Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 31

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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future by Neener Beener chapter 31

After making amends with Lenora by promising her two new pairs of shoes, we focus on work. In the

last week, Lenora had brought in four large international contracts she had been working on for

months. We need to get set up and staffed in the various countries and work with the local

governments to ensure we have the correct permits to conduct our work. I know my team can do it

without me, but I welcome the distraction.

In my free time, I’m in my library drowning in research. The more I research, the more I feel like a

speciesist a*shole. For

years, I let myself believe in preconceived notions about other paranormal species that simply weren’t

true. I never questioned what I had been told by the people around me. It’s eye opening and humbling

to learn the facts. It makes me realize I need to change my ways and I need to do a better job at

educating my pack.

In addition, Milo and Reggie are calling Alphas and drafting a charter I could present to Lady Camille.

On Thursday, they present the final draft to me. I make edits to it based on the research I have done.

Once we are all in agreement with the updated details, I send it to Carly to have it printed on our pack


By the end of the week, I’m exhausted. I take the weekend to be lazy and recharge. I watch Kas’s

favorite cooking show and record a couple new ones for her that I think she’11 enjoy.

Thankfully, I have meetings at three different packs the next week to keep my mind occupied.

Thank the Goddess, the week flies by in a heartbeat. I finish the last of the pack meetings and get back

to Blood River on Thursday late in the evening. I brief Milo on things that may come up while I’m gone

and head out to the airport for a redeye flight to France. Henri, once again, has left me a car so I can

drive myself directly. When I get to the gate of the coven’s land, I find Lady Camille is waiting for me.

“Lady Camille, thank you again for having me as a guest,” I bow slightly, something I read that witches

see as a sign of respect, “Can we go to your office first? I have some papers to review with you,

regarding James and Delilah.“

“Of course, Alpha Bronx. Would you like for them to join us?” she asks. Her tone seems more relaxed

than it has in our past interactions. Amazing what a simple non-verbal gesture can do.

“Not yet, if that’s alright with you. I want to make sure we are in agreement and if possible, I would like

lokaste to be there. She is my Luna and she deserves to have input in these types of


“Very well,” she smiles and holds out her hand, “I will send for her.“

I take her hand and we’re instantly in her office. She presses a button on her desk.

“Yes, Lady Camille?” a voice on the other end answers.

“Please send for Luna lokaste. We have some business matters to discuss.“

Yes m’am. She’s in the meditation room, it will be a few more minutes before she comes out,” the voice


“Very well. I will be expecting her,” she says and lets go of the button.

“Alpha Bronx, before Luna lokaste arrives, I want to tell you how wonderful she is progressing. Her

powers are well beyond anything we could have anticipated. Fortunately, we have very powerful

witches here, so we can work with her. She is an extremely fast learner. Now, I don’t want to get her

hopes up and have her lose focus, but we may be able to send her home a little earlier than originally


” Please understand, her progress will be a lifelong endeavor. What she learns here will help her

control her abilities but using them will take practice and discipline. I would like to have regular check-

ins with her after she leaves, of course. We want to make sure we are here to mentor her as she

matures and her abilities blossom.“

I feel my heart skip, “Bring her home early? How early Lady Camille?“

“As much as two weeks, I would think. We will see how the next two weeks progress. In the meantime,

a s I said, please don’t mention this to her. If she loses focus, it could cause delays in her ability to

complete her training.“

Just then there was a slight popping sound and the familiar giggle of my mate warms my soul.

I turn around just in time to catch her as she throws herself into my arms, wrapping her legs around my

waist. I easily scoop her up in my arms and crash my lips onto hers.

“Oh Kas! I’m so happy to see you, ” I say breathlessly. I put her down so I can get a better look at her.

“I’m happy to see you too. I have so much to tell you about what Lex and I have learned, ” she smiles

brightly at me as she stands tall.

“Have you grown more, Baby?” I cock head as I realize she is standing taller.

“Another inch and a half since you were here. After I shifted, Lex became stronger and my body had to

accommodate that growth. Lady Camille thinks I could grow another inch. But don’t use that as an

excuse to buy me more clothes, Bronx. The ones I have at home will still be just fine. So, what are we

doing here?” she asks. Her voice is bright and bubbly and excited. I love seeing her like this.

I take her hand and have her sit next to me across from Lady Camille. I am bursting at the seams at the

news Lady Camille just gave me. I take a deep breath to calm myself and focus on other matters.

“Kas, I asked Lady Camille to have you in attendance since this is a Blood River pack matter. You are

our future Luna, you should be involved in these types of decisions. You requested a solution that will

allow James and Sister Delilah to stay together and here is the best effort that Milo, Reggie, and myself

could come up with.“

I turn to face forward, ” Lady Camille, as you know, for werewolves, the mate bond is an essential part

of who we are. I think we would all hate to see James and Sister Delilah have to be separated for any


“I’m also aware that you do not allow men to live on your land permanently. We know having James

and Marco here is a courtesy you are allowing for my peace of mind. Taking this into consideration, we

have done a lot of research with packs that allow non

– werewolves to live on their territories and I have done research in my historical library. We have taken

the other packs’ advice on what works well or not well, educated ourselves on how to alleviate

prejudices and speciesism within the pack, and we have developed a charter. If you agree and James

and Delilah agree, we would be honored to have her live with us at Blood River and become a pack


I hand a copy of the document to Lady Camille and Kas.

” I don’t expect an answer right now, take as much time as you need. Feel free to let me know if you

think there should be any adjustments. Anything that would make you more comfortable with the terms

of the charter. I would like to keep this between

the three of us until we have come to a consensus before we inform James and Delilah, if that’s okay.”

”Luna lokaste. That thing you and I practiced. I think this is the appropriate moment to invoke it.”

I turn to Kas feeling confused, “What?”

”Bronx, one of the things I have learned is that you can only use magic with the recipient’s permission.

Otherwise, slowly but surely dark magic consumes

you. So, if it’s okay with you, I’m going to pause time for you. It won’t hurt, you may see us moving or

notice some shadows, but in just a minute, you will be back to normal. It will give us time to look at your

document right now, instead of having to wait.“

I’m torn. I trust Kas, but do I want anyone using magic on me? “Saint, you have to agree to this also,

it’s not just up to me.“ “I trust our mate. She won’t let anything bad happen to us.”

I am shocked to hear him agree to have magic performed on us. “Alright, Saint is okay with it and so

am I.“

Kas leans over and gives me a kiss, then brushes her fingers across my forehead. I see her eyes glow

purple for a moment.

I couldn’t move if I wanted to. I see her and Lady Camille look like they are in superspeed fast forward,

hunched over the desk talking with each other, and flipping through pages. The sky outside starts to

turn dark, then light. Suddenly, I see Kas’s face in front of me. She caresses my cheek lovingly.

“Hi Sweetheart, ” she smiles sweetly, ” Did you feel anything?“ I blink a few times and shake my head

no. “Saint, you good?”

“That was the weirdest thing ever but yeah, I’m okay,” Saint replies, a bit confused.

Kas takes my hand and sits down next to me, “Lady Camille and I reviewed everything. There are just

a few things that she would like changed and then she will be happy to agree to the charter.“

“Di -did you two work all night? ” I ask, still a little confused as to what just happened.

“Yes, but don’t worry about that. Lady Camille is going to let you stay for an extra day. You will still be

back at Blood River by Sunday evening.“

I review the changes they made to the charter. Everything they have added or scratched out makes

sense to me.

“Alright, I will take it back to the pack so we can write up the final version.“

“No need. I can do that right now, ” Lady Camille says with a smile.

I hand the document back to her. She puts her hands flat on the top and bottom of the stack, closes her

eyes, and mutters something under her breath. She hands it back to me with all the edits made as if

someone typed it up and pulled fresh off the printer.

I smile and shake my head as I sign the document. Kas signs next, then Lady Camille.

“Now, I think it’s time for you two to have a little alone time. Luna Iokaste, please remember to make

time to discuss the things we have spoken about, ” she extends her hands and Kas and I are in the


“Come on, Bronx! Let’s go to the cabin! ” Kas squeals as she starts taking her shoes off. We quickly

strip off our clothes giggling and playfully tickling each other and kissing until we are undressed. Then

we shift and let Saint and Lex bound off into the woods to spend time together.


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