Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

We have planned a little brunch gathering in our apartment, before the hustle and bustle of the day

begins. We just want to make sure we remember what is important. And to Bronx and me, that is

family. Lenora and Milo come over and I finally get to meet Bronx’s parents

The first thing his mom, Sandy, does is give me a crushing hug and call me her son’s saviour. A little

extreme, but she’s excited, so you know, whatever. I will take hugs whenever I can get them. I feel a

familiar warmth coming from my hands. I quickly let go of her, feeling a little embarrassed.

“Oh! Honey, it’s alright. Bronx already warned me that your energy goes into overdrive when you’re

happy. I take it as a compliment,” she smiles warmly at me,

“Thank you, Sandy,” I smile shyly.

“No no no. You call me Mom, young lady, “she gives me a faux stern look.

“A-alright, Mom,” I test the word in my mouth. It is going to take some getting used to. I have never

called anyone Mom before. Not even my real mother. I hope the Moon Goddess understands.

Bronx has Sandy’s facial features including her green eyes but with his dad, Michael’s dark hair.

Michael and Bronx have the same hulking size, personality, and mannerisms. Just like Bronx, Michael

acts tough but can’t fool me, he’s a big softie. He is obsessed with making sure everyone has enough

to eat. I think I win him over when I offer him an oversized snickerdoodle.

Lenora shows off her baby bump and announces she and Milo are having a girl. Sandy and I can’t stop

admiring her and complimenting her pregnancy glow. Milo dotes over her, not letting her lift a finger for

anything. Even when she wants a refill of her water, he jumps up and gets i t. It’s pretty adorable. I look

forward to one day when that is Bronx and me.

Everyone is elated when we announce our engagement. Sandy and Michael nod approvingly at the

ring and congratulate u

“Ovingly at the ring and congratulateur s with hugs. Michael and Milo pull Bronx o the living room to

chat. I overhear Bronx tell Milo the good news about Saint and Lex but he insists that Milo should still

lead the Solstice pack run. He deserves the honor for all the hard work h e has put in

“Does this mean we can finally crack that bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue?” Milo begs.

Bronx laughs and agrees. He asks Milo to invite James, Delilah, and Marco to join them in his office

after the solstice party.

Sandy, Lenora, and I make our way to the kitchen to start putting food away and talking about the

details of the special day Bronx and I shared yesterday.

We say our goodbyes and confirm the timing to meet up for the party later. Once everyone leaves

Bronx tells me he has a gift for me even though we agreed not to exchange gifts. He insists I need it

after our conversation about starting a bakery. I unwrap the small box to find a framed sheet of paper.

It’s a recipe for a baguette written in French, but next to it i s another piece of paper with the English

translation. The frame is ornate, gold.

nslation. The frame is ornate, gold,

“Baguette?” I cock my head as I look at the recipe.

“Alpha Martin’s in-laws own a bakery. The recipe has been in their family for generations and they

wanted you to have i t. Cason translated it for me. I haven’t had a good time to give it to you, but after

yesterday, it seems like the right time.”

“Thank you so much, Sweetheart. It’s perfect,” I smile at such a thoughtful gift, “Can we contact them

tomorrow to thank them?”

“Of course, Baby” he says as he kisses the top of my head

Bronx told me Solstice is a formal party, but Lenora had taken the liberty of buying a dress for me. She

was convinced I wouldn’t want to spend the money on the perfect dress. She isn’t wrong. I still don’t

have a job, after all. I have no money for a fancy dress.

She wants it to be a surprise, so I can’t say no. So an hour before the party, she brings the dress bag to

the apartment,

beings the dress bag to the apartment, along with a shoe box and takes it to the closet. I’m standing in

the closet with her and Delilah looking at the bag, dreading what is inside. The side of the black bag

says Givenchy in large white lettering. She smiles while she unzips the bag.

She pulls the bag back to reveal a shimmering silver dress. The color matches my hair. It is a floor-

length style with spaghetti straps and a completely open back.

“Lenora, everyone is going to see my scars,” I feel a little self-conscious as I look at the dress. Delilah

has already pinned my hair into an updo. I don’t mind if people close to me seeing my scars, but the

whole pack?

“Yes. It is time to show the real you, Kas. I’m telling you, people won’t even notice the scars when they

see how beautiful the dress is on you,” Delilah reassures me,” They all already love you. When they

see your scars, they are going to respect you even more. I promise.”

“You’re going to look amazing!” Lex says in my mind, “I am so happy you finally get to look as beautiful

on the outside as you are in inside.”

I’m so happy to have her back. She always knows just what to say.

“All right. I trust you and Lex likes the dress too. Let me finish putting my makeup on, then you can help

me get into

the dress.”

Lenora helps me touch up my makeup and into the dress. She’s right. The dress fits me like a glove. It

shows off my curves and I have never felt more beautiful. I turn in the mirror to catch a glimpse of the

back. The keloid scars were evident, but the dress helps distract from them. Oh also, Delilah had been

right, Bronx’s tattoos have almost completely faded. But he decided to wait until they were completely

gone before he gets new ones, just in case there is still some sort of lingering connection from the


I look through the mirror and see Bronx walk past the closet before he stops and backs up to get

another look at me.

‘You-you’re gonna wear that, Baby?” His eyes are wide as he looks me up and

down, then turns to Lenora, “Leni, no. Find another dress.”

“Uhh, Bronx…yes,” Lenora retorts. She stands up from the bench and puts her hands on her hips, “And

you are not going to stop her. And not only are you not going to stop her, you’re not going to be jealous,

either. You’re going to be proud and show off your gorgeous mate. Do you understand me?”.

Bronx looks like he wants to start an argument with his sister, but he knows now is not the right time.

“Fine, Lenora. But from now on, I get a

say,” he counters.

“Over my dead body,” she crosses her arms over her chest.

There is a very awkward moment of a showdown between the two of them before Bronx growls and

huffs off to the bathroom to finish getting ready.


The party is a blast. We get to watch the kids open gifts and Bronx, Milo, and Reggie give speeches

thanking all the

Baggie give speeches thanking all the pack members for their hard work and dedication over the past

year. They even hand out bonuses to the omegas who work in the packhouse. After we eat, we dance

like there was no tomorrow.

The party ends close to midnight with Milo leading the pack run. I can tell Bronx is disappointed but he

understands it’s necessary. We hold back and go to his office, biding the time with kisses and soft

touches until the pack gets back. Milo comes in with Lenora, James, and Delilah.

Bronx opens the bottle of Johnnie Walker, pours it into glasses, and hands it out to everyone except

Lenora and me. She obviously can’t drink, I have no interesti nit.

If you ask me, it smells kind of gross, but the guys don’t seem to mind. We sit around, talking and

laughing until early morning before we call it a night and got o bed.

Bronx seems way drunker than he should be for the amount of alcohol he drank, but I notch it up to him

not drinking since we got back from France and only having part of a liver.

part of a liver.2

I go to the bathroom to freshen up, carefully putting the dress back on the hanger, pulling all the pins

out of my hair, and washing all my makeup off. When I get back, I find Bronx face planted across the

bed, not leaving room for me.

I suddenly feel the sensation of deja vu as the scent of fire wafts to my nose. No no no no no no!!!!


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