Novel Name : Forever in the Past and Forever in the Future

Forever In The Past And Forever In The Future By Neener Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

Marco’s shoulders dropped at Bronx’s words but if he had been looking straight ahead, instead of at

the floor, he would have seen Bronx’s body language betraying his stern voice.

I clear my throat and try to sound serious, “Marco, first and foremost. You drew a weapon on your

Alpha and my mate. Regardless of the circumstances, we expect better of you. When we get back to

Blood River, you and Alpha Bronx will have a private conversation about the consequences of that


Marco’s eyes flick toward me and back to the ground with a quick nod, “Yes, Luna.”

“Aside from that, we’re so happy you’ve found your mate. Alpha Bronx and I have discussed the matter

with Alpha Martin and have decided on the best way to handle this,” I pause when h e looks at me

expectantly. His brow is furrowed with worry.

“Marco, Musu’s parents and her twin brother Beta Everl are waiting for you downstairs in the front

sitting room. You are to go ask their permission for their daughter to accompany us back to Blood

River. If Musu has her parents’ blessing, she is welcome to come with us back to Blood River. So you

better be a real smooth talker, my friend, I hear they are a bit overprotective of their only daughter. And

I know for a fact Mama Sanchez would love to see you happy with a mate at home. We leave for the

Coven’s realm in one hour,” I say firmly. The look on his face is surprise, disbelief, and excitement all

rolled into one, “Oh, and Marco, James gets a break while we are at the coven house. You’re back on

duty as soon as we leave this castle. Understood?”.

Marco looks at me with pleading eyes, “Kas….I-I mean…Luna, please tell me this isn’t a trick. Please

tell me it’s true. Cause she’s the most amazing woman and I’m so scared to lose her.”

“Marco, I would never trick you. Now get going, time’s ticking,” I smile at him.

For a split second, he looks like he is going to hug me, but then thinks better of it when he sees Bronx


“Thank you, Luna, Alpha, thank you so much,” he grabs his chest in relief as he backs up and bows to

us. When his back hits the door, he opens it and sprints away.

An hour later, we meet at the entrance to the castle. Marco looks like he’s on top of the world. Musu is

with him smiling ear to ear. She leans in to hug him, her arms not able to make it fully around his chest

due to how massive he is. She disappears in his arms before he releases her and gives her a deep

kiss. Ah, young love. Ain’t it grand.

Lady Camille is so happy to see us but I have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time to do it. She gives

me instructions to start with an herbal bath and meditation to cleanse my spirit and mind before she

and I get started. She then pulls Delilah and James away to catch up on things.

After dinner, I tell Lady Camille my thoughts about finding the other Menae. She ponders it for a


“I believe you’re correct, Luna Iokaste. It only stands to reason the rest of your bloodline is out there,

living the life cycles of their own spirits’ journeys. But I believe Alpha Regent Bronx i s also right, these

women may not know who or what they are. Or what if they do know their lineage and have rejected

their fate? It is not for us to judge or try to convince them otherwise. Everyone has the right to live in

peace. It is between them and the Gods and Goddesses.

“Moreover, maybe some have had the same thought and they are looking for you as well. That does

not mean their intentions are good. You need to consider that some of your sisters have accepted

darkness in their souls,” she says in a very serious tone, “If you choose this path, please use caution.

Remember not everyone’s intentions are good intentions.” 2

“Thank you for those words, Lady Camille. I hadn’t even considered those things. I’ll weigh them as I

decide what I will ultimately do. If I do decide to take up this search, can we discuss some ways to go

about it to ensure everyone’s safety?”.

“Of course, Luna locaste. For now, get rest. We have a long week ahead of us,” she stands and

excuses herself from the sitting room.

I sit a while longer thinking about what she said. What if I have evil sisters or sisters who refuse to

accept they are goddesses? But the vision I had felt so happy and pure. It can’t be malicious, can it?

Would someone I don’t even know try to manipulate my thoughts? 1

As the week goes on, Lady Camille realizes my physical training has actually made Lex and my

connection even stronger, in turn, making our spirit more robust. She says that was probably why I

have been in such an upbeat mood lately and why things were going well for me. Putting good energy

in the universe brings it back to you creating positive cycles in your life. That was why my healing

abilities were coming more naturally because it is pure positive energy. She actually recommends

additional training with my guards to keep the trend going.

Now that life is more under control, I show her what Delilah and I have practiced. She is impressed with

my command of the burning energy and decides we will practice more intensively on stopping time. We

don’t just focus on the actions, we discuss theory as well. Stopping time is very related to controlling

the energy of the environment around me, not just my energy. I have to send my spirit out of my body

to manipulate energy but I need to be able to do it without meditating.

The morning we are scheduled to leave, Lady Camille summons me to her office for one last private


“Luna Iokaste, the Sisters and I have been doing some research to make sure we are providing you

with the proper care. One of the things we have found has to do with some potential fertility issues.

Typically, if a goddess wants to have a baby with a mortal, she needs permission from Zeus. Just as

the Moon Goddess did with Endymion. But as we have learned, Alpha Regent Bronx and your spirits

have been connected for centuries, so it’s a bit more complicated. We looked into the lineage of the

lives we know about and found there have been no progeny. So we are not exactly sure what that

means for you in this life or future lives.”

(ly-vou think Bronx and I won’t be able to have pups?” I ask, feeling a bit deflated. Bronx and I have

talked about having children but we both decided we want to wait a few years until I am a little older.

The thought that it might never happen is disheartening.

“We have some ideas on how to help you. We can even show you how to make a request directly to

the Thunder God himself. We cannot guarantee he will listen or if he does, will approve, but we can

help you try. I am not sure how Alpha Bronx would feel about it, but we can perforin fertility spells that

will work only while you are in heat. There are also herbal tinctures we can concoct for you. So I just

want you to know, there are options we can try to help you with when you are ready for that stage of

your life.”

“Alright,” I sigh, “I guess I have to accept it will be a challenge for me. Fortunately, I have time until we

need to think about it more.”

“Good, I’m glad you understand. Again, we are here to support you, Luna Iokaste, in all things,” she

smiled warmly at me, “You are never alone.”

“In other business, well, not business, I suppose. I want to thank you for accepting Sister Delilah into

your pack and befriending her as you have. I was surprised James marked her so soon, but it was

inevitable. Her happiness means the world to me,” she sighs a little as she leans back in the chair. A

rare moment of seeing Lady Camille let her guard down. I am glad she trusts me enough to show me

this side of her, “She speaks so fondly of you, you know, and she is looking forward to being a partner

in your bakery after the wedding.”

“Oh, Lady Camille, I love Delilah as if she were my own sister. I can’t imagine starting a venture like

that without her. I’m so happy she is part of my life.”

We review the things I learned over the past week and discuss some ideas for the next time I visit. She

also lets me know that she and several of the coven’s sisters will be attending the wedding. They will

be traveling with Alpha Martin and Henri. She loves the idea of getting to stay in a tent. It will give her

and the sisters opportunities to perform outdoor Solstice ceremonies without interruption and even

allow others who are curious to observe or even join in with them. I welcome that kind of diversity and

look forward to it. The coven’s ceremonies are quite beautiful.

Reuniting with Bronx feels so good. I just want to be with him so badly. Sensing my need, he puts

James and Delilah in the second SUV. Marco sits in the front with our driver and he raises the black-out

partition between us and the front of the vehicle. We have two hours until we reach Lune D’or and we

take full advantage of the privacy.

We have been instructed by the Elder Council that we need to wait until the wedding to mark each

other in front of all our guests, but it has become more and more difficult to control ourselves. We find

the easiest way to prevent it is by finding positions that don’t allow for our mouths to be anywhere near

the other’s neck. Basically, keeping our mouths away from each

other’s marking spot. It makes for a more exciting for sex life, that’s for sure.

We compose ourselves as we get to the gate of Lune D’or territory. We step out of the vehiclet

o find Musu is waiting for us, more than ready to go.

I pull her away from Marco long enough to formally introduce Delilah and myself while the valets load

her luggage. After we say our goodbyes to everyone, we head to the airport. Musu and Marco sit in the

seat behind us. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Marco caressing her face and kissing her hand

as she nuzzles his neck. It’s so freaking adorable.


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