Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Chapter 152

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Chapter 60

Bronx's POV "Ladies, Gentlemen, again, I apologize. This is obviously not a good time, but we will

have our head doctor come down right away,” I nod to the Santoro

Enterprises team, not letting them see my genuine emotions.

"Of course, Alpha,” Katherine doesn't look away from Tessa, who is sobbing and writhing in pain. 1

Reggie, Milo, and I walk as calmly as possible out the door, closing it behind US.

"What happened to Ashley?" he asks Carly as we jog down the hallway.

"I don't know, she was having pains in her stomach and they took her to the hospital wing," Carly

whimpers, running alongside US.

"I gotta go, Bronx,” he starts running faster.

‘Yeah, we got it. Take care of your mate,” I call out, "Carly, what happened at Silver Moon?"

We reach the end of the hallway into the main level of the packhouse.

"Beta Lenora said there was a murder and when the Luna saw the body, she fell into a vision," Carly

informs me with tears in her eyes.

"Alright, I gotta go,” I say, pulling off my clothes as I head for the front door, "Milo, you're acting Alpha.

Don't let anyone in that conference room leave our territory. Say whatever the Hell you have to. Make it


‘Yes, Alpha," he responds, "Please make sure my mate is okay too.”

"Of course” I look back at him as I take my pants off, "I will have her call you as soon as we figure out

what's going on with Kas.”

I don't wait for a response; I let Saint shift and take control. Before I know it we are sprinting full speed

toward Silver Moon.

‘You're such a dummy. I knew this would happen. I told you it was a bad idea," Saint snarls as he

bounds across the countryside, "You shouldn't have sent her away. She belongs with US. Not at that

Hell hole!"

I let him complain because he’s right. With everything going on, I should have kept her home and let

her try to get back to her normal routine. I should have pushed the Council to give me more time for the

Silver Moon transition so that she and I could go together.

About two hours into our trek, Saint stops to get a drink of water from a little stream in the woods. He

lays down on the bank, getting his pure white fur dirty with the wet mud, while he drinks deeply,

quenching his thirst.

"Saint, I know you're mad, but we still have a lot to talk about. I need to understand this whole Guardian

business and how Kas and Leticia are involved," I say calmly into his mind.

I hear him huff at me, but he doesn't respond.

"Come on, Saint. You said there are other goddesses that need US to protect them. Please, help me

understand what that means. Right now there is a really fucked up web that all leads to Kas. You know

her, right? Our mate? All of this leads to her getting hurt or worse,” I try to talk sense into him, "If you

keep up this pace to Silver Moon, we will be there in two hours. That gives you two hours to tell me as

much as you can. I know there are things the Moon Goddess won't let you disclose, but there is plenty

you can tell me now. Right?"

He sighs deeply and shakes his fur out, which actually makes US more dirty. He takes off running

again, toward his mate.

"Fine, I will tell you as much as I can but I'm still mad at you," he growls," I'm doing this so it can help

our mate."

‘Thank you, Saint,” I breathe a sigh of relief.

Over the next hour and a half, Saint gives me as much information as he can about the Manae and the

'famil/ dynamic. Most interestingly, Kathrine is the Luna but only Amari, Tessa, Cora, and Kas answer to

her. The rest of the sisters depend on those five, along with their mates, to lead them based on their

abilities, almost like sub-packs.

"So this Mavri Magea group. Kas is their Luna, but they are not part of Blood River? Where's their

pack? Where do they live?” I ask, trying to understand the intricacies.

“Everywhere,” he says simply.

‘What do you mean everywhere?"

‘They are spread across the globe. They live as lone wolves. Sometimes they have mates, sometimes

not. They can live for hundreds of years at a time. When they need US or they need Kas and Lex, it is

because there is a problem."

"Oh. Okay?" I think I understand, "Wait, they live hundreds of years? Does that mean we are going to

live hundreds of years too?"


"Any explanation on that would be helpful there, buddy."

"I don't want to be morbid. Just know that we have never had that. We are warriors. So are Kas and

Lex. Wolves like US don't have the luxury of time.”

"Sounds ominous,” I say softly.

"Can we drop it now? We are almost there. I need to concentrate on getting there,”

“Alright,” I concede, "Saint, thank you."

‘You're welcome, still mad," he huffs as he sprints through the thick woods.

As we come out of the woods behind the Silver Moon packhouse, we see pack members point and

scatter. Saint's reputation precedes him. Besides, the last time we were here, their Alpha got banished.

We find an old trunk at the edge of the woods with some clothes in it.

I shift and rifle through the trunk. Behind me, I could swear I hear noises. I turn around and don't see

anything. I sniff the air. It smells like rogues have been here recently. Doesn't surprise me, I'm sure

security for this pack is lax.

I find a pair of shorts that barely fits and a tank top that is also small, but good enough to go inside the


I see a young girl running through the hallway as I come inside, “Hey there!"

She skids to a stop and looks up at me wide eyed, "A-are you our new Alpha?"

"Iam. Why aren't you in school?"

‘The new Beta signed me up this morning. I start tomorrow," a small blush and a proud smile comes

over her face, "Mama sai we get to go to our new home next month!"

‘Well that's fantastic. What's your name, little one?" I'm in a hurry to find Kas, but I don't want to

intimidate one of my new young pack members.

"Annie, Sir," she nods confidently.

‘Well, Annie. When you get to Blood River, come find me. I want to give you and your family a proper

welcome and introduction."

‘Yes, Alpha," her smile widens before she turns and runs off again.

Alright, now to find my mate. I open a mind link to my team, "I'm here, where are you guys?”

"In the dungeon. Remember how to get here? Otherwise I can send Tyree."

"No, I got it, but I need better fitting clothes.”

"What?" Lenora sounds confused.

"Better. Fitting. Clothes." I repeat, with less patience.

"Okay, I will send Marco to find something for you. Hurry up and get down here," she says impatiently.

I make my way to the dungeon, trying not to look like I'm rushing. I draw enough attention as it is, I

don’t need to add to it.

When I get to the door of the dungeon, I finally let myself sprint down the stairs. The scent of blood and

exposed organs permeates the air.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see Elder Randall in the first cell.

"Randall? What the Hell are you doing in there?"

"Oh Alpha Bronx, thank Goddess you're here. You're pack members have gone insane. Your guard

locked me in here, completely unjustified, I'll be spe-"

"SHUT YOUR TRAP, RANDALL!" Lenora roars coming down the hall. She takes a metal pipe and

slams it against the bars.

“Leni, what the fuck?" I stop her before she hits the pipe against the bars again.

“Ask him, Bronx. Ask him why there was a little girl locked down here in the basement with an adult

male who isn't even a member of Silver Moon. Go ahead, ask him," she growls, hitting the pipe against

the bars with a loud clang.

I feel Saint perk up and growl, "What did she say?"

“Randall, what is Lenora talking about? Explain yourself,” I give him a deadly look.

“I-l was giving him a place to stay but he didn’t want anyone to know he was here. I owed him a favor.

He told me he needed more information from the pack members here. I didn't know he was going to

pick a little girl, but I swear, he wouldn't hurt a child. He has a mate," Randall cries and blubbers while

he tries to justify his actions.

‘Who is he?" I growl. Without realizing what I'm doing, I grab the silver bars.

I feel my skin burning against it, but I don't care.

Randall looks at me and backs up, “Alpha, please don't hurt me!”

“WHO IS HE?!" I snarl. This son of a bitch is lucky I don't have the key to this cell.

"His name is Alexandras DeCaul," Randall whimpers as he cowers in the back of the cell.

Update of Forever in the Past and Forever in the

Future by Neener Beener

With the author's famous Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future series authorName that

makes readers fall in love with every word, go to chapter Chapter 152 readers Immerse yourself in

love anecdotes, mixed with plot demons. Will the next chapters of the Forever in the Past and

Forever in the Future series are available today.

Key: Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future Chapter 152


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