Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 150

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Chapter 58

When the light fades, we look back down the hall. The Luna is standing there looking into the room with

a slight purple glow around her now. Her scent is gone, so is our pack link. It doesn't hurt, it's just kind

of like a light switch being turned off inside me. I feel so...empty without it. It makes me uncomfortable.

It's like she’s a hollow shell of the Luna standing down there.

Marco takes a step toward her before he stops short and turns around. He's got a weird look in his eye.

I can practically feel him becoming more protective of all of US. He points to Beta Lenora.

"Beta, please get that child upstairs. She shouldn't be here for this. Call in a Code Violet to Carly. Call

the Elder Council. I'm going to check on Kas until you get back," Marco orders Beta Lenora. He tums to

me, "Tyree, get that asshole in a cell and meet me at the end of the hall. The Luna has the keys when

we're ready to get him out.”

Look at the big man, taking charge instead of taking orders. I'm not used to seeing it but it suits him.

I grab the Elder and push him into the closest cell. I use my foot to close the door so I won't get burned

by the silver. When I'm sure I locked him in, watch for a moment while this guy cries and blubbers for

mercy before jogging down the hall to where Marco is.

I take a quick look into the room Marco pulled the little girl out of. I wish I hadn't. It is the most

grotesque thing I've ever seen. How could that even happen to someone? And that little girl witnessed

it? I still don't understand why she thought the Luna did it, but it doesn't matter right now.

Marco is on one knee, doing his best to not touch the Luna, like the Alpha has ordered. His hands

hovering just above her wrists, like it's taking everything he has to not grab her by the arms.

"Come on, Kas. Snap out of it. If you can hear me, come over to where my voice is. Please come

back,” he begs, looking into her glassy eyes. I know the Luna, Marco, and James have been through a

lot together in the past couple years. Sne and Marco have especially become close friends.

Right now, watching him desperately trying to wake her up out of this trance, you can see she is more

than an assignment to him. More than his Luna who he respects. He is scared for his friend. He wants

to be able to help her.

I step forward, "Marco, just touch her, man. I know we're not supposed to but the Alpha ain't here and it

will take at least six hours for him to get here."

Marco looks up at me, then back at the Luna, scrunching up his eyebrows, while he has an internal

battle with himself.

"Let's wait until Beta Lenora gets back. Make sure she agrees," he nods, not looking away from the


"Okay, yeah, that sounds like a plan,” I clap my hand on his shoulder, "Let me at least pull the key ring

out of her hand. Okay?”

I hold my hands up so he can see I don't mean to hurt her. His eyes flick toward me as he nods, then

back to the Luna. His hands are still hovering an inch over her arms, like he needs to catch her if she


I can see the key ring hooked around her index finger. I carefully bend down and grab on the lowest

part of the keys so I won't touch her and gently pull until it slides out of her hand. She doesn't move at

all. No recognition that the weight of the keys is gone. Her violet eyes look so void of anything. Not the

warm, loving Luna we all care about so much.

Beta Lenora finally comes running back down, 'The Alpha will be here in five hours.”

“Five?” I question the timeframe.

‘Yeah, he said Saint wants to run it to get here faster.”

“Beta, we didn't want to do anything without your permission, but if I can at least pat her on the arm or

face or something? See if I can get through to her at all?" Marco asks the Beta.

Beta Lenora looks conflicted for a minute, looking back and forth between Marco and the Luna. She

finally purses her lips and blows out a deep breath.

"Okay, do it. We can't just leave her like that for five hours,” Beta Lenora gives the Luna a worried look,

"Wait, wait, wait! You sure about this, Marco? She could burn you or worse, w-we just don't know."

He thinks about it for a second, "Musu would want me to try. I'm sure of it. She always says to do

everything I can to help the pack.”

"Okay," Beta Lenora sighs, “Go ahead. It's worth a shot. Just be careful."

Marco takes a deep breath and grips the Luna's forearms. He tries patting her arm a little, with a

hopeful look on his face, "Kas, come on, Luna. Time to wake up. I'll take you for that nasty pizza you

like. The one with the mushrooms. My treat. But we aren't going’ unless you snap outta this."

When he gets no reaction, he tries patting her face, "Com’on Kas. This shit ain't funny. Time for you to

come back. Quit scaring us. It ain't funny no more."

Still nothing.

"Kas! Wake the fuck up, amiga!” he says more firmly, there's a little growl in his voice. He shakes her

slightly more desperately,

"Let’s get outta this dungeon. I know you hate it here, so let's go."

"Okay, that's enough, Marco. Stand down. We're just going to wait for Bronx," Beta Lenora pats his


As Marco lets go, the Luna lets out a deep breath. The breath is glowing purple, making Marco

scramble backwards to avoid it.

’‘Kas?" Beta Lenora asks hesitantly.

The Luna's head slowly rolls back and her body arches. She is still exhaling the purple breath.

"H-has that ever happened before?" I ask, not looking away, but I take half a step back to be on the

safe side.

"Uh, no. Not that I know of,” Beta Lenora confirms.

The purple breath covers the Luna, like a thick cloud, making it difficult to see her. A glow comes from

the middle of her chest. It is a pinhole of light coming from inside her. The cloud blocks it from shooting

out any further. We can all feel the heat the little light is generating. Marco finally moves out from in

front of her now.

"What the Hell?" Beta Lenora asks, "Kas, sweetie? You in there?"

As she pleas for the Luna to wake up, the light gets brighter and brighter. Encompassing the entire

cloud, making it a purple cloud. All three of US step back as the light strengthens.

“What's happening?” I ask.

“I fucked up, oh my Goddess. I fucked up," Marco murmurs under his breath.

“No Marco, you asked permission. I gave it to you. Whatever this is, it's on me," she shakes her head,

"Let me try."

Beta Lenora goes to take a step forward, reaching out to touch the cloud. Her fingers almost touch it

when there is a sudden pulse of energy. All three of US get knocked back.

The side of my face hits the silver bars of the cell I was standing near. I can feel the sizzle and searing

pain of it bumming me. When I peel my face away, I see Marco and Lenora both sitting up from where

they landed.

The smell of burning flesh is still filling the air. I realize the Beta's back got slammed against the silver

bars of the cell. I quickly pull her away to stop the burning.

"You okay, Beta?"

“I will be,” she groans, "Justice will heal me."

"Fuck," Marco says, putting his hands on his head.

We look to see what he's looking at. The cloud that was surrounding now looks like it's made of solid

glass, closing her inside like a cocoon.

Read Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future - Chapter


Read with many climactic and unique details. The series Forever in the Past and

Forever in the Future one of the top-selling novels by Neener Beener. Chapter content chapter

Chapter 150 - The heroine seems to fall into the abyss of despair, heartache, empty-handed, But

unexpectedly this happened a big event. So what was that event? Read Forever in the Past and

Forever in the Future Chapter 150 for more details


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