

in our pack who cannot help themselves.I’m Luna of Blood River, remember? We have done countless

drills for situations like this.Children, mothers, pregnant women, and seniors all need to be downstairs

in the safe room.I need to make sure everyone is there and accounted for, then have guards posted

inside and outside.I just need you guys to get home as soon as possible to help.But you are not

sidelining me on this."

"Kas, now isn’t the time-"

"No, Bronx, right now is exactly the time," I contend.

I listen to the silence on the other end.

In my mind, I can imagine him rubbing his hands on his face like he always does when he is

frustrated.He can argue as much as he wants.I’m not hiding in the apartment right now.No how, no


"Alright.Milo is already getting guards in place.You get the pack where they need to be based on our

protocols.You are NOT to leave the sight of your guards.Don’t make me use my Alpha tone.Please,

Kas," he concedes.

"How soon until you're home?"

I feel my courage fade a little, knowing he will not be there when I get to the packhouse.

"They're doing a sweep of headquarters now.As soon as they're done, I need to get Lenora and Ashley

and we will be on our way," I can hear him sigh.

“I will be fine, Bronx.Just get home to me as quickly as you can.I love you," I hope he can’t feel my

worry from that far away.

"I love you too, Kas.Don’t do anything crazy," he says before he hangs up the phone.

I look out the sedan window as we bounce down the road to the Blood River territory.

"Kas, I know there has been a whole lot going on lately, but we’ve got this," Lex says, "We are a warrior

child of the Moon Goddess.We won’t let anyone down.I promise you.You just need to stay calm like we

practiced.If you need me to take the lead, just say so.No shame in that.It’s what I’m here for."

"Thanks, Lex.You’re the best,"

I smile internally at her, "What do you think this woman wants from us? Why would she come back?

There is no way she didn’t see or at least hear Bronx's message."

"It must have to do with your sisters.It’s got to," Lex says.

I can feel her shaking her head, "But you know I’m only able to say so much.The Moon Goddess

blocks me from being able to sway your decisions, which means no spoilers."

I sigh, "Yeah, I know, I know."

Elexis and I went through a bit of a tenuous patch when I started looking for my sisters.Our wolf and

human spirts have been linked for the entirety of her essence.I assume mine too.

She can remember almost five thousand years in the past, but my human aaa spirit can’t remember

any of our past lives.

Our witch friend Lady Camille helped me remember some of them through meditation an and hypnosis,

but even then, Lex was not a willing participant.

Lex ais says if I was meant to know about all my past lives, my mother would have allowed it.She

insists it is all hidden for a reason but it isn't allowed to tell me why.

The frustrating part is, she tells me all about historical events she wo lived through, conveniently

leaving me out of the conversation.

In an tare almost failed my senior world history class because she kept telling me the book was wrong

and convinced me to change answers to be pe ee lad accurate based on her experiences.

Nowadays, we just agree to disagree on historical subjects and her reluctance to talk about my past or

my sisters.

"We're going to be okay, Kas," she says in a soft whisper. I feel myself relax a little.

This is Lex’s way of giving me a pep talk, "This is definitely one of our craziest lifetimes so far and I

don’t know Pate what the future holds, but I know we are stronger than we’ve ever ra been.I am proud

of you.You just had a conversation by yourself with Zeus with no problems.I know you will always make

the right choices when it comes down to it.It seems like he feels that way too."

"How do you always know what to say to make me feel better, Lex?"

"Luna, we're here,"

Tyree says from the front seat, "Beta Milo says he’s covering the northern half of the territory.He asked

that you handle the southern part, including securing the pack until Alpha and the female Beta and

Gamma get here."

"No problem, Tyree,"

I give him a nod, "How many guards are going to be with me?"

"Three including me," he says, counting off on his fingers.

"Good.I want two in wolf form.The wolf senses will be useful if there is anything out of place while you

and I work.You stay in human form.We need to prioritize getting people into the safe room

downstairs.You can help me with that," I order.

"we're not taking you upstairs?" he asks.

"Really, Tyree? You too?" I scold.

"Sorry, Luna," he bows his head slightly.

As we pull up to the packhouse, we see people are already making their way through the front doors.

Musu approaches the car with a worried expression.

"Luna Kas," she takes my hand as I step out of the car, "I can help.Please don’t make me go into that

safe room when I can help."

"Musu, you are absolutely going into that safe room.Don’t make me argue with you about it.As your

Luna, as your friend, and as the close friend of your mate, I will not let you stay out here."

She gives me a hopeless sigh as she holds her hands out to the side.

"Okay, how about this? Since Carly isn't here, you keep a headcount and make sure everyone who is

supposed to be in the safe room is accounted for.People might be scared, please keep them calm for


I say confidently, "There is a tablet with the names of everyone who should be in there just inside the


"Thank you, Luna," she gives me a grateful smile before she runs inside.

"Kas, you back?" I hear Milo through a mind link.

His voice sounds far away.He must be in the most northern area of our massive territory.

"Yeah, Milo.I’m in front of the packhouse.Getting ready to go to the village and make sure people are

headed into the packhouse or out for guard duty,"

I confirm, "Everything okay up north?"

"So far.Found a couple of rogues, but it doesn’t seem related to the current situation.Don’t worry about

us," his tone differs greatly from his usual playful self, "Hey, one favor, Luna.Marco is worried about


"Tell him not to. I just sent her inside to coordinate the safe room headcount."

"He’s going to be relieved to hear that.Be safe, Luna.Tell the Alpha to let me know when he’s back."

"You too, Beta and I will."

I look up to see Tyree already has two wolves next to him.I pull four others aside so we can go into

town and start making sure everyone is accounted for.

The extra guards can help people who need help to get to the packhouse.I feel confident as we head

down the road.

We are about halfway through town, helping some of the senior citizens who were scared to leave their


It relieved them to see me leading the initiative and glad to have the safety of the guards to help them

back to the packhouse.

"Kas, where are you?" I hear Bronx mind link to me.

My heart sings, knowing he is back.

The pang of anxiety I had been feeling lifts slightly.

"In town, Sweetheart.We have another half hour or so and we’re headed back."

"I’m sending Carly to help you.We are headed toward the southern border, to make sure things are

under control there."

"No problem.We have this under control here," I reply truthfully.

"Kas? “

"Yeah, Bronx?"

"I'm proud of you and I’m sorry I doubted you,"

I can hear the smile in his voice, "You're doing a good job."

"Thank you, Sweetheart," I smile back.

Being told you’re doing a good job is the ultimate compliment from Bronx.

Tyree gives me a quick smile, "Good news, Luna?"

"I’m doing a good job,"

I smile back and lift an eyebrow, "And he’s sorry he doubted me."

Tyree gives me a low whistle and nods his head in approval.


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