Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 45

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Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future by Neener Chapter 45

We talk more about the additional responsibilities I need Milo to cover if he is going to be acting Alpha.

Obviously I

will be here to support him, but I am going to trust him to do what he believes is right.

As we are talking James sends me a mind link, ” Alpha!

Delilah just texted me, she needs us back at the

apartment. She said it’s important. I ‘m on my way there right now.“

My heart jumps, “Milo, it’s Kas. I gotta go.”

I sprint out of the room before he has a chance to answer but I feel him on my heels as I run down the

hall. James gets to the top of the stairs as we are running past and joins us.

“What’s happening, Alpha?” Tyree, Kas’s substitute guard asks as I skid to a halt at the apartment door.

“Wait here, Tyree. No one else comes in, ” I growl as I push open the door.

“Kas! Delilah! ” They aren’t in the living room.

“We’re in here, Alpha Bronx, ” I hear Delilah’s voice from the bedroom. I rush into the bedroom,

throwing the door open.

Kas is standing next to Delilah. They both jump with fright as the door bangs against the wall. It takes

me a moment to process what I am seeing until Milo and James bump into my back.

I growl comes from deep within my chest and rattles the room. My best friend and my mate’s personal

guard are standing right behind me looking at my mate. My mate who has no shirt on. Kas quickly

covers her breasts with her hands when she realizes I am not the only man standing in our bedroom.

Her eyes are wide with embarrassment and she is turning bright red.

“BRONX!” she squeals, trying to turn away to cover herself. Delilah puts her arms out wide and situates

herself between Kas and the three men who just burst into the room but it’s too late Milo and James

have already seen her and my instinct to protect my mate is in overdrive.

“Little Sister! What the Hell?! ” Milo says, sounding very uncomfortable.

“Milo, James, you need to get the f*ck out before you end up with broken necks, ” I snarl. I can feel


shaking in anger. Even without Saint driving the wolf side of me, I lose sight of the fact that I

trust these two men with my life and hers. No other male wolf is going to look at my mate n*ked.

I hear shuffling behind me and the bedroom door closes.

“Delilah, what’s the meaning of this?” My voice booms at the witch, “James said it was important.“

“Y-yes, Alpha. I -I said it was important. N-not that it was an emergency, ” Delilah wimpers. She looks


as she gets a small taste of my temper. She is not a wolf, she doesn’t know to show her neck to me in


“Bronx, calm down, Sweetheart. Delilah didn’t do anything wrong. You’re overreacting, ” Kas scolds,

coming out from behind Delilah. She’s still holding hands over her chest to cover herself, “We have

something to show you! “

“Baby, please put a shirt on,” I say, trying to keep eye contact and not let my eyes wander. How did I go

from angry to aroused in a single heartbeat? I don’t know, but I won’t be able to control myself very

long if she’s walking around with no shirt.

Kas just rolls her eyes, “Bronx, look!” She turns around and shows me her back. Delilah shifts her gaze

from me to Kas then back to me. Her face is lit up like the Fourth of July.

My jaw drops. I can’t comprehend what I ‘m seeing. Her back is healed from her injuries that I just put

salve on last night. Not even redness or swelling left over. Don’t get me wrong, the keloid scars are still

distinct, but even they are a little less raised than they were before.

“You’re healed? How?” my mouth is hanging wide open.

“Bronx! You’re not looking at the important part, ” Kas whines.

That’s not the important part? What more could there be?

“What, Baby? What the Hell more could there be? What am I missing?” I reach my hand out and gently

touch her back looking closer. I’m afraid if I put any amount of pressure on her skin the illusion will fade

and she will be back to having severe wounds all over her body.

“Do you see anything familiar, Sherlock Holmes?” I can hear the sarcasm in her voice.

I look closer, trying to identify differences between yesterday and today. My eyes widen at the


No f*cking way.

I don’t know how in the Goddess name it happened, but Kas now has my tattoos transferred to her

body. They are identical to mine except much more muted in color. They are smaller to fit her little

frame and contoured to her scars but they are there. I turn her around to see they cover the front of her

as well.

Down to what’s left of her saying around my wrist.

“Kas, you have my tattoos, ” I whisper in awe, looking at part of a dragon with a skull for a head on her


“Delilah, please make sure to call Lady Camille and let her know. You’re dismissed, ” I say, still staring

at Kas. I can’t take my eyes off of her. Something about the thought of her body covered in tattoos fuels

me. I just want to tear the rest of her clothes off and admire every inch of her skin for the rest of the


“Bronx, I was hoping we could have Delilah and James join us for dinner here in the apartment.

Please?” she begs with her sweet little voice. She’s so excited she is bouncing on her toes. I look into

her eyes. They are

sparkling again, making her look as happy as I’ve ever seen her.

“Okay, Baby, okay! I love seeing you this happy, but please, conserve your energy. I don’t want you to

wear yourself out again. I know the next thing you are going to ask is if you can cook, but I want you to

take it easy, okay? So I will only say yes to dinner if you let me have Mrs. Miller bring it to us.”

She smiles broadly and nods. I take her hand and feel the warmth that has become familiar coming

from her. I look down and see our hands glowing. I smile and kiss her hand, “Go get ready. I’ll call Mrs.


Kas rushes to the bathroom to freshen up for dinner. Delilah is still standing awkwardly, not sure what

to do with herself. I almost forgot she was there.

“Delilah, I apologize for my actions, ” I bow slightly to her, “I meant no disrespect. If anything, I should

be thanking you for helping make Kas feel better. It is more than just James who is lucky to have you


She looks down with a blush on her face, “It’s nothing, Alpha Bronx. Kas is more than my Luna, she is

my friend. I’m happy I can help.”

I make a mental note that she chose not to use Kas’s title. She must genuinely care for her to yield that

form of power.

James and Delilah arrive back at the apartment at the same time as our food. Kas greets Mrs. Miller

with a big hug. Tears form in the corner of Mrs. Miller’s eyes as she hugs Kas back. Kas makes it a

point to say hello and thank the omega assistants, who giggle and blush at the attention.

Kas and Delilah go back into the bedroom so they can see if Kas has a dress that will fit Delilah for

Winter Solstice. Looking at her, I would think Lenora or Ashley would be more suited to loan her

clothing, but I ‘m just glad to see Kas has found a friend she can relate to.

Mrs. Miller gives me heating instructions for the food and generously helps James and me set the

table, before leaving. James seems uncomfortable being in my private residence, especially after what

happened earlier in the day.

“You can relax, James. Did you see how excited those two were to run off into the closet? Kas is at

least five inches shorter than Delilah, nothing in that closet is going to fit your mate except maybe some

socks or hats,” I

chuckle, “I have a feeling we’re going to get to know each other a lot better. Want a beer?“

“Water is fine, sir. I’ve had plenty to drink the past

couple of days,” he rubs his hand on the back of his neck.

“Haha! Alright. And how is Delilah acclimating to pack life so far?“

“Everyone has been great so far. She was super self- conscious the first day, but she is opening up for

sure,” There’s a twinkle in his eye as he speaks about her.

“Can I ask a, uh, personal question? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to,” I ask tentatively.

“Sure, what is it, Alpha?” his eyes shift a little bit.

“What is it like for your wolf? I mean since Delilah doesn’t have a wolf for him to connect with?“

“Ranger? He doesn’t seem to mind. He says he likes being able to focus all his attention on her, and

not her and a wolf. I don’t understand it, but the Moon

Goddess knows what she’s doing, right?” James shrugs.

“She sure does, man,” I ponder morbidly for a moment. What if it were just Kas and me forever? No

wolves with us? Is that even a possibility? Right now it seems like it could be.

My thoughts are interrupted as Delilah and Kas come out of the bedroom.

“Um, Alpha Bronx, I’m sorry but I didn’t get to, uh… compare…so I can let my mother know, ” Delilah

says shyly. Her ocean-blue eyes seem darker than usual as she averts my gaze again.

“You need to see my back?” I ask. She nods in confirmation.

I take off my shirt so she can see. She inspects closely, trying not to touch me, holding up pictures she

has on her cell phone of Kas’s back.

I can sense tension coming from James because I ‘m so close to his mate. I’m his Alpha, he won’t say

anything but I understand the feeling. She seems to stare forever until she tells me I can put my shirt

back on. She gently takes my arm and compares our wrists.

“Well, this confirms my earlier suspicion. This happened because of your connection. Alpha Bronx, the


magic has subsided in you, so you’re completely healed. But Kas, I think this is just an initial reaction

since the energy originated from your spirit. I believe the tattoos will fade as the healing magic fades.

You may even see a partial reversal of your healing progress. Don’t be surprised if you experience

unexplained blisters or irritation. If you do, call for me right away. I can make a salve to keep you

comfortable,” Delilah instructs.

“Thank you, Delilah. Now, let’s eat! I ‘m starving!” Kas exclaims.

We sit down to a delicious meal, laughing and getting to know each other better.


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